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Walking Dead season 2....


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The bus scene was pretty stupid. Seriously dude, they are retarded chunks of meat. Either


A) Man up, head knife them one by one at the door


B) lear them all in to the bus, get to the back ASAP and jump out and slam the door. They will all will follow in to the bus.


BOOM, short bus full of dead heads.

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Comic Andrea > show Andrea.

Comic Carl (badass) > show Carl.

Comic Loi (post prison) > show Lori.


I hope the writers either transform Daryl into Abraham or introduce Micchone.

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I can't believe people still watch this show. I can't believe I still watch this show. What is wrong with me? Found a plot outline for the next few seasons of the show online...


Season 3 - at some point maybe kinda sorta debate leaving the farm

Season 4 - debate the best way to leave the farm

Season 5 - start getting stuff together to leave the farm

Season 6 - debate if they have enough stuff to leave the farm

Season 7 - debate where they will go from the farm

Season 8 - debate where they will go from the farm because they got word the place they decided on is now destroyed because they wasted too much time debating

Season 9 - debate where they will go from the farm because they got word the place they decided on is now destroyed because they wasted too much time debating

Season 10 - debate where they will go from the farm because they got word the place they decided on is now destroyed because they wasted too much time debating

Season 11 - debate where they will go from the farm because they got word the place they decided on is now destroyed because they wasted too much time debating

Season 12 - debate where they will go from the farm because they got word the place they decided on is now destroyed because they wasted too much time debating

Season 13 - debate where they will go from the farm because they got word the place they decided on is now destroyed because they wasted too much time debating

Season 14 - debate where they will go from the farm because they got word the place they decided on is now destroyed because they wasted too much time debating


I think you get the idea.

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Carl is such a dumb little fag.!! Assholes made Rick the leader of the pack, so he needs to make decisions that's best for all of them. Fuck this conversation bullshit. Now those "kid" has escaped...Last episode I see it ending with 30 men coming to the farm and starting to take over.
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Did anyone else notice how that walker in the woods stared in the direction Carl ran? It was almost like, I see which direction you are running and I'm coming for you. I thought these things really had no sense of direction and just kinda wandered aimlessly. Maybe I'm reading too much into that scene, but is it possible that these walkers are somehow beginning to morph into "smarter" walkers?
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Did anyone else notice how that walker in the woods stared in the direction Carl ran? It was almost like, I see which direction you are running and I'm coming for you. I thought these things really had no sense of direction and just kinda wandered aimlessly. Maybe I'm reading too much into that scene, but is it possible that these walkers are somehow beginning to morph into "smarter" walkers?


I think of zombie walking as. "Oh shit my food just went that way" Then food is out of site but have no reason to stop walking in the same direction so just keep walking that way hoping to find food until distracted by something else.

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You guys got your priorities wrong: the boney ho (Rick's wife) needs to get headshotted. Cannot STAND that bitch.


Carl - I think Carl isn't just being a curiousity-driven get-in-trouble-help-me-Lassie plot device. I think he's migrating to psychopathic killer. I for one thought for more than a few moments he was going to shank the prisoner out of the blue.


ALso - I used to hate the blonde. But then I saw she has somewhat big boobies, so she's ok now.

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