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What in the fuck is wrong with congress


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They (some democrats, every republican) are trying to make date rape legal. If you can't fight back, you can't say no according to the bill. Oh, and a bunch of anti-abortion bullshit.


Seriously, when did everyone fucking lose it? I should just go off myself to save myself the sorrow for humanity. Thankfully this will either get dropped in the senate or a presidential veto, but why does this kind of shit get even this far?


Oh, and this gem from today as well. Thanks Texas!


A ninth grade algebra teacher was suspended from a Texas school district after making offensive comments to a Muslim student in front of the entire class.


"The teacher told the student that 'I bet you're grieving,'" the mother of a student in the same class told ABC13. "And she basically looked at him and said what are you talking about? And he said I heard about your uncle's death and she said wow, because she understood that he was referring about Osama bin Laden being killed and was racially profiling her."

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They (some democrats, every republican) are trying to make date rape legal. If you can't fight back, you can't say no according to the bill. Oh, and a bunch of anti-abortion bullshit.


Seriously, when did everyone fucking lose it? I should just go off myself to save myself the sorrow for humanity. Thankfully this will either get dropped in the senate or a presidential veto, but why does this kind of shit get even this far?


Oh, and this gem from today as well. Thanks Texas!

Your quote does not go along with your topic?

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Id love to talk to some of these idiots in congress. I should start watching cspan.


Your kidding right? cspan is the biggest waste of time ive ever seen on television. I'd rather watch golf... no no, id rather watch actual paint dry. All they do is fucking talk, which yeah i get it but half the shit they talk about isnt even interesting or relevant to anything at all.

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Not that "thinkprogress" would have a slanted view of this - it's interesting that every response to the story on their site that appears to be an opposing view is deleted....


In response to your original question - it should be "what the fuck can congress get right?" - the answer would be shorter!

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Government in this country is a broken entity that will ultimately be the end of the United States. Look at inflation, a weak dollar, the debt ceiling and every other real economic problem that is being ignored. The United States could be a third world country in 10 years, all DC is doing is fiddling while Rome burns.
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They (some democrats, every republican) are trying to make date rape legal. If you can't fight back, you can't say no according to the bill. Oh, and a bunch of anti-abortion bullshit.


Seriously, when did everyone fucking lose it? I should just go off myself to save myself the sorrow for humanity. Thankfully this will either get dropped in the senate or a presidential veto, but why does this kind of shit get even this far?


Oh, and this gem from today as well. Thanks Texas!

dude open your eyes and stop believing what the socialist say.

this bill wouldnt be bad, how many times has a woman had sex with some dude but regretted it and claimed rape so she wouldn't feel bad for cheating on her boy friend.

basically a guy can talk a woman into sex, she doesnt resist but goes along with it. then changes her mind and screws him over.:gabe:

or she is drunk and has sex, fells like a slut and blames him, then going to the police says he took advantage of her "raping her" :fuuuu:


and source to the texas story, or BS.

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dude open your eyes and stop believing what the socialist say.

this bill wouldnt be bad, how many times has a woman had sex with some dude but regretted it and claimed rape so she wouldn't feel bad for cheating on her boy friend.

basically a guy can talk a woman into sex, she doesnt resist but goes along with it. then changes her mind and screws him over.:gabe:

or she is drunk and has sex, fells like a slut and blames him, then going to the police says he took advantage of her "raping her" :fuuuu:


and source to the texas story, or BS.



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dude open your eyes and stop believing what the socialist say.

this bill wouldnt be bad, how many times has a woman had sex with some dude but regretted it and claimed rape so she wouldn't feel bad for cheating on her boy friend.

basically a guy can talk a woman into sex, she doesnt resist but goes along with it. then changes her mind and screws him over.:gabe:

or she is drunk and has sex, fells like a slut and blames him, then going to the police says he took advantage of her "raping her" :fuuuu:


Dude, you have no idea what you're talking about. At least click the link and read the article before you spew this shit.



The bill has nothing to do with rape as a criminal matter. The bill is about abortion. It's not about protecting men, it's about Medicare coverage for abortions. So you're little fantasy about this bill protecting guys from false rape claims is completely unfounded.


