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got a ticket and i wasnt driving!


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I had an HP officer clock me doing 65, I had a detector and 2 witnesses in the car. He pulled me over on 23 in Marion, said I was clocked doing 80. I said hell no, told him I was doing 65. He asked me to get out of the car, I did, he sat me in the front of his cruiser and started to write me for speed. There was a sign in front of me that read, you are being audio and visually recorded anything you say will be used against you. I said "Since I am being recorded, I want to go on record and state I had my cruise control set to 65 and I have 2 witnesses. I will be going straight to the Marion courthouse and will request your dash cam video for evidence as I will not be just paying this ticket." He stopped writing, looked at me, got out of the car walked all the way around my car and got back in the patrol car. Ripped out what he was writing, started a new ticket and informed me that he was no longer writing me for speed but for no front license plate. I said "well at least your crooked ass is writing me for something I really am guilty of doing." He finished I signed told me to "be safe" I responded "fuck off". And I went on my way and later paid it. This asshole saw an import with a big wing and just wanted to ticket me, how many people has he fucked over? Everyone knows not to speed in Marion that is all the HP does is run radar there. I wasn't speeding, he was a dirty cop, and I wasn't going to give him any respect, he lost it by lying. The fact that he didn't stick to his words told me he was dirty.
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Unless you are driving and are required to produce an operators license, all you are required to provide is your name and possibly your address or social to the officer. Law states that you do not have to offer an ID.


What i found out doing that ride along a few weeks ago is that you're not even required to have your license on you when driving. As long as they can locate your info and id you (ie; dont give them bs info...lol) you'll be fine.

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I will be fair and say I know a few Officers and I know they are good, so not all officers are crooked. If most for them would get off their soapbox when writing me or others a ticket, I wouldn't say a word. However when you walk up to my car like I just robed a bank for doing less than 15 mph over. You will get it right back, I don't have to listen to the officers shit/mouth. Respect me first and I will respect you. These officers speed in their personal life, don't look down on me like your shit doesn't stink. Hell that HP Officer and Gahanna Police officer were clocked doing 150MPH and was gonna skate until the officer's boss that wrote the ticket stepped in. Even then neither of them lost their job. Don't lecture me about 72 in a 65. Everyone speeds in America, hell I told a Judge in court to his face that I know he speeds on the freeway and if he said he doesn't he would be lying, right after I was lectured by him. It most likely cost me some $$ but I wasn't going to be his bitch, and I got applauded. He had to go home and and know when he looked down and saw himself doing 72-75 MPH he was owned. It was worth every penny. Again show me some respect and I will do the same. All that needs done is say I clocked you over the speed limit, it's against the law, here is your ticket, drive safe. Cars are better equipped these days and speedlimits should be raised, I was just in a 9 car accident on 270, I sprained my wrist, and one lady had her nose broke from her airbag, and that was it. As many accidents on the freeways as you see every day, a very very small number of them are fatal or serious. Drive 65 with the Cruise control on on 270, watch how bad you impede traffic, and create a bad situation. Edited by Benjamin
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What i found out doing that ride along a few weeks ago is that you're not even required to have your license on you when driving. As long as they can locate your info and id you (ie; dont give them bs info...lol) you'll be fine.


You CAN be cited for it. in MOST cases the officer wont. However, you can be cited.


Just like you can be cited for having your count or expiration sticker covered by a LP cover.





And let me just point out that the first reply to this thread was me asking for the audio clip, and this clusterfuck has ballooned to 7+ pages, and still nothing



I wonder why.. beacuse he listened to it and realized he was a dick??






Triple, bitches.



what do i get for a triple quote reply?

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Just like you can be cited for having your count or expiration sticker covered by a LP cover.


In VT you're not even allowed to have any license plate frame at all. If thats not a law designed to give officers reasonable suspicion I don't know what is.


Over my lifetime, I've known my dad to have been pulled over probably 2 dozen times. Never once has he gotten a ticket, because he's one of the most polite and professional people around.


When he and I were on our way to Circuit Gilles Villeneuve, we were pulled over right at the Vermont/Canada border by a border patrol officer. He was hiding over the crest of a hill right beyond a 45 mph speed limit sign. Apparently within 1 mile of any U.S. border the speed limit is a max of 45, and during this traffic stop is when we learned of the VT law stated above. Officer basically explained the license plate law to us, as well as the speed limit change law, asked us where we were going and where we were coming from, wrote my dad a warning and had us on our way within 5 minutes. All because we had honest, professional/courteous answers to all his questions.

