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got a ticket and i wasnt driving!


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The police can arrest you for just about anything, it is up to you to prove you didn't do it in court. You can be walking down the street, minding your business and a cop could arrest you and take you to jail. If there was no evidence of you doing anything illegal you would not be economically punished but your time will have been wasted. This is especially true on a Saturday night when there is no judge until Monday. This is quite extreme of an example and probably does not happen very often but it could be done.




You can be arrested just about anything as long as they (cops) have a reasonable suspicion you committed a crime - that reasonable suspicion can be just about anything (in a pinch they will usually provoke you into mouthing off so they can get you on "failure to obey a lawful order" or "resisting an officer").

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And all you guys bitching about Law Enforcement in OH need to spend a year or two down south, talk about crooked cops and LEO's being above the law. The shit I saw cops get away with down there was absurd, 1/2 the reason I moved back up north.
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damn, all these pro athletes getting in trouble with the law. wonder if his nike contract will be at risk with this.


good rule of thumb is to answer any question a police officer asks, unless you have something to hide. if you act like an ass, they will treat you like an ass. why challenge him when he asks why you're in mt gilead?? there's no reason to do that. sure, you're irritated you got pulled over---guess what?? don't have a license plate in the front windshield like a piece of trash would. put your seatbelt on as soon as the car is started. if you dress like a thug (white, black, asian, mexican, indian, purple, blue, striped, whatever) you will be 'profiled'---don't like it?? i'm sure niketown has some nice golf khaki's that will make you look like you're not in mt. gilead to score dope.


have a nice day

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When you do not wear a safety belt and the car has no front plate, you are breaking the law. Police officers enforce our laws. Is there some reason why they should exclude you from laws that apply to everyone else?

It is normal and predictable that you will be further questioned or held temporarily if you are verbally stand-off-ish. If you are pulled over for a legitimate reason, just be a big boy and handle the consequences. Your frustration with the bad decisions you made are not the fault of the officer.

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good rule of thumb is to answer any question a police officer asks, unless you have something to hide. if you act like an ass, they will treat you like an ass. why challenge him when he asks why you're in mt gilead??


Bullshit answer nothing, it is your right, nothing you say will help you ever. And it's none of the cops business ever to know why I am where. And my RIGHT to tell him it's none of his business. I have nothing to hide, the officer is hiding that he is building a case right in front of you by acting as you friend or nice to you. He is not going to defend you in any way if you have to go to court.


Been posted before, watch them, useful info.

Part1 defense attorney explains why




Part 2 Officer explains why


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Bullshit answer nothing, it is your right, nothing you say will help you ever. And it's none of the cops business ever to know why I am where. And my RIGHT to tell him it's none of his business. I have nothing to hide, the officer is hiding that he is building a case right in front of you by acting as you friend or nice to you. He is not going to defend you in any way if you have to go to court.


After being arrested 2, maybe 3 dozen times I can tell you that pulling the rights shit/coping an attitude rarely works. Yea you can do it, but shit it usually doesn't get you very far (unless you look like you got some serious $, and even then). Act professional with them and they usually will act it back. If they don't just keep acting professional with them, and be careful not to make any guilty/conflicting statements. Usually works.

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Case in point I was toying around in an Un-Named suburb a few months back, spunout and pitted my Lex (with perfection) up on an embankment. Had been drinking/smoking a lil (wasn't drunk by any means) and didn't have my AAA card on me. Ran home to get it, and sure as shit by the time I got headed back to the car cops were all over with spotlights trying to find me. Unfortunately the Sargent spotted me first and immediately started-in with the dick cop attitude "hands on your head" bla bla bla. Searched me, put me in the back of the car, took me back to the scene. He knew I'd been drinking, asked me how much I had to drink, I told him, asked him if he was going to charge me with fleeing the scene since I had just ran back to the house to get my AAA card, he said "that and probably a whole lot more" I just sighed and kept my mouth shut.


After a few minutes he turned me over to a younger officer (about my age - 29) who was first on the scene. I chatted him up, explained to him what had gone on and why I left, and how I came to pit my car (lied - but was thoroughly convincing). Just all-in-all being chill with him and fully cooperative. Wound up getting a ticket for failure to control and that was it. They could have EASILY hit me with Fleeing the Scene/OMVI (didn't even run a sobriety test)/No front Plates but just left it at Failure to control.

