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got a ticket and i wasnt driving!


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To sum the above up:


Car has no plate mounted to the front = broken law, resulting in traffic stop.

Cop says to passenger he noticed their seatbelt wasn't on = again, broken law. Passenger admits to not wearing it and that he put it on once they got on the ramp = admission of guilt.


Am I missing anything thus far?






Passenger get's cocky and smarts off. Not illegial, but in the grand scheme, rather unusual and a-typical for a normal law abiding citizen. Officer responds and the passenger gets even more argumentative and then cusses. Again, not typical, adding to increased suspicion thus drawing the officer to tell the occupants to step out of the car.


Does the above really shock anyone? I'm confused as to why? Again, am I missing something here?




So now you refuse, which is your right, but again does draw suspicion. You're getting "pissed" which is also very likely obvious and once again, causing the officer to wonder why?


Does anyone not see what's happening here?




Now I'm really fucking confused.....your front plate is incorrectly and illegally displayed, you admitted you weren't wearing your seat belt and yet the officer has no reason to have pulled you over? What the fuck did I just miss ?




So the officer asks you a legitimate question, that you in turn have a right to not answer; fair enough. He states the driver has a "smart mouth" I wasn't there, but IMO, you both were asking like smart asses aka dumb asses really, thus you got detained and delayed within the law. Suspicious behavior. Drugs? Hey, your word vs his. Dare him in court, don't argue it here. Too many variables on the internet. Don't tell us, show us, you have the right side of this argument. Again, where's the recording?




So let me get this straight, the officer is going to check you for weapons as he removes you from the vehicle, which sounds pretty routine and safe if you ask me, yet you try and turn it into a profiling call......hmmmm.....would you say this if you weren't black?


Sounds to me like you're the one who is pulling the race card, not him/her. Since you brought it up, he replies with a comment that pretty much just feeds your shit right back at you. You brought it up, not him. Translated...if you weren't being such a combative smart ass, things would have gone a lot smoother. What you were given is the same treatment a hillbilly from Mt Giliad would have gotten if he reacted that way. Feel better?




The above is actually pretty funny. That's the same stereotypical shit you here on COPS every week. I also love it when people say "my lawyer". You're lawyer? You have a lawyer on retainer? Really? Why? Who the fuck has a lawyer on retainer? My wife is a lawyer and I don't have one on retainer!


Great story man. Good convo too.



#1 yes i have a lawyer on retainer, same lawyer as sam, name is kirk mccvay. hes actaully the one who looks over all of my contracts and deals that i sign and makes sure im getting the most out of it to benefit me. and anytime that ive been to court hes been there with me. so if i ask a question, thats not typical of someone being pulled over? do you think he pulls out every person he pulls over and has back up ? i mean clearly we must have had a qp in the trunk with an army loaded up right??? wrong, he was real butt hurt when i asked for his info cause he knew he fucked up. he was quite hesitent to give that info up. and no i havent posted up an audio yet cause im at work, not home. and your " points of me being a dumbass" sound real funny cause wen i spoke with my lawyer today, you know what he said. god that cop was a fucking dumbass. so you can have your lil points wich you think are valid, pat yourself on the back, cause tommorow, that good ol boy officer is getting a nice phone call. rather it gets drug out or not idc, but if a lawyer says, wow, why the hell would he say that. you know he fucked up

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It sacres me some of you don't know a racist comment when you read one, like it's a normal thought and ok to say a Black man looks like a thug drug dealer because he has an OSU sweatshirt on. Really? Yeah, sure, it's the sweatshirt.


Yea it was a racist comment but it was only brought up after Phill played the race card. IMO the comment was meant to intentionally piss phill off. Im as white/yuppy as they get and i've been in Phill's position dozens of times. Piss cops off and they will usually make comments to try and piss you off, most of the time they try are trying to set you up to explode so they can arrest you for some bullshit. Most younger people take the bait and get arrested, I know I sure as hell did :bangbang:


Phill you got trolled ;)

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#1 yes i have a lawyer on retainer, same lawyer as sam, name is kirk mccvay. hes actaully the one who looks over all of my contracts and deals that i sign and makes sure im getting the most out of it to benefit me.


