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Yo, new to Columbus


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What's up guys? Thought I'd finally pop my head out of the sand and say hello to all the locals. There's a few of you guys on here that I'm sure know me (either of the Farkas brothers if they're on here), others I'm sure are going to look at me like a lunatic, a kook, or a possible fire hazard to be found along the side of the road :gabe:


Long story short: Cincinnati sucks, wanted something better, came up here w/ the gf to go to OSU, still trying to get back into school a year later. I did however bring my project up with me, its affectionately termed "the DeathTrap", or alternatively "the Shitheap". Either/or is considered acceptable; really any name with a long, descriptive list of epithets, profanities, and general hatred sounds just about right for it. Without further ado, I introduce my metal ruination:


























Those are slightly old, I did a few odds and ends to make it cope with my new battery:






Those are all just thumbnails to conserve space, click on them for a higher resolution photo. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

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As far as the project goes, there's still much to be done. I'd like to get some decent lightweight wheels, but those cost crack money, so I'll likely go Diamond Racing lightweight wheels and be done with it (the DOT rims are not in the cards). Other odds and ends are fine tuning the carbs, a few lightweight body panels, and fixing the remainder of the rust as well as a numerically higher R&P for a bit more acceleration. After that its beatings, beatings, and more beatings at the track.


Other crap that will bore you to wondering what the end of a gun barrel tastes like includes my other hobbies, which include lots of reading, fabrication, and photography, amongst a bunch of other crap. We've been here for a year so I've had lots of time to work on it all, just not enough to fund anything serious haha. I'm a big fan of small batch beers, and I fully believe that to properly enjoy a car it must be driven. Again, anything else just ask, its a pleasure to meet all of you and I hope to see you at Cars and Coffee some time!

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