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Weight Loss Thread "2010/2011"


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Well it's just about that time of year again where every year we all say we're gonna get back in shape so I've decided to take charge and start early. I've been hitting the gym 5 times a week if not 6 for at least an hour and a half each day. Been mixing alot of cardio with strength training. I've also been watching what I eat. 1,700 to 1,800 calories a day with 150 to 200 grams of protein.


So what I'm thinking is we all keep tabs on each other like in the past. I"ve also started taking measurements of the following each week. Lower Leg, Upper Leg, Waist, Stomach, chest, biceps, and forearms. I'm adding them up and keeping track of how many total inches I've lost so I don't get down if I see the same weight but I've dropped inches from week to week.




Starting Weight------318lbs

Current Weight------314lbs

Starting Total Measurement------ 236.2

Current Measurement-------------228.2


Diet - Whey Protein, Limited breads (wheat/whole grain), No fried/deep fried food, no alcohol, lots Lean turkey, brown rice, SUBWAY (Eat Fresh!!!), No pop, Lots of Water/flavored water.


Also instead of adding a new post every week, just go back and edit your original (if possible) as you progress.

Edited by Benner
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Regimen: 14+ hour work days, mostly on my feet. Estimated walking in excess of 6 miles a day, 20+ flights of stairs, and moving 2000+ #s of boxes, furniture, and assorted other shit.


Diet: No bread, no fried or deep-fried foods, no sugar, no alcohol. Eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.


Beginning Jan. 1st, 2011: P90X




Starting Weight (November 30, 2010) ------179lbs

Current Weight ----------------------------166lbs

Starting Total Measurement------ Oompa Loompa



Disclaimer: After no alcohol for the entire month of December, all bets are off when the ball drops. Who wants to be my on-call DD?

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Name: Randy

Starting Weight: 421 lbs.

Current Weight: 333 lbs.

Starting Total Measurement: ?

Current Measurement: ?


Diet - Portion control and MINIMUM 8 glasses of water a day. Avoid excess, unecessary foods such as ice cream, chocolate, chips, etc. Any "junk food".


This is my progress in 2010. I started really watching what I ate and working out regularly in May. Down almost 90 lbs so far. People ask what diet I'm on or what workout I use. No secrets.


- Watch what you eat and excersize. Don't use excuses. Things like, "Well, I walk 2 miles a day at work so that's good enough" won't get you the results you want. Walk those 2 miles at work then do 5 on a treadmill each day. I had a church dinner Monday night. Ate too much. Got home at 10:00 and went to the gym and got on the treadmill for an hour. Thought I was gonna puke but running/walking on a full stomach was my punishment for indulging. You have to WANT it.


- Drink water. Drink water. Drink water. When you're not thirsty, drink water. When it's after 8:00 PM and you feel hungry, drink water. I cannot stress enough how much this has helped me.


- Avoid eating out. I don't care what anyone says, that chicken cobb salad at Wendy's is garbage.


- Track your goals. I use My Plate where I can enter my current stats and goals and it tells me how many of each thing I should consume in a day and rewards me for the workouts I track in the My Fitness section. This really brings to light a lot of my bad habits that I didn't know were holding me back. There are tons of simlar sites. Use one.

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I'll start this as well. Since I have been selling cars I have not had any exercise or gym membership and i've went down hill and noticed I'm a lot lazier and don't have the energy i use to.


Name----------------CarWhore (John)

Starting Weight------225lbs

Current Weight------225lbs

Starting Total Measurement------ ?

Current Measurement-------------?


I will have to get my measurements. But I am going to start working out or a normal routine. and going to cut pop out. I did for 3 months over the summer (before i went on vacation, cut pop and junk food and dropped down to 200), but now i've been drinking lots of pop.

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gl guys. I was gonna make a thread about CR winter bulk challenge to see who can bulk up the most in winter then shred up before summer but I think that might derail this thread. So keep up the good work!


I'm 180ish btw shooting for around 200 by spring with abs still. Hope I can make it!

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I was hoping you'd post in here Yenner. You're definetaly a prime example of hard work paying off.


Thanks man. Means a lot. It's not easy but when people see you and look shocked and you have to throw out your fatty pants and buy closer to the size you were in highschool it's well worth it. :) About another 120 and I'll be enlisting. :)


In yenners case, is that weight lost in 2010/11?


Well, not 2011. LOL! I started in May 2010 so it's from 05/01(?)/2010 to this morning (12/15/2010). I've actually already hit 331 (90 total lost) but since it fluctuates day to day I don't count the 10 lb interval until it's steady or below for a few days.


What is driving me is desire. I have always wanted to join the military. It's been a dream of mine to serve that I never persued. I've always just let life happen and drifted here to there. I'm ready to control my life, not let it control me.


Also I got tested for sleep aphneia last May. The Dr., who has done this for 18 years, said I was in the top 5% worst cases he's seen. I didn't know it but I hadn't hit R.E.M. sleep in over a decade he estimated. They test you 2 nights. One night without the machine then the next with to compare. I never had to go back the second night. I was awoken 147 minutes into the test and put on the machine. In that time span I had totally stopped breathing 83 times for 10 seconds or more. He said that I had about a 90% chance of dying in the next 3 years if I didn't get a machine and change my lifestyle. That was pretty good incentive too. :) I tried in May but it was slow going. March is when I said, "That's enough."