Don't know him. The only one that pops up that I quickly found on some of the legal sites for columbus lawyers shows him as a criminal trial lawyer. Not a contract lawyers...but hey, that's your gig. Him being there anytime that you've been to court confirms my hunch. The fact that you've needed to be in court more than once confirms the other ----> You've just been profiled on CR and color has nothing to do with it.



so if i ask a question, thats not typical of someone being pulled over? do you think he pulls out every person he pulls over and has back up ?


You asked dumb questions. he pretty much told you no plate and no belt were why you were pulled over and you clearly knew about both. No need to dick around answering your silly questions about dirty windows. In terms of back up...yeah...given your actions and behavior, I'd call for back up too. Color of your skin is of no concern to a cop when their life could be on the line making a traffic stop where the dudes in the car are acting up. Last I checked, Asians, blacks and whites shoot cops just the same.


wen i spoke with my lawyer today, you know what he said. god that cop was a fucking dumbass.


and that's pretty much what I would tell the guy who keeps me as a criminal lawyer on retainer. hell, you're a meal ticket to this guy. you're feeding him without even being asked just by acting like that. don't tell me for one minute he's the Godfather of your kids. He's a fucking criminal lawyer....a shark. collect the evidence, post the case number and we'll track it like we've done others in the past. Good Reads.

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It sacres me some of you don't know a racist comment when you read one, like it's a normal thought and ok to say a Black man looks like a thug drug dealer because he has an OSU sweatshirt on. Really? Yeah, sure, it's the sweatshirt.


Ben, race had nothing to do with this shit. Substitute you in the Prius in this case with everything the same and the only difference is the cop would be laughing at you "playing the part" of a thug :lol:

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Tim the guy said he couldn't see his plate in the window because it was dirty, then said he saw no seatbelt on Phil plain as day. Phil called him on his bullshit logic, I would to, and I would laugh too when he says Phil is a bigger object, Phil isn't a seat belt, a seat belt is a smaller object to see than a license plate in the same view not to mention darker, Ohio license plates tend to be pretty colorful lately. Why is this hard to follow for some of you, the officer was talking out of his ass making no logical sense. Then took it to a racist level with the comment. If Phil wasn't a dumbass and admit to not wearing the seatbelt, a public defender would have a field day with the audio from the cruiser, I'm betting it was recorded in the squad car. The cop contradicts himself according to Phil, if true there would be reasonable doubt, not guilty.
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Tim the guy said he couldn't see his plate in the window because it was dirty, then said he saw no seatbelt on Phil plain as day. Phil called him on his bullshit logic, I would to, and I would laugh too when he says Phil is a bigger object, Phil isn't a seat belt, a seat belt is a smaller object to see than a license plate in the same view not to mention darker, Ohio license plates tend to be pretty colorful lately. Why is this hard to follow for some of you, the officer was talking out of his ass making no logical sense. Then took it to a racist level with the comment. If Phil wasn't a dumbass and admit to not wearing the seatbelt, a public defender would have a field day with the audio from the cruiser, I'm betting it was recorded in the squad car. The cop contradicts himself according to Phil, if true there would be reasonable doubt, not guilty.


Plates don't get mounted in the window. That right there, again, no matter where the plate is, if it's not mounted where it's supposed to go = traffic stop and likely ticket. Cop doesn't have to argue with you about where the plate is if it's not where it is supposed to be. Might as well put that shit in your glove box. Makes me laugh whenever I see one on the dash. That looks worse than it mounted.


