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got a ticket and i wasnt driving!


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it has nothing to do with agreeing with profiling..


i take it as..


you can claim someone is profiling you because your lets say a murder... but if your are.. it doesn't matter if YOU think theyre picking on you



So a guy in a hoody , boots, and jeans is a drug dealer? Really? And your a cop :lol: wow, and as for me taking it to court, more than likely, that shit hole of a police station is not gonna want shit to do with me. They will prolly waive the ticket and turn it into a warning if that. How do I know this? My lawyer told me. A small town like that doesn't need bad publicity or have the time to deal with that shit over 150 dollars. My record is clean as ever, so tell me I won't get out of this. The cop wasn't trying to give me his badge number, cuz wen I asked about it, he stepped back and didn't search me. If he was really that suspicous, I would have had my hands on the hood getting padded down. But no, we were face to face and he took a step back and was trying to back track. He knew it was bad news.

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How about this..


Roads are salty.. which means the corner of all the windows are dirty as shit..


maybe he could see through the clean part??


Or he looked through the side window??



No need even debating it. Plate was not on the front of the car. Who the fuck doesn't put the plate on the front of a Fucking SUV or whatever he said they were driving ? WTF is that about ? It wasn't a vette or a rare car or anything.....damn!


No plate, pulled over, ticket in hand...the rest is drama lama shit.

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Cool next officer I get pulled over by, I going to do all the same shit, I'll lay $100


A) fucker does not call in backup

B) he doesn't search my car

C) If I have a sweatshirt on, he will never say I look like a thug drug dealer.


Why? Because my ass is whiter than Hitler himself.


I am a very very white person.


I was on route 23 between Deleware and Marion. My supra had a coolant leak. Dropping off a hose falling onto downpipe.


I got pulled over. Car was smoking a little bit from under hood. Cop Searched me and radioed for backup before he would let me look under hood of car. I was wearing a hooded sweatshirt.

I fixed the coolant leak on my car while four cruisers pulled up and watched me.

He also gave me a verbal warning for unsafe vehicle.

So why did I get so much attention?

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I am a very very white person.


I was on route 23 between Deleware and Marion. My supra had a coolant leak. Dropping off a hose falling onto downpipe.


I got pulled over. Car was smoking a little bit from under hood. Cop Searched me and radioed for backup before he would let me look under hood of car. I was wearing a hooded sweatshirt.

I fixed the coolant leak on my car while four cruisers pulled up and watched me.

He also gave me a verbal warning for unsafe vehicle.

So why did I get so much attention?



...because you are White and in a Supra on 23 in Delaware. You were OBVIOUSLY going to a Street Race...





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tim, at what point have I debated the ticket??? I've said this 6x now, I wasn't debating the tickets, idc about the ticket, I was clearly making a point. If you can see me, you can see the plate. Watever give me the ticket, what is $60??? The extra bs was over the top, he didn't need to go there. Oh I forgot I was there, you were not. I know what happened, and the look on his face was the face of someone who knew he let words slip out that he shouldn't. How do you miss that point. The ticket. Isn't an issue, his actions were
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So a guy in a hoody , boots, and jeans is a drug dealer?


for the thirteenth time....the cop was tossing your smart ass attempt back in your face dude. he played you so bad that you don't even see it. you tried making it seem as if he profiled you and he simply said "yeah, and if you wouldn't dress the parts"......ha ha! fish on hook boy....he had you on the line!

They will prolly waive the ticket and turn it into a warning if that. How do I know this? My lawyer told me. A small town like that doesn't need bad publicity or have the time to deal with that shit over 150 dollars.


It doesn't take your lawyer to tell you the above. Fuck, send me good joke and I could have told you that for nothing. They aren't going to do what you're going to do....spend good money to make a dumb ass move go away. AGain, you're going to ante up money to fight this? Brilliant. How about you just put the plate on the front of the SUV? Wait...that makes sense and you wouldn't be in court and your lawyer wouldn't be able to make his car payment. "your lawyer" I love it!


My record is clean as ever, so tell me I won't get out of this. The cop wasn't trying to give me his badge number, cuz wen I asked about it, he stepped back and didn't search me. If he was really that suspicous, I would have had my hands on the hood getting padded down. But no, we were face to face and he took a step back and was trying to back track. He knew it was bad news.


Your record likely shows you ante'd up to plea down or fight a ticket...whoopie....you don't think that every step you've had with the law isn't there for them to see. In the business world, I call that a pattern of behavior. Usually something HR Uses to make decisions on hiring and firing people. Clean record is one thing but it's only clean depending on how you see it. You're high risk man. I'm sure the cop is shaking in his boots.

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