Monday, after eating like a champ, I hit the treadmill real late at night and did intervals of 2 min. walk, 1 min. sprint for 40 minutes. At the beginning of this year I couldn't walk a mile without a break. Now I walk and bike every time I can, even at 333.


but now i've been drinking lots of pop.

That's the hardest part for me. Pop is my one vice.


Troof. I drank Mt. Dew more than I inhaled oxygen before. Energy drinks were a vice for me also. Water just tasted "plain" at first but if you force 8 servings (8 oz. each so 1 16oz. bottle is 2 servings) down your gullet each day you grow to crave it. It aids in rehydration and the weight loss a ton. I offset the "boring taste" with great Value brand flavor packs. No calories. :) I'd highly recommend this. With the flavor packs I can even drink water with breakfast foods. It has seriously changed my life.


If you do NOTHING different in your life other than replace pop with water and natural juices or even the occasional, and I do mean occasional, sweet tea or like beverage you will lose approx. 10 pounds a year alone. That's what the experts say anyways. I believe you'd lose more.




I love pop and feel bad if I go a day without a little but I dont think I drink enough to put on significant weight.


I'll bet you 5 bucks if you cut out pop totally you'll see a difference in sleep patterns, energy, and weight/inches in 1 months time. My wife drank about 4-8 Pepsi's a day. So much that if she didn't she'd get a migraine. I finally told her, "I'm working my tail off to lose all this weight and you keep complaining that you're addicted to Pepsi. Cut it out on your own or I'll start forcing you not to drink it." She weened herself off and hasn't had a migraine in a month. It use to be a weekly occurance.

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Wow thats alot of soda, I am good after one drink/swig. I dont need more than that to level out.


My offer still stands. :)


Do you drink 1 swig a day? 1 swig an hour? I'm not doubting you, questioning you, or acting like I should be your health advisor. I'm just curious.


My mom found out early this year she's diabetic. It runs in every generation on both sides of my fam. She, along with a few other fam members, stopped drinking pop altogether or at least switched to diet. That with VERY minimalistic excersize (see 'walk about 2 miles above daily activity approx. once every 2-3 weeks) has yielded results for all of them this year.


Pop can be more addicting/habit forming than people realize. I think it's because the surgeon general doesn't tell us how bad it is for us. :D

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I tend to drink a glass every few days, however if I go a few days without it I can tell I want some. I will go weeks sometimes and not drink any. If I drink some today in 2 days I will feel like I need a drink and want it however if we dont get any I am not rushing out looking for it. I dont drink more than a glass a day if I do and rarely I will finish off a can if I have one(we usually do 2 litres).
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I tend to drink a glass every few days, however if I go a few days without it I can tell I want some. I will go weeks sometimes and not drink any. If I drink some today in 2 days I will feel like I need a drink and want it however if we dont get any I am not rushing out looking for it. I dont drink more than a glass a day if I do and rarely I will finish off a can if I have one(we usually do 2 litres).


Not nearly as bad then. Makes much more sense now. :) I drank way too much. It's been a big step in me getting to where I am now.


Ive lost 34 pounds this year. Down to 178lbs from 212 when we started a thread like this last year. Good luck everyone, stick to it!


Format fail. Haha. Good deal man. Keep it up. :)

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I started eating clean again 2.5 weeks ago. I hadnt lifted in a month or so and hit a little over 200lbs. I was feeling pretty sluggish and slow at football.


I've averaging a cut of about -700cal/day, keeping a decent balance of carbs/protein and keeping the fat down. Returned to heavy weights and cardio, I havent lost much weight so far, maybe 5 lbs, but I feel loads better and have gotten some of my energy back.




Starting weight----203

Current Weight-----197

Starting BF%-----25.5%

Starting skeletal muscle%-------35%


I know you cant really trust the BF and muscle % numbers as absolute numbers, but I'm using them as a starting reference for body composition. So atleast I can see if I'm going in the direction I want to be going

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If you weigh almost 300 pounds you need to be eating more then 1800 calories a day, your setting yourself up for failure. Nutrient timing is vital. Carbs should be kept to a minimum and if your goal is fat loss your first meal of the day should be the only time carbs are eaten. Rule of thumb is 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per LEAN POUND of body weight. Never mix simple carbs with complex carbs. Cardio Cardio and more Cardio, keep your heart rate at 65% of your max for at least 45 minutes no more then an hour. Any more then 65% and your doin too much. Any more then an hour and you go catabolic and your body starts eating muscle for energy.
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I'll bet you 5 bucks if you cut out pop totally you'll see a difference in sleep patterns, energy, and weight/inches in 1 months time. My wife drank about 4-8 Pepsi's a day. So much that if she didn't she'd get a migraine. I finally told her, "I'm working my tail off to lose all this weight and you keep complaining that you're addicted to Pepsi. Cut it out on your own or I'll start forcing you not to drink it." She weened herself off and hasn't had a migraine in a month. It use to be a weekly occurance.