Cop not seeing the plate in the window....very likely. Ever look at a windshield on a winter day with bright skies? Tons of glare. In fact this is THE time of year for polarized sunglass needs. It's very likely the plate wasn't visible. However, I can see a guy picking his nose four lanes over let alone someone pulling a seat belt down to click it. My guess is the cop was already on them and he noticed it and that's why he clicked his belt. Doesn't matter as Phil admitted he didn't have his belt on. After that, again, who gives a shit what the argument is. 2nd ticket. The rest he brought upon himself and honestly...the cop was using to go fishing for reactions and body language. Typical cues to see if something else was up.


Lessons here:


No front plate in Columbus you may as wright dumb ass on your forehead and pay the tax now. It's just a matter of when you get pulled over. When that happens, don't act like a jerk. You might be surprised when you get away with a warning.


Don't wear your belt and do me a favor and toss yourself out in moving traffic. Dumb on a number of levels. Again, get busted, deal with it like a man.


Act like a smart ass to a cop when pulled over for TWO violations, just bend over and let me fuck you. At least it will be with love and not cost you money.

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i wasnt stereotyped???? the cop said if i wasnt dressed like a drug dealer. thats called stereo typing dumbass. if i was dressed in overalls and a straw hat and he said if i wasnt dressed like a john dear riding farmer this wouldnt be an issue. same shit, stereo typing:gtfo:






so you can LOSE and we can laugh.. and maybe JUST MAYBE you'll learn a lesson

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Cool next officer I get pulled over by, I going to do all the same shit, I'll lay $100


A) fucker does not call in backup

B) he doesn't search my car

C) If I have a sweatshirt on, he will never say I look like a thug drug dealer.


Why? Because my ass is whiter than Hitler himself.

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Cool next officer I get pulled over by, I going to do all the same shit, I'll lay $100


A) fucker does not call in backup

B) he doesn't search my car

C) If I have a sweatshirt on, he will never say I look like a thug drug dealer.


Why? Because my ass is whiter than Hitler himself.


If you say "just hurry up and give me my ticket" I will take that $100 bet that he WILL call backup and pat you down and look in your car.

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Cool next officer I get pulled over by, I going to do all the same shit, I'll lay $100


A) fucker does not call in backup

B) he doesn't search my car

C) If I have a sweatshirt on, he will never say I look like a thug drug dealer.


Why? Because my ass is whiter than Hitler himself.



I would have handled it the same way.. no matter what color you are..


IF an officer searches the car.. HE WILL CALL FOR BACK UP..

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I would have handled it the same way.. no matter what color you are..


IF an officer searches the car.. HE WILL CALL FOR BACK UP..


Mother fucker you are a cop and quoted a fucking person on here in your sig implying to agree with racial profiling, you shouldn't be a cop. ignorarant racist asshole. Wanna give me your badge number name and place of employment? I'll make the call in the morning with screenshots and IP address.

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Mother fucker you are a cop and quoted a fucking person on here in your sig implying to agree with racial profiling, you shouldn't be a cop. ignorarant racist asshole. Wanna give me your badge number name and place of employment? I'll make the call in the morning with screenshots and IP address.



I like racism. It weeds out the ignorant from the bigots.





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Tim you are either the most nieve person on this bored, or refuse to admit, that some cops ( esp. In rural towns) are stereotyping. I didn't argue the ticket, its $60 idc about the ticket, I. Just wanted him to kno that I knew what was up. The ticket will be dismissed more than likely and again ill be in the right. And as for yor " hunch " about me, you don't know shit about me. Almost every person on here has had a few traffic violations, and when I get one guess what, I go to ct, fight it, and usually get out of it. No I don't have felonies, no juvi record, or anything like that, so does that clear up your hunch? You just live in your lil perfect world where if u dress in khakis, and sweaters and jus say yes to everything that's the way its. Suppose to be. Wrong, some of us arnt sheep, some of us have a pair and refuse to be pushed around. My hunch about you, if u get pushed into a corner, you go in the fetal position. You lock your doors when you go into columbus, you look at a group of kids standing on the corner and think they are causeing trouble. Maybe you should take your head out of your ass and relize that this shit happens because some cops have a motive more than writing a ticket. You think he wanted to just write a ticket? Probably not, he was hoping I would have somthing on me so he could take me in. The best part about the whole day, was knowing I was going to speak with his supervisor this week and play the audio. An officer should be proffesional and keep his cool, do they teach that? I can get cussed out at my job, but I can't tell someone what I'm really thinking. I give them the buisness side and that's it. Maybe you should get off your high horse and look outside the box.
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Mother fucker you are a cop and quoted a fucking person on here in your sig implying to agree with racial profiling, you shouldn't be a cop. ignorarant racist asshole. Wanna give me your badge number name and place of employment? I'll make the call in the morning with screenshots and IP address.