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Moral of the thread i think is this


1. Be polite and respectful and the chances of you getting a ticket ARE MUCH LESS!


2. Be a dick, get treated like a dick. Go to court and probably lose.


You have to realise something.. Officers are out there doing this stuff EVERYDAY. They know what the are allowed to do. And the odds of you beating a ticket are slim.

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Ok i am the most respectful person when it comes to police an when i get pulled over(which has been years now)


Saturday night i was driving down main street in reynoldsburg in my mustang(no tint v-6) not speeding nothing an i get pulled over by RPD... tells me he pulled me over because i didn't clear my rear window enough. The window was cleaned enough that i could see out of it. my front an side windows were cleared as well as the mirrors. he claims that its an obstruction, advised him it was a simple mistake i thought i had cleared enough to see out of(mind you still being police with yes sir no sir ect)


He goes back to his car an no shit took 15 minutes( the car is paid for registered plates up to date an on the car.. wtf took 15 minutes?)


comes back said hes giving me a ticket for it(mind you in the 15 minutes it took him to write this ticket my window had defrosted an was 100% clear...)


i take the ticket an go on my way.


120 for having some snow on your window are you flippen kiddding me right now?


i get the yea yea cops are there to catch criminal but a ticket for having too much snow WHAT THE FRENCH TOAST?!?!?


also why would i get a ticket... y dont box trucks get tickets for not being able to see out of there rear views or vans ect motorhomes people pulling trailers or those chevvy hhr with no windows ect


ticket is 337.22b which is sign or poster on windshield... how does that have anything to do with my rear window having snow on it?? i will be going to court for this. also the ticket in the remarks said 120$ waive able. but when looking online doesn't state weather its waive able? any advice on that?




oh an the biggest irony of it is i chose the drive the mustang because i didn't want to get pulled over in the srt4 (5% tint loud exhaust loud stereo)

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Ok i am the most respectful person when it comes to police an when i get pulled over(which has been years now)


Saturday night i was driving down main street in reynoldsburg in my mustang(no tint v-6) not speeding nothing an i get pulled over by RPD... tells me he pulled me over because i didn't clear my rear window enough. The window was cleaned enough that i could see out of it. my front an side windows were cleared as well as the mirrors. he claims that its an obstruction, advised him it was a simple mistake i thought i had cleared enough to see out of(mind you still being police with yes sir no sir ect)


He goes back to his car an no shit took 15 minutes( the car is paid for registered plates up to date an on the car.. wtf took 15 minutes?)


comes back said hes giving me a ticket for it(mind you in the 15 minutes it took him to write this ticket my window had defrosted an was 100% clear...)


i take the ticket an go on my way.


120 for having some snow on your window are you flippen kiddding me right now?


i get the yea yea cops are there to catch criminal but a ticket for having too much snow WHAT THE FRENCH TOAST?!?!?


also why would i get a ticket... y dont box trucks get tickets for not being able to see out of there rear views or vans ect motorhomes people pulling trailers or those chevvy hhr with no windows ect


ticket is 337.22b which is sign or poster on windshield... how does that have anything to do with my rear window having snow on it?? i will be going to court for this. also the ticket in the remarks said 120$ waive able. but when looking online doesn't state weather its waive able? any advice on that?




oh an the biggest irony of it is i chose the drive the mustang because i didn't want to get pulled over in the srt4 (5% tint loud exhaust loud stereo)



What window was it?

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Ok i am the most respectful person when it comes to police an when i get pulled over(which has been years now)


Saturday night i was driving down main street in reynoldsburg in my mustang(no tint v-6) not speeding nothing an i get pulled over by RPD... tells me he pulled me over because i didn't clear my rear window enough. The window was cleaned enough that i could see out of it. my front an side windows were cleared as well as the mirrors. he claims that its an obstruction, advised him it was a simple mistake i thought i had cleared enough to see out of(mind you still being police with yes sir no sir ect)


He goes back to his car an no shit took 15 minutes( the car is paid for registered plates up to date an on the car.. wtf took 15 minutes?)


comes back said hes giving me a ticket for it(mind you in the 15 minutes it took him to write this ticket my window had defrosted an was 100% clear...)


i take the ticket an go on my way.


