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Jesus christ.... a BMW got gaped

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What is 65 bucks gonna do in the bigger picture of getting a car. 65 bucks is fucking chump change as far as I'm concerned thats like half of a friday night bar tab... Some people spend that on a tank of gas these days... I see nothing wrong with what he did considering that it is what 16% of a weeks pay if he makes 10 bucks an hour and works a 40 hour week. I will assume he makes more than that but just an example that he is not effecting the bigger picture at all by doing what he did.


Not really chump change when you are as financially fucked as the subject of this conversation.


I do not know your situation


I do.


Wow someone really wants there ass beat and if I was him I would defently hand it out.


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True true. I was not aware that car was that light. Thats like driving around in a tin can. Ya I know you can get those motors for nothing as well and fix them for nothing that is why I mentioned that in my post. Also like I said I have been told that a good cam and head set up will really wake up those motors because from the factory they flow like shit so ya I can see where he is going and I would have to assume mods are like half the price as lsx parts are so if he does it right I can see the potential there for sure. He could have one hell of a budget race car that could defently do a little damage for sure.



It's damn near perfect combination. With the GT40P heads, and the truck cam it pulls like a freight train, it loves running from 2000-5500. The steep ass gears help as well. I giggle on the few occasions I get to drive it.

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Not really chump change when you are as financially fucked as the subject of this conversation.




No matter what the situation is $65 should not be that big of a deal and given that he spent the money its obvious that it isnt. And that is a very low blow to go around a PUBLIC forum talking shit about someones money situation not to mention bringing wives comments to add to the overall lack of character, and class in your statments. That is their business not yours or any of ours period. At least that was what I was taught growing up maybe your parents didnt inform you on proper etiquette, and morals who knows, but peoples personal business is nothing but their own and that is how it should stay... I do not know what he will do about this but if I was him the next time I saw you I would simply stick you right between the eyes and follow it up with enough untill you got the message quite firmly.

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No matter what the situation is $65 should not be that big of a deal and given that he spent the money its obvious that it isnt. And that is a very low blow to go around a PUBLIC forum talking shit about someones money situation. That is their business not yours or any of ours period. At least that was what I was taught growing up maybe your parents didnt inform you on proper etiquette, and morals...


Sometimes it takes a complete dick move to wake someone up. Maybe Chris will realize that his priorities are fucked and needs to reevaluate some shits, maybe not. I am interested in hearing more about your upbringing though. Please pm me some details.



No matter what the situation is $65 should not be that big of a deal and given that he spent the money its obvious that it isnt. And that is a very low blow to go around a PUBLIC forum talking shit about someones money situation not to mention bringing wives comments to add to the overall lack of character, and class in your statments. That is their business not yours or any of ours period. At least that was what I was taught growing up maybe your parents didnt inform you on proper etiquette, and morals who knows, but peoples personal business is nothing but their own and that is how it should stay... I do not know what he will do about this but if I was him the next time I saw you I would simply stick you right between the eyes and follow it up with enough untill you got the message quite firmly.

I like the addition to your statements. Tasteful edit!

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a wake up call? financial situation!


as discussed in other threads my situation is better now than ever be for i make 45k + a year my bills are current which is why i have less than 100 dollars to my name right now.

i find out the hard way that the trans pumps of ford windstars just randomly break for no reason around 160k so because my bills are paid i cant pull 1550 + tax out of my ass im a fuck face to fix it and it will be 3 weeks untill i can. i need a wake up call? fuck that my alarm wakes me up just fine when it quits working i give you a call thanks.



now yes i could go to the junk yard buy a trans pay some one to put it in but with another 600 it get a complete rebuild. lets see which is better

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You are worthless to this discussion and you are as far from funny as it gets. We already have Wagner to post pictures and links to stuff in forum's and he is actually funny sometimes. I know your just trying to fit in but you are trying far to hard and just digging yourself a bigger hole that you already have with some people on this forum...