I 100% back this. 18 months ago I was drinking more Coca-Cola then you could fathom. (On trips from Chicago to Ann Arbor I would kill a case...yes 24 12 oz cans) If I didn't have it I was miserable. I would take 2 carts when I went shopping, a pop cart and a food cart. I would get migraines and other withdrawal symptoms without it. I had tried many times to stop and couldn't. Then in October I caught H1N1. I suffered through for over a week of barely keeping anything down sick as a dog and not going to the doctor. I had already made it through withdrawals. I swore off all caffeine. About a week later I had a heart attack. After talking with the Cardiac Doctor he said he truly believed that if I had as much caffeine in my system as I normally had, I would not have made it to the hospital. The alcohol that I had may have actually helped slow the heart attack that I had been experiencing for hours before finally collapsing. Since then I have only had 2 shots (jager bombs). Other then that I have been caffeine free for over a year and an extreme decrease in pop. I still have a fair amount of pop but, I am slowly increasing water and replacing the pop. It has done a lot for weight and for my sleep/energy levels. I have also found that water depends on taste for a lot of people. Personally, I LOVE smartwater and Fugi. It just tastes better to me. I don't mind paying for it because I would alternately pay for a pop. Also, smartwater is good when exercising as it has electrolytes added to it.

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gl guys. I was gonna make a thread about CR winter bulk challenge to see who can bulk up the most in winter then shred up before summer but I think that might derail this thread. So keep up the good work!


I'm 180ish btw shooting for around 200 by spring with abs still. Hope I can make it!

Once I'm done cutting to 175, it's on. Goal is 180ish lean. Currently 186, sub 20% BF. Dreamer bulked to 190, and while the strength gains were awesome, I went overboard with calories. Being an endomorph FTL.

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If you weigh almost 300 pounds you need to be eating more then 1800 calories a day, your setting yourself up for failure. Nutrient timing is vital. Carbs should be kept to a minimum and if your goal is fat loss your first meal of the day should be the only time carbs are eaten. Rule of thumb is 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per LEAN POUND of body weight. Never mix simple carbs with complex carbs. Cardio Cardio and more Cardio, keep your heart rate at 65% of your max for at least 45 minutes no more then an hour. Any more then 65% and your doin too much. Any more then an hour and you go catabolic and your body starts eating muscle for energy.


Actually still eating pretty good. If I'm hungry, I eat. Eating a lot of lean turkey, eating usually 1 to 3 slices of bread per day, drinking a ton of water, and whey protein before and after workouts.

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Started mid Jan 2010: 243 at about 35% Body Fat

Got up and did the treadmill everyday for at least 2 miles until mid March.

Mid March 2010: 223 at 34% Body Fat

Started P90x mid March 2010

As of now: 188 and 28% Body Fat.


I was down to about 180 in september but I spent the semester abroad in Spain without P90X, and with eating a TON of food because my host mom was a fantastic cook. Im back at it now though, and it feels good.


As I said in the official weight loss thread, it's been slow progress, but it's sustainable which I haven't been able to manage previous years. In previous years I tried cutting out carbs, or whatever other food groups, and would lose 5 or 6 pounds a week, but would always fall of the horse after about a month. Now, my diet has barely changed, just watching portions more than anything. I still eat everything I enjoy pretty much whenever I want, just have to be smart and work a little harder some days.

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From the start of the post I made about weight loss I'm down 27lbs and up a hell of a lot a muscle. I've been so busy with finals and the woman plus the kid with some work thrown in there for fun lately i've hardly had time to think. I'm going to bump that thread, quite a few members have 'borrowed' a copy of the workout dvd's from me so I would like to hear intentions or progress stories. :D
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Holy shit.



I 100% back this. 18 months ago I was drinking more Coca-Cola then you could fathom. (On trips from Chicago to Ann Arbor I would kill a case...yes 24 12 oz cans) If I didn't have it I was miserable. I would take 2 carts when I went shopping, a pop cart and a food cart. I would get migraines and other withdrawal symptoms without it. I had tried many times to stop and couldn't. Then in October I caught H1N1. I suffered through for over a week of barely keeping anything down sick as a dog and not going to the doctor. I had already made it through withdrawals. I swore off all caffeine. About a week later I had a heart attack. After talking with the Cardiac Doctor he said he truly believed that if I had as much caffeine in my system as I normally had, I would not have made it to the hospital. The alcohol that I had may have actually helped slow the heart attack that I had been experiencing for hours before finally collapsing. Since then I have only had 2 shots (jager bombs). Other then that I have been caffeine free for over a year and an extreme decrease in pop. I still have a fair amount of pop but, I am slowly increasing water and replacing the pop. It has done a lot for weight and for my sleep/energy levels. I have also found that water depends on taste for a lot of people. Personally, I LOVE smartwater and Fugi. It just tastes better to me. I don't mind paying for it because I would alternately pay for a pop. Also, smartwater is good when exercising as it has electrolytes added to it.
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