Oh come on already.....



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Tim the guy said he couldn't see his plate in the window because it was dirty, then said he saw no seatbelt on Phil plain as day.





How about this..


Roads are salty.. which means the corner of all the windows are dirty as shit..


maybe he could see through the clean part??


Or he looked through the side window??

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Tim you are either the most nieve person on this bored, or refuse to admit, that some cops ( esp. In rural towns) are stereotyping. I didn't argue the ticket, its $60 idc about the ticket, I. Just wanted him to kno that I knew what was up.


Show me where I'm wrong with the information you provided. I'm not naive. Sure that shit happens. In your case what you provided us, no. It didn't happen. Your attitude happened.


The ticket will be dismissed more than likely and again ill be in the right. And as for yor " hunch " about me, you don't know shit about me. Almost every person on here has had a few traffic violations, and when I get one guess what, I go to ct, fight it, and usually get out of it. No I don't have felonies, no juvi record, or anything like that, so does that clear up your hunch?


You're right man. I don't know you. Hell, I've gone to court to fight tickets. However, in my case, my wife used to work at the prosecutors office! You, however, seem to have to have one because you get pulled over and go to court like some people go to movies. Shit damn son, what do you expect, that I put you on a podium like Gandhi? Yeah, my hunch is clear.


You just live in your lil perfect world where if u dress in khakis, and sweaters and jus say yes to everything that's the way its. Suppose to be. Wrong, some of us arnt sheep, some of us have a pair and refuse to be pushed around. My hunch about you, if u get pushed into a corner, you go in the fetal position. You lock your doors when you go into columbus, you look at a group of kids standing on the corner and think they are causeing trouble.


Quite the contrary Phil, I fight about as well as you or anyone and take very little shit. Yes, I lock my doors and yes, I'm suspicious of a lot of things. However, I'm much older than you and have been around many more places as my line of work in the past has warranted a CCW and going into less than stellar areas. Naive...hardly. I'm no dumbass about thing either and I don't spend cycles trying to justify a spade isn't a spade. 9/10 times it is.


Maybe you should take your head out of your ass and relize that this shit happens because some cops have a motive more than writing a ticket. You think he wanted to just write a ticket? Probably not, he was hoping I would have somthing on me so he could take me in.


My head is just find man. Realize that the shit you had happen didn't happen to you it happened because of you. Until you realize and admit that, you'll always be thinking someone is out to get you. WHo's the one locking doors and passing incorrect judgements? Hmmmm....


Maybe you should get off your high horse and look outside the box.


I have no high horse man. Again, look back at my quote and let's go toe to toe on my words vs yours if you feel I've mis spoken or mis quoted. I've asked you and others the questions but have yet to see any of them answered.

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Phill you got trolled ;)




cop is probably on some law enforcement forum right now bragging about how he trolled your ass. you really should get your big-shot lawyer and sue him, sue the city, sue the country too.


.....or you could pay the ticket, learn your lesson, and move along. no reason not to wear your seatbelt at all times. an injury means you cannot play racquetball. there's no reason not to have a license plate on the front bumper of a ford exploder. not like its a fucking ferrari or anything.

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