Worthless? This whole discussion is worthless. It isnt anybodys business besides chris's how he spends his money. So sorry for my worthless post in a worthless discussion..


As far as digging a hole.. Trying too hard... No. Sounds like you just need someone to hate to make you feel better about your own life. If it helps you get thru the day feel free, talk as much shit as you want, im not losing sleep over it.. However, nobody asked for your input, I could give a fuck less if you like me,




Kindly go eat a basket of French fried dicks.

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a wake up call? financial situation!


as discussed in other threads my situation is better now than ever be for i make 45k + a year my bills are current which is why i have less than 100 dollars to my name right now.

i find out the hard way that the trans pumps of ford windstars just randomly break for no reason around 160k so because my bills are paid i cant pull 1550 + tax out of my ass im a fuck face to fix it and it will be 3 weeks untill i can. i need a wake up call? fuck that my alarm wakes me up just fine when it quits working i give you a call thanks.



now yes i could go to the junk yard buy a trans pay some one to put it in but with another 600 it get a complete rebuild. lets see which is better

Chris, its me, I know better. You quit lying and I'll quit telling the truth. Maybe the thread will die and everyone can forget.

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Sorry sarcasam does not transfer over the web with regards to that second post. You are pulling a past quote up from a thread when I was looking for advice from some of the forum and was not having one of my better months to say the least. Either way that has nothing to do with character or morals even if I was serious it would have just showed that I had a problem with myself. What I would do in my personal time does not define character or morals that is defined in how we treat others. Publicly talking shit about someone elses personal life is something that I have a serious problem with. We all have skeltons in our closet and some of them we are willing to talk and be open about and others we want to stay in there. With regards to finances and financial decisions and how major_payne has responded to this onslaght of negative talk something tells me this is something he wanted to keep in there and I just trying to help him out.

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With regards to finances and financial decisions and how major_payne has responded to this onslaght of negative talk something tells me this is something he wanted to keep in there and I just trying to help him out.


Didn't know you two were close personal friends, it's nice of you.

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Chris, its me, I know better. You quit lying and I'll quit telling the truth. Maybe the thread will die and everyone can forget.


quit lying? you dont know how things are now. 3 years ago yes now only what you here. what you hear is wrong


is money tight some months yes. i work on commission so be it some months are better than others its a up, down hill. some weeks i bring home 800+ others >550. so be it if money gets short it will be made up.


Maybe the thread will die and everyone can forget


i dont give a shit about what a single person thinks about me what i buy or spend money on or what i do with my life




sorry you getting no where

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If it is a windstar try refilling it (assuming it pucked the fluid like mine did) and then adjusting the kick down cable it might be ok (I was surprised when mine was )


the fluid is actually a little over columbus trans said it is a combo of pump and tq converter

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Sometimes it takes a complete dick move to wake someone up. Maybe Chris will realize that his priorities are fucked and needs to reevaluate some shits, maybe not. I am interested in hearing more about your upbringing though. Please pm me some details.




I like the addition to your statements. Tasteful edit!


Nobody likes the spotlight shined in their face especially when it is being done in front of others. If you have a problem with what he is doing you sit down person to person and you discuss it with him without being negative and rude. It does not take a dick move to wake someone up, maybe you are motivated by negativity but I sure as hell am not and would be ashamed to call you a friend or even an acquaintance after you would do that to me. No need for me to pm you any details I think I have said enough. Oh and glad you like the additions to the post I had a feeling they were necessary because I have been in Chris's shoes before and I know what it feels like. Negative comments from the penut gallery were never wanted or needed. If I were a modd I would have banned you for that shit because like I said that kind of stuff has no place here IMO.