120 for having some snow on your window are you flippen kiddding me right now?


i get the yea yea cops are there to catch criminal but a ticket for having too much snow WHAT THE FRENCH TOAST?!?!?


also why would i get a ticket... y dont box trucks get tickets for not being able to see out of there rear views or vans ect motorhomes people pulling trailers or those chevvy hhr with no windows ect


ticket is 337.22b which is sign or poster on windshield... how does that have anything to do with my rear window having snow on it?? i will be going to court for this. also the ticket in the remarks said 120$ waive able. but when looking online doesn't state weather its waive able? any advice on that?




oh an the biggest irony of it is i chose the drive the mustang because i didn't want to get pulled over in the srt4 (5% tint loud exhaust loud stereo)


Yep revenue, kudos to you for fighting it.

Again Just being nice and taking the officers cock in your ass does not get you out of a ticket, it gets you pissed at yourself for being a bitch and then having to pay them money for doing so. Again, if I am treated with respect I will give it, just because you went to a police academy doesn't earn you respect, it's your actions with that badge that earn you respect.

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Well re-reading the your saying it was your back.


That law is for front window obscuration.


There is no law for rear windows.


only front and sides.


you do have to have a clear view of the rear.. but this can be with at least 1 side mirror.


Go to court.


dress appropriately.


speak to the judge professionally.


Plead Not guilty.

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Guest 614Streets

I say if you get pulled over and you feel violated go ahead and be a jerk. If you know you did nothing wrong be humble and just try to play the odds that you ran into a cool cop just doing his job. God only knows how many cops secretly hate some of their asshole coworkers but just like everybody else a common bond is only a brother down situation away.


If they ever come and try to invade your house. You take force with force. Nobody enters my house w/o permission givin. EVER. And I mean that.

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Well re-reading the your saying it was your back.


That law is for front window obscuration.


There is no law for rear windows.


only front and sides.


you do have to have a clear view of the rear.. but this can be with at least 1 side mirror.


Go to court.


dress appropriately.


speak to the judge professionally.


Plead Not guilty.


yea it was the rear window the sides an front were fine as well as i made sure to clear the mirrors so i could see behind me.

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I'm not reading all 7 pages, but I know a lot of cops (a couple are close friends) and have been pulled over plenty of times. Your chances of leaving that situation with no ticket is so much better if you just shut your mouth and show a ton of respect. Why the fuck people don't get this, I'll never understand... :lol:
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I have a very fine/good attitude until I get lectured about speed. Collect your revenue and move on, I most likely was speeding, i will pay it. 10 cars just past us doing the same speed I was just doing while the officer lectured me about speeding. EVERYONE does it.


I might have been doing 140 somewhere in Dublin Mexico one evening and put the brake pedal through the firewall. When he got to my window he simply said I know you were going faster than I clocked you, but I got you at 80, drivers license and registration and proof of insurance please. I said here you go sir, he wrote me my ticket and I went on my way and I paid it the very next day. He was honest with me, I was courteous to him, best stop I have ever had.

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yea it was the rear window the sides an front were fine as well as i made sure to clear the mirrors so i could see behind me.


What code did he cite you under? It should be listed on the ticket. I was under the impression that if you have 2 rear view mirrors you do not have to have a rear window let alone be able to see out of it. I can find tons of stuff stating the tint can be solid black for the side and rear windows behind the driver.

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What code did he cite you under? It should be listed on the ticket. I was under the impression that if you have 2 rear view mirrors you do not have to have a rear window let alone be able to see out of it. I can find tons of stuff stating the tint can be solid black for the side and rear windows behind the driver.


337.22b it was stated in m upper post

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yea it was the rear window the sides an front were fine as well as i made sure to clear the mirrors so i could see behind me.


But you see crap like this everyday and rarely hear of anything like your issue happening. Odd.



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You are fine Paul. Go to court and and be polite and plead not guilty and they can't touch you. I agree that it is rude that cops can be dicks but being polite to them is not backing down or taking it from the man, it is your escape plan. It does you ABSOLUTELY NO GOOD to be rude to the police officers, you have to trust me on this. If you are polite, know your rights, and do/say as little as possible it will only help you out later. If a cop wants to take you to jail, you are going to jail. It is much much better to retain your freedom and fight another day....in court.
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Who the fuck is getting "arrested" for a traffic violation? When is a minor misdemeanor an arestable (is that a word?) offense all by itself?


What you are detained for is not always what they cite when they arrest you. The police can arrest you for just about anything, it is up to you to prove you didn't do it in court. You can be walking down the street, minding your business and a cop could arrest you and take you to jail. If there was no evidence of you doing anything illegal you would not be economically punished but your time will have been wasted. This is especially true on a Saturday night when there is no judge until Monday. This is quite extreme of an example and probably does not happen very often but it could be done.

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