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After being arrested 2, maybe 3 dozen times I can tell you that pulling the rights shit/coping an attitude rarely works. Yea you can do it, but shit it usually doesn't get you very far (unless you look like you got some serious $, and even then). Act professional with them and they usually will act it back. If they don't just keep acting professional with them, and be careful not to make any guilty/conflicting statements. Usually works.


what the fuck caused you to have been arrested over two dozen times???? Either you are full of shit or a pretty serious criminal, I don't think anyone out there has such terrible luck as to get arrested that many times without having actually done something wrong

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what the fuck caused you to have been arrested over two dozen times???? Either you are full of shit or a pretty serious criminal, I don't think anyone out there has such terrible luck as to get arrested that many times without having actually done something wrong


I was a bad kid (literally had the entire UA police force on my ass for years - them cops have nothing better to do then arrest little hellions like me :lol:)


I've never been arrested as an adult. (11 years)

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most of you didnt even read the 1st post which makes this even funnier. for those of you saying " i was being disrespectful, being an ass, just answer the ?, dont talk back, blah blah blah. " you are just being argumentitive. when have you ever been pulled over and not asked why? i didnt bitch about the ticket. no where did i say omg we didnt do anything. i said " so you could see me not wearing a seat belt as we pulled out of wendys, but you couldnt see the plate which is directly in front of me??? i knew it was a legitimate question, then when he gave a bull shit answer, i didnt wanna argue, i said to give me the ticket so i could move the fuck on. so why didnt he just go back to his car, write the ticket and say have a nice day? why did he have to press the situation? the car doesnt smell like weed, we didnt smell like alcohol. the windows arnt tinted.its a black 06 ford explorer. wearing a hoody and jeans is dressing like a thug? funny part about that it, the hoody says ohio state, and my jeans werent even baggy. by no means was i wrong at any point, i didnt have to give him any info that did not pertain to the situation, how do i know that you ask??? my lawayer told me so. i never said this is racist, or that i knew my rights. but i do know enough that if your pulling me over, you have to give me the reason why you pulled me over if i ask. so get off your high horse about cops put there lives at risk and want to protect people from criminals. most do, but some just wanna push people to see what happens, because they are bored with there day.
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I was a bad kid (literally had the entire UA police force on my ass for years - them cops have nothing better to do then arrest little hellions like me :lol:)


I've never been arrested as an adult. (11 years)


Did you run around with David Mobley?

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So I'm in the passenger seat and we get pulled over. Cop comes up asking the basic questions, then looks at me and says I need your lisence. I'm like ok whatever, he claims he pulled us over cause there was no license on the front of the car, she states the lisence is in the window, cop replies, well I can see that since ur window is dirty. Then says I noticed u didn't h ave on your seat belt wen u were getting on the ramp, and I said no I put it on once we got on the ramp cause we jus got out of wendys, then I said funny thing, u can't see her lisence which is in front of me but u could see I had no seat belt on. He said well yeah your a biger obejct, and again reply, no you weren't looking for her license plate, you saw what you wanted to see, so please give me the ticket so we can move the fuck on. He asks me to step out of the car, because he wants to check the car. I laugh and kindly refuse. You didn't pull us over because there is no front plate, now that you see 2 young people in a nice car you want to question us. Sir give me the ticket and go on with your day. At this point I'm getting pissed cause there is no reason for him to have even pulled us over. He looks at me and asks why we were in mt gilead to begin with and my girl says , that's actually non of your buisness, that information does not need to be given to you for a routine stop on a front plate. Just write the ticket. He says she has a smart mouth and shit gets out of hand at this point. He radios in for back up, they show up 4 mins tops, they ask us to get out of the car on suspision of drugs. I bust out laughing, so I get out and he says he wants to check me for weapons, now mind you, I'm in a black hoodie, a pair of jeans and tims( boots) I'm like man profiling a bit much arnt we officer. He looks at me and says if I wasn't dressed like a gun toting drug dealer, this would all go over alit smoother. I look at hime and say I want you badge number, your police station number and your full name. You jus fucked yourself cause my lawyer has nothing better to do besides rip apart a police station. They search the car , find nothing, and write us both tickets. I have my info and it the convo was recorded on my phone. Can't wait to get home now.






for those of you that didnt really read the 1st post.

