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A huge thank you


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I don't know how else to put this out there, so I'm using CR. This forum is the broadest range I can cover locally.


I have a very unique job here in Ohio with the National Guard. I've been doing it full time for 3 years and I have been in service for almost 19 years. I say that to tell you this.

I can not tell you how many times someone has picked up my tab on a meal. It just happened again right now. I'm up north for a school I work with, and today is a half day for me.


I want to say thank you to everyone and ask that you pass this on to any friends and family. Sometimes I don't get the opertunity to thank them, because they pay on there way out. I travel a lot. 5000 miles in the last 4 weeks. It happens every where. please pass this thank you on for me. It means a lot.


Thank you

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No need to thank. The meals are a "thank you" from those who care and are greatful. Those in the service risk their lives and some lose them. The only thing I've ever "lost" while buying a drink or meal for a service member is a few measely dollars. Well under what I truly owe to them/you.
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I really hope it's understood that we, service members, are very grateful for the support we get. Many times we don't get to say it to people directly. I've been talking with several of the guys I work with about this today. All have said, they hope the person knows it was very appreciated. I just want to pass that along.


I don't keep us free anymore. I now show others how to. But thank you Jeffro :) (yes, I see the chain effect of that)

Edited by Mojoe
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