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maybe a link could help some of us newer folks understand why he is such a piece of shit?






All his posts were deleted from the thread. Basically a friend of mine went missing and he was posting some shitty ass things about her. Turned out she committed suicide down in Hocking Hills.

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All his posts were deleted from the thread. Basically a friend of mine went missing and he was posting some shitty ass things about her. Turned out she committed suicide down in Hocking Hills.


Sorry to hear that bud, I recently had a similar situation occur in my life, it definitely sucks losing a friend to suicide.

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boy i will smash your disease infested chode with a hammer, soak it in hot sauce, then cut it off with dull hedge clippers and feed it to you.






















no homo.


Of course youre first reaction was to attack my dick...

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Of course youre first reaction was to attack my dick...


yeah, when you keep pming me saying you want your little dick inside me, expect me to attack. at first i thought it was just a joke, until the pictures started flooding my inbox. if you come near me, my back WILL be to the wall, and i WILL cut that thing off and do the world a favor.

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Private 18th September 2010

02:35 PM Expired 0 Setting up races outside of the track V8 Beast

New to CR 2nd August 2010

07:55 AM Expired 0 Inappropriate Language; Racial Slur copperhead

So... 18th January 2010

09:17 AM Expired 1 Signature Rule Violation Skinner

Private 21st April 2009

09:10 PM Expired 1 Spammed Posting (FS section, etc.) nurkvinny

New Here 24th January 2009

03:12 PM Expired 1 Spammed Posting (FS section, etc.) copperhead


Don't post in the "For Sale" section, nothing good comes of it.

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Talk about butt hurt...



Dear Jizzle Juice,


You have received an infraction at Columbus Racing.


Reason: Threatened Other Member(s)


The Internet is serious business.



This infraction is worth 5 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

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I made it easier to read Paul.

Thank you good sir

Pretty shitty he would instigate something like that and still have Jizzle banned. I thought making a racial statement like that is on the same level as a threat, anyhow. :confused:


Kinda weird how that works huh...

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I made an observation, like the media does and spins it, it points out how stupid the "media" is and how were see things in this country. If you all can't have a discussion like an adult and not threaten lives then you are not an adult. I never said anything directed at brandon personally at all.
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