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Jesus christ.... a BMW got gaped

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He's not alone. Having met the "Outer" one time was enough for me to come to the conclusion that he would do something like this. It doesn't surprise me at all. Chris has handled this all pretty well I think.



I'm not going to make personal accusations because, well that would bring me down to your level. I will say this, passing judgement on Chris is the last thing you need to do when you feel it's okay to drag your family out to a cold ass parking lot in the middle of the night. Who's priorities are messed up? Or is it jealousy that he doesn't have to have a Babysitter in tow to watch over him?


Sorry Chris, I guess I'm gonna have to find way to pay you more to please this ass hat.

Edited by Patterson
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Ha ha I was thinking the same thing. Like I said wagner when he is random is funny or at least will get a smile on my face while on the other hand mrjizzsplatonmyface just lookes like a retard for copying his style to try to fit in.

splattyface is a doucher. Thats expected.
Ha ha ha ha ha and the sad thing is he has no clue.


And IEATRICE...your cool. :-)

And thank you I try my best. Sometimes I piss people off on here but I am not here to make everyone happy. I am on here because I have alot of free time on my hands and I like cars and have missed the scene since I left it back in say 08 or shortly there after when I sold my ws6. Its crazy to see where the site has gone and who is still here since I left. I was always running around with Shanton, Dover, C6 Rob and all of those guys, good times to say the least. I can say one thing there are still plunty of tools and douche bags on here but the cool people make up for it.

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He's not alone. Having met the "Outer" one time was enough for me to come to the conclusion that he would do something like this. It doesn't surprise me at all. Chris has handled this all pretty well I think.



I'm not going to make personal accusations because, well that would bring me down to your level. I will say this, passing judgement on Chris is the last thing you need to do when you feel it's okay to drag your family out to a cold ass parking lot in the middle of the night. Who's priorities are messed up? Or is it jealousy that he doesn't have to have a Babysitter in tow to watch over him?


Sorry Chris, I guess I'm gonna have to find way to pay you more to please this ass hat.

What are you talking about? That post that you copy and quoted was in no way directed at chris it was directed at mrjsplatty or what ever the hell his name is. Again what are you talking about because I have no clue? I have been backing Chris this entire time not bashing on him that hardly makes me an ass hat...

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