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What Happened?

Guest Hal

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lies. everything has a motive, even trolling, bruh.



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LOL! You and your proper grammer and punctuation have shown me the error of my ways.


A bitch is always gonna be a bitch.


I'm glad I could help. That's all I really want to do. My teaching style may be unconventional, but if I can reach one person, it has been a success.

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There we go with the homosexual comments again. I guess that answers my question of what I should do. I'm not sure what your fascination is with my apparent sucking abilities and my ass, but it is flattering. Thank you?


FYI trolls don't have a motive or supporting evidence. Your grading system is flawed.


Post pics of your wives tits.



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Trying to play me down as dumb doesnt take away that you are a proven scared little boy thats apparently an attention whore thats also easily butt hurt.


Please continue with all the big boy talk while I go dig out my Webster.


Oh, and it appears that you did get your tail feathers ruffled or are you always this much of a bitch?


I love you...

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Oh, did I get my feathers ruffled? Here I thought I was just passing time until another moron attempted to rail against me. I guess I'm just so upset that I'm in denial. Maybe I'll be progressing through the next stages of grief over the next few days. Acceptance must be right around the corner.


I'm not trying to "play you down" as dumb, just stating that you are dumb. Your first (and only, due to lack of punctuation) sentence just shows your ignorance. There is a distinct difference between fear and rage. This might be a good time for you to grab that dictionary you're searching for. Maybe when you get to the point where you can read chapter books without mommy's help, you'll be able understand more complex ideas.


I'm looking forward to your next attempt to upset me. Hopefully it works, I obviously need to be taken down a peg.


The good ol' stand by punctuation. You ever notice that those kings among men of the internet stopped getting on people lack of grammer due to its out of control and bitching about it is really futile...


not a flame attempt!!! cuz, well, you're hal the little guy who got mad and left..

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The good ol' stand by punctuation. You ever notice that those kings among men of the internet stopped getting on people lack of grammer due to its out of control and bitching about it is really futile...


not a flame attempt!!! cuz, well, you're hal the little guy who got mad and left..


Wait, other people stopped doing something? Damn, I should too.


You don't flame people. You just step in, say one thing, and roll out. Of course, I won't say too much about you because I'm pretty sure you could just destroy me at will :(.

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What happened to this section? It's winter and I see nothing exciting here. Where are all the Kitchen pros (Eli, Tilley, Sam, etc...)? Has this place seriously degraded into people just making weak jabs at Paul's beard or some dumb 5 questions thread? Good God, at this point I would even be excited to see a long, rambling, incoherent post from Phil attempting to rip someone. I would prepare to put on my flame suit, but I stand a better chance of spontaneous combustion than I do getting properly flamed in here.




This is exactly why I dont really post that much on cr anymore. Plus work and other things got in the way that take alot of time. Its just the innernets which has 0 effect on my life.

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I'll give you guys a hint. You cant make a personal attack on a guy that doesnt care. You also cant bring up stuff that happened a year ago and has been ran into the ground. Make a witty response, or be creative. I personally would have photochoped this...


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