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Don't mess with this old man's Golf game


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Stupid bored kids. Gets what he deserves in terms of the car. However, once the old man swung, he should have dropped his fat ass with a leg sweep and taken off with his club. If said kid couldn't outrun that fat ass old dude, then he would in turn deserve a shot to the head.
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old man cant take a harmless joke.


the one old man was pretty lax about the situation.

"sorry about your car, sorry about your car"


the other dude, should have been challenged when he swung the club.


Maybe you should think of it in another way. What if this "old man" spent his youth at war defending your freedoms and now enjoys spending his golden years golfing. So you think after he swung at the jackasses after they got in their faces, the kid should have went after them?

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Seriously? You're kidding right? The kids got in their faces first, or maybe you didn't see that. Ok, a harmless joke that these "old men" paid for as well as the delay this "harmless joke" is causing the other golfers that now are waiting behind these guys because of these douchebags.
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So you think after he swung at the jackasses after they got in their faces, the kid should have went after them?


I don't think the kid going up to the guys after smashing his car was at all threatening. He was just pissed. Mind you, if I was that old guy, I'd have destroyed that car. Hell, I'm glad the old guys stood ground.


That said, the old guy swung first. I didn't see them needing to take things to the next level. He should have told the kid to take his car, get the fuck off the greens and to call the cops if he wanted. In fact, if I were the old guy, I'd have called the cops.

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Maybe you should think of it in another way. What if this "old man" spent his youth at war defending your freedoms and now enjoys spending his golden years golfing. So you think after he swung at the jackasses after they got in their faces, the kid should have went after them?


Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent. - Isaac Asimov


Tim (Taylor), just because someone is a veteran, it does not give them the right to break the law. Yes, the kids were in the wrong first. Yes, if the guy swings a golf club at the kid then the kid has the right to defend himself.

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If I pay $50-100 for a round of golf and I am shooting well, and you cause a mental asterisk to be added to my round with my buddies by moving my ball, the car is the last thing I'm gonna break with that club. I take it, some of you never play golf and not know how much time, money, effort go into playing well. I agree this is fake so I am speaking on principle.
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If I pay $50-100 for a round of golf and I am shooting well, and you cause a mental asterisk to be added to my round with my buddies by moving my ball, the car is the last thing I'm gonna break with that club. I take it, some of you never play golf and not know how much time, money, effort go into playing well. I agree this is fake so I am speaking on principle.


LOL - I don't even need any outside interference to lead me to act like a complete moron when playing golf. Most.frustrating.game.ever.

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