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Sorry sarcasam does not transfer over the web with regards to that second post. You are pulling a past quote up from a thread when I was looking for advice from some of the forum and was not having one of my better months to say the least. Either way that has nothing to do with character or morals even if I was serious it would have just showed that I had a problem with myself. What I would do in my personal time does not define character or morals that is defined in how we treat others. Publicly talking shit about someone elses personal life is something that I have a serious problem with. We all have skeltons in our closet and some of them we are willing to talk and be open about and others we want to stay in there. With regards to finances and financial decisions and how major_payne has responded to this onslaght of negative talk something tells me this is something he wanted to keep in there and I just trying to help him out.


not really every one that knows me knows that i am a broke motherfucker but when the wife is stay at home mom that doesnt stay at home shit gets a little rough example >550 check $70 in my tank 80 to 90 in hers 130 on grocery's 80 in smoke for the 2 of us 50 on weeks lunch less than 100 left over not including diapers and random shit


there it is every one

any other concerns

thanx have a nice day













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Nobody likes the spotlight shined in their face especially when it is being done in front of others. If you have a problem with what he is doing you sit down person to person and you discuss it with him without being negative and rude. It does not take a dick move to wake someone up, maybe you are motivated by negativity but I sure as hell am not and would be ashamed to call you a friend or even an acquaintance after you would do that to me. No need for me to pm you any details I think I have said enough. Oh and glad you like the additions to the post I had a feeling they were necessary because I have been in Chris's shoes before and I know what it feels like. Negative comments from the penut gallery were never wanted or needed. If I were a modd I would have banned you for that shit because like I said that kind of stuff has no place here IMO.


I have a problem with what you are doing and I would like to have a sit down discussion about your desire to ban me and punch me through Chris' fist.

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Worthless? This whole discussion is worthless. It isnt anybodys business besides chris's how he spends his money. So sorry for my worthless post in a worthless discussion..


As far as digging a hole.. Trying too hard... No. Sounds like you just need someone to hate to make you feel better about your own life. If it helps you get thru the day feel free, talk as much shit as you want, im not losing sleep over it.. However, nobody asked for your input, I could give a fuck less if you like me,




Kindly go eat a basket of French fried dicks.

You are saying the exact same shit I am in defense of chris. My point towards you is when a bunch of people are starting to bash someone and he is the lone dog trying to defend himself and some else steps in to help him out the last thing we want to see randomly placed in the discussion is stupid pointless pictures with no revelance to the discussion at hand. If you have no vernacular to add to the discussion then please lurk and see what happens or move on to another thread. I am not bashing on you because I need to get through my day, I actually had a wonderful day playing disk golf and had an amazing lunch at City BBQ I am mearly bashing you because I think your an idoit. Maybe I am mistaken but that is just how I see it. And no one has to ask for my imput, or grant me permission to speak this is a public forum where I have the rights to say whatever I want to when I want to as long as it follows certain guidlines. You pissed me off from the start when you had to go out of your way to talk shit to Paul and his srt4, and I decided to remind you what YOU were driving around in...

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Didn't know you two were close personal friends, it's nice of you.
Nope were not close personal friends. I just feel for the man in this situation and he was getting ganged up on by everyone on here and I was not going to sit back and let everyone do that because thats a buch of bullshit.


not really every one that knows me knows that i am a broke motherfucker but when the wife is stay at home mom that doesnt stay at home shit gets a little rough example >550 check $70 in my tank 80 to 90 in hers 130 on grocery's 80 in smoke for the 2 of us 50 on weeks lunch less than 100 left over not including diapers and random shit


there it is every one

any other concerns

thanx have a nice day













Man you shouldnt even have to explain yourself to them because this shit should not have been brought up in the first place. Don't feel bad I make good money as well and got in alot of trouble this past spring and have been loseing every paycheck paying off all the bills I racked up dealing with it. I defently know the feeling and like you have said before this is none of their business. The only way it should become theirs is if you ask them for advice and let them in on the situation not have someone openly spew all of your business out on the floor for the rest of us to see.


I have a problem with what you are doing and I would like to have a sit down discussion about your desire to ban me and punch me through Chris' fist.
Good your finaly getting it to bad its to late now to right what you did wrong to Chris. There is nothing to talk about as far as why I would have banned you if I was a modd or why I would punch you in the face if I was him because I think I have done a good enough job explaining that already.
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