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i said to give me the ticket so i could move the fuck on. so why didnt he just go back to his car, write the ticket and say have a nice day?


I think this was already posted but he probably became suspicious when you asked for the ticket, he likely thought you were trying to hide something else that was in the car. Cops are trained to look out for certain behaviors, im sure asking for a ticket/appearing eager to leave the scene is one of them.

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Originally Posted by Phil View Post

So I'm in the passenger seat and we get pulled over. Cop comes up asking the basic questions, then looks at me and says I need your lisence. I'm like ok whatever, he claims he pulled us over cause there was no license on the front of the car, she states the lisence is in the window, cop replies, well I can see that since ur window is dirty. Then says I noticed u didn't h ave on your seat belt wen u were getting on the ramp, and I said no I put it on once we got on the ramp cause we jus got out of wendys, then I said funny thing, u can't see her lisence which is in front of me but u could see I had no seat belt on. He said well yeah your a biger obejct, and again reply, no you weren't looking for her license plate, you saw what you wanted to see, so please give me the ticket so we can move the fuck on. He asks me to step out of the car, because he wants to check the car. I laugh and kindly refuse. You didn't pull us over because there is no front plate, now that you see 2 young people in a nice car you want to question us. Sir give me the ticket and go on with your day. At this point I'm getting pissed cause there is no reason for him to have even pulled us over. He looks at me and asks why we were in mt gilead to begin with and my girl says , that's actually non of your buisness, that information does not need to be given to you for a routine stop on a front plate. Just write the ticket. He says she has a smart mouth and shit gets out of hand at this point. He radios in for back up, they show up 4 mins tops, they ask us to get out of the car on suspision of drugs. I bust out laughing, so I get out and he says he wants to check me for weapons, now mind you, I'm in a black hoodie, a pair of jeans and tims( boots) I'm like man profiling a bit much arnt we officer. He looks at me and says if I wasn't ACTING like a gun toting drug dealer, this would all go over alit smoother. I look at hime and say I want you badge number, your police station number and your full name. You jus fucked yourself cause my lawyer has nothing better to do besides rip apart a police station. They search the car , find nothing, and write us both tickets. I have my info and it the convo was recorded on my phone. Can't wait to get home now.



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Maybe if you would stop using the Mortal Kombat Text Wall Attack move people would read more?


The story would have been better if you got tazed in the dick.


sorry i was typing in the car on my phone. big fingers, little keys. btw why would you wish that upon anyone?

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Been posted before, watch them, useful info.

Part1 defense attorney explains why




Part 2 Officer explains why




I just watched....





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most of you didnt even read the 1st post which makes this even funnier. for those of you saying " i was being disrespectful, being an ass, just answer the ?, dont talk back, blah blah blah. " you are just being argumentitive. when have you ever been pulled over and not asked why? i didnt bitch about the ticket. no where did i say omg we didnt do anything. i said " so you could see me not wearing a seat belt as we pulled out of wendys, but you couldnt see the plate which is directly in front of me??? i knew it was a legitimate question, then when he gave a bull shit answer, i didnt wanna argue, i said to give me the ticket so i could move the fuck on. so why didnt he just go back to his car, write the ticket and say have a nice day? why did he have to press the situation? the car doesnt smell like weed, we didnt smell like alcohol. the windows arnt tinted.its a black 06 ford explorer. wearing a hoody and jeans is dressing like a thug? funny part about that it, the hoody says ohio state, and my jeans werent even baggy. by no means was i wrong at any point, i didnt have to give him any info that did not pertain to the situation, how do i know that you ask??? my lawayer told me so. i never said this is racist, or that i knew my rights. but i do know enough that if your pulling me over, you have to give me the reason why you pulled me over if i ask. so get off your high horse about cops put there lives at risk and want to protect people from criminals. most do, but some just wanna push people to see what happens, because they are bored with there day.


LOL at you being profiled by CR.

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