That said, everything about this bill is retarded. It's undeniably misogynistic. Anyone who supports this is a fucking dickwad, as far as I'm concerned.

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dude open your eyes and stop believing what the socialist say.


I don't believe you know the meaning to that word else you wouldn't have used it.


and source to the texas story, or BS.





I bet way more innocent people go to jail than guilty rapists.


Now, this is probably true. You said innocent people, not innocent rapist. Even convicted rapist don't got to jail in Texas, its just a misdemeanor there apparently.




This bill is all about removing womens rights, sending us back to the 1900s. Its unbelievable how fucking backwards we are as a society.

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Anyone care to copy and paste some of the more pertinent information from the bill? The link is blocked at work...






In a 251 to 175 vote this evening, 16 anti-choice Democrats joined every House Republican present in passing H.R. 3, the No Taxpayer Funding For Abortion Act. A chief weapon in the House GOP’s “comprehensive assault” on women this bill proposes some of the most radical and draconian restrictions on women’s rights. They include:

Redefinition Of Rape:
The bill sponsor Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) faced serious backlash after he tried to narrow the definition rape to “
.” By narrowing the rape and incest exception in the Hyde Amendment, Smith sought to prevent the following situations from consideration: Women who say no but do not physically fight off the perpetrator, women who are drugged or verbally threatened and raped, and minors impregnated by adults.

Smith promised to remove the language and while it is not technically in the bill, Mother Jones reports that House Republicans used “a sly legislative maneuver” to insert a “
” of redefinition language. Essentially, if the bill is challenged in court, judges will look at the congressional committee report to determine intent. The committee report for H.R. 3 says the bill will “not allow the Federal Government to subsidize abortions in cases of statutory rape” — thus excluding statutory rape-related abortions from Medicaid coverage.

Tax Increase On Women And Small Businesses:
H.R. 3 prevents women from using “itemized medical deductions, certain tax-advantaged health care accounts or tax credits included in last year’s health care law to pay for abortions or for health insurance plans that cover abortion.” In doing so, the bill forces women and small businesses that provide health insurance that covers abortion to
than they would otherwise. Both economic conservative Grover Norquist and the South Carolina
noted that the bill is basically a tax increase.

Rape Audits:
Because H.R. 3 bans using tax credits or deductions to pay for abortions or insurance, a woman who used such a benefit would have to prove, if audited, that her abortion “fell under the rape/incest/life-of-the-mother exception, or that the health insurance she had purchased did not cover abortions.” Essentially, the bill turns Internal Revenue Service agents into “
” who would force women to give “contemporaneous written documentation” that it was “incest, or rape, or [her] life was in danger” that compelled an abortion.

Bans D.C.-Funded Abortions:
The most recent spending resolution contained a
by redefining the D.C. local government as the federal government. Thus, health clinics in D.C. are banned from using public funds from D.C. taxpayers to provide abortion services. H.R. 3 “would
” According to the Office of Management and Budget office, such a restriction violates “

Despite receiving nearly 135,000 signatures in opposition to the bill, Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and the House Republicans leveled a serious blow on American women and their right to choose. Some Republicans even suggested holding the debt ceiling increase hostage over the passage of H.R. 3. The bill, however, is unlikely to pass as a standalone in the Democratic-led Senate. President Obama has also threatened to veto the bill.

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lol i read the article, it does talk about rape.

i recall that this bill requires a woman to file a police report for it to be consider rape (if its the same bill i am thinking of)


plus i am against government money going to abortion, I dont want to support the killing of innocents.


anyone that doesnt support this bill is a dickwad doucher.

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It basically goes like this -- abortion is a legal, non-cosmetic medical procedure. The supreme court has declared it so.


As a legal non-cosmetic medical procedure, it should be paid for by Medicare. There's no logical reason to restrict federal funds for it. But pro-lifers are trying to do an end-run around the supreme court by defunding abortion at the federal level. This in and of itself is a bullshit violation of constitutional rights that's being pursued, if we're honest here, by pro-life people with an agenda to ultimately make abortion illegal.


