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Water boarding ------ Can you last 15 seconds?


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This is unreal! Watch it and understand why we have the best military in the world. There is no permanent damage done but the response is immediate. A much more humane and effective way to obtain critical intelligence quickly without brutalizing the prisoner.


Sure beats electrocution, ripping off finger nails, acid showers, whippings/beatings, cutting off limbs, removing eyes & tongues, drilling out teeth, dislocating shoulders, burning, and other barbaric methods.


Playboy. Com journalist Mike Guy underwent water boarding by a trained member of the U.S. military in the site's new Lab Rat feature.


Mike Guy bet that he could endure 15 seconds of the interrogation technique used on al Qaeda chief Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Abu Zubaydah.


Watch the results:







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A staunch conservative waterboarded himself to see how bad it was (after arguing for years that it wasn't torture). Cliffs -- he said he'd rather smash his fingers to bits with a hammer.


2 days later he said he had recovered his wits somewhat and said he might rather keep his fingers, or might not.

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Honestly, torture (including less aggressive means like waterboarding) is not an effective way to gain intelligence. Most of our actionable intelligence comes from standard interrogation methods. Rumsfeld was a fucking moron for pushing harsh interrogation techniques.


For the record, I don't care what we do to them. My only care is that we get actionable intelligence efficiently.

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  RymerC said:
great, now we're going to have every billy-badass sticking a washcloth over his face and pouring water down his nose to see how long he can last.


That's very interesting, thanks.


The new "cinnamon challenge"?

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that is torture... and from what I've read about it, people have mental issues after having this done... fuuuuuck that... and like some people have said, torture isn't going to give viable intel.
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  The Kitchen said:

For the record, I don't care what we do to them. My only care is that we get actionable intelligence efficiently.


Correct, if shoving bamboo shoots up their fingernails net out to reliable intel, efficiently, so be it. However there is no evidence that torture gets you more reliable info than standard interrogation, and more often gets unreliable info, that wastes lots of time (money, our taxpayer money) on seeking out false leads and made up stories. People will say just about anything to get out of being tortured, which is why it's not terribly effective. That's before you even take into consideration whether you're violating any international treaties/agreements.

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That IS torture. However, it is not as bad as the physical harm as the OP listed.


Should it be used on EVERY bad guy? No. On important ones? FUCK YES! They can only lose so many body parts before they are useless. WB can go on for years. :)



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  KillJoy said:
What if the person is "dead and buried at sea"?






Well, naturally you can't hurt the already dead. So fuck em in their "dead" earholes with a large bore drill bit.

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Never tried it out, but it looks more annoying than anything. It's different in a controlled environment vs Reality. It's a viable means of getting to someone who is mentally weak. I can see when one is focused on the water and the drownding fear, one would crack. To me, it just looks very annoying. Like someone sticking their finger in your belly button, which I hate.
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  Infidel said:
Never tried it out, but it looks more annoying than anything. It's different in a controlled environment vs Reality. It's a viable means of getting to someone who is mentally weak. I can see when one is focused on the water and the drownding fear, one would crack. To me, it just looks very annoying. Like someone sticking their finger in your belly button, which I hate.


I don't think weakness has anything to do with it. I think it trips part of your brains basic survival responses and that's that, your body flips its shit. I certainly think one could be trained into having a tolerance, but the more I read into it, the more it seems pretty unbearable for the untrained. Just my .02.


The water fills the hole in the saran wrap so that there is either water or vaccum in your mouth. The water pours into your sinuses and throat. You struggle to expel water periodically by building enough pressure in your lungs. With the saran wrap though each time I expelled water, I was able to draw in less air. Finally the lungs can no longer expel water and you begin to draw it up into your respiratory tract.


It seems that there is a point that is hardwired in us. When we draw water into our respiratory tract to this point we are no longer in control. All hell breaks loose. Instinct tells us we are dying.


I have never been more panicked in my whole life. Once your lungs are empty and collapsed and they start to draw fluid it is simply all over. You know you are dead and it's too late. Involuntary and total panic.


Sounds pretty fucked up.

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I agree that those who have trained could endure it no matter what. But, I think a huge part is the mental game. Just like those that can ignore pain, there are some who could ignore and endure this with mental control. It's like ignoring cold or heat in a small way. If you don't focus on the situation, it only helps you stand your ground.
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Try waterboarding a SEAL or another dive qualified guy, not really going to work well. A lot of the higher ranking terrorists have also prepared for the inevitability of torture, almost like we send people to SERE school.
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  Infidel said:
I agree that those who have trained could endure it no matter what. But, I think a huge part is the mental game. Just like those that can ignore pain, there are some who could ignore and endure this with mental control. It's like ignoring cold or heat in a small way. If you don't focus on the situation, it only helps you stand your ground.


How the fuck do you ignore your lungs filling up with water when you're out of breath :confused:

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  Farkas said:
How the fuck do you ignore your lungs filling up with water when you're out of breath :confused:


Mind over matter. If you don't mind, it won't matter.

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Guest Spam
I thought water boarding was when you shove someones head into a container full of water?? Or is that a different type of waterboarding? Seems like it would be the same. Anyone shed some light on that??
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  Farkas said:
How the fuck do you ignore your lungs filling up with water when you're out of breath :confused:


Boils down to about what Hal mentioned. It's similar to people and their tolerance for pain. Take MMA fighters for instance. They beat the ever living shit out of themselves, but still keep fighting. There's a mental level involved with any kind of torture. Psychological Operations thrives on mentally messing with our enemy. When you break the mind, the body will follow.

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  sol740 said:
So are we going to start a CR waterboarding collection fund? One try, vids, first person to clear 15 seconds(or in the event of a tie, whomever lasts longest) gets the cash ?


I think that would be kinda fun actually. It really does kind of intrigue me just to experience it. Can we do beerboarding with Keith Stone instead?

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