But let's set their real motivation aside for a moment and pretend that they're defunding abortion because it's an "unnecessary" medical procedure. I can kinda see some logic in that angle, but it all crumbles away when you start poking at it.


"What about medically necessary abortions performed to save the life of the mother?" Granted, some pro-lifers are even opposed to those, but most normal people would agree that those are OK, and should be funded.


"What about cases of rape and incest?" Again, some pro-lifers feel that even rape and incest abortions aren't medically necessary, and the women should therefore be required to carry those babies to term. However, most Americans wretch at the though, so we'll go ahead and pay for rape and incest abortions as well.


"Well, what if a woman claims she was raped but she's just lying to get a free abortion?" Well, fuck, I guess we have to grill these women to make sure that they were really raped. And not just raped, but forcibly raped. Mind you, we're not just grilling the liars. No, we have to grill everyone, even if 98% of them are legitimate rape victims. Yup, we've got to put them through the ringer and make sure they were really good and raped.



I have so many other objections to the concept of defunding abortions like this, but none of them really matter. When you get to a point in your lawmaking where you think it's OK to make rape victims prove they were really, really raped in order to pay for their abortions, you're just an asshole. There's really no way around it. The only decent thing to do is realize that your whole idea is garbage and just pay for abortions. It's not that big a deal, financially, and the cost savings are totally, in no way, worth putting women through this awful nonsense.


And that's the end of it. I'm just glad that this bill has no hope of passing. Still, I think it's bullshit that anyone can possible think it's a good idea.


On preview: I don't care if you don't want to support "the killing of innocents." As long as it's a constitutionally protected right, you need to fucking get over it.

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Im not against abortions. I am against having to pay for them out of federally funded programs. Why should insurance have to cover them? Most insurance already covers birth control. Most abortions are used as a form of birth control from irresponsible women.


If you fuck up, pay the 400 dollars out of pocket and move on. Insurance money can be better spent for the serious ill.


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oh i must have missed where it said in the constitution that killing a helpless baby is a constitutional right.....


Quit being obtuse. You've heard of Roe v. Wade, you know that the supreme court declared that anti-abortion laws were/are unconstitutional.

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Im not against abortions. I am against having to pay for them out of federally funded programs. Why should insurance have to cover them? Most insurance already covers birth control. Most abortions are used as a form of birth control from irresponsible women.


If you fuck up, pay the 400 dollars out of pocket and move on. Insurance money can be better spent for the serious ill.




Again, that's why they say this is an assault on low income persons, where having a child is the most damaging. $400 is a LOT of money to people living in poverty, who are also more prone to rape. D.C. has the highest rape percentage in the country, as well as many low income areas. It is nonsensical to try to cut off funding in the area.

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Again, that's why they say this is an assault on low income persons, where having a child is the most damaging. $400 is a LOT of money to people living in poverty, who are also more prone to rape. D.C. has the highest rape percentage in the country, as well as many low income areas. It is nonsensical to try to cut off funding in the area.


Ok but be serious for a minute...if you are actually raped and become preggers then that is one thing.


But, how about the VAST majority of these poverty stricken, low income people are just out whoring it up and not using protection, getting preggers and then expecting our tax dollars to 'take care' of it. Fuck that. For these people, learn to use a fucking condom, or DONT HAVE SEX.


Im also a big fan of government paid sterilization of these people. :)


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So you want to live in a world were irresponsible women who can't scrape together $400 are forced to raise children? Seriously? Or are you deluding yourself into thinking that if we stop paying for their abortions, the poverty-stricken irresponsible whores will start using protection?


$400 is a fucking bargain for society. Pay up now and you won't have to pay thousands later when the little shit grows up to be a criminal.

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So you want to live in a world were irresponsible women who can't scrape together $400 are forced to raise children? Seriously? Or are you deluding yourself into thinking that if we stop paying for their abortions, the poverty-stricken irresponsible whores will start using protection?


$400 is a fucking bargain for society. Pay up now and you won't have to pay thousands later when the little shit grows up to be a criminal.


Im also a big fan of government paid sterilization of these people. :)



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