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Got in dog trouble today


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It's not that, they just like to put fines on anything and everything. Just like another guy posted awhile back speeding tickets are pure profit.


no one wants your stupid fucking dog chasing after their kids. there are laws against letting a dog run free without a leash or tags. this helps prevent dogs from attacking kids (who may not know how to act around a dog), or from dogs just running out in the middle of the road and damaging my car when i run them over. if there was no penalty for being irresponsible, then you'd continue to break the law--hence the monetary fine. pay up, and move on---you have absolutely no argument. or do the jail time instead of paying:dumb:

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Funny thing is this happened with my neighbors lab mix. She got loose and was playing with the kids. A neighbor called animal control (same ones that call the cops on the kids).. no fines just a watch your dog annd have a nice day.
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no one wants your stupid fucking dog chasing after their kids. there are laws against letting a dog run free without a leash or tags. this helps prevent dogs from attacking kids (who may not know how to act around a dog), or from dogs just running out in the middle of the road and damaging my car when i run them over. if there was no penalty for being irresponsible, then you'd continue to break the law--hence the monetary fine. pay up, and move on---you have absolutely no argument. or do the jail time instead of paying:dumb:


Whatever dude not arguing with anyone. The dog got off there chain which is a log chain btw. I use it for my own dog which is twice the size of him. I think my neighbor had something to do with it cause I live in a not so good neighborhood and I always keep a dog outside to guard my stuff and she bark when someone's close. I've caught him red handed unchaining my dog walking her out front and trying to tell me she got off her chain. So I think he let him off then called the animal control so yeah.:gtfo:


p.s I wouldn't have a dog that would hurt anything or anybody. I just have asshole for neighbors

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Whatever dude not arguing with anyone. The dog got off there chain which is a log chain btw. I use it for my own dog which is twice the size of him. I think my neighbor had something to do with it cause I live in a not so good neighborhood and I always keep a dog outside to guard my stuff and she bark when someone's close. I've caught him red handed unchaining my dog walking her out front and trying to tell me she got off her chain. So I think he let him off then called the animal control so yeah.:gtfo:


p.s I wouldn't have a dog that would hurt anything or anybody. I just have asshole for neighbors


Umm, stop leaving your dog on a chain, unsupervised. You can't be this dumb.

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What is the best thing I can do and would like your guys input..


Pay the ticket and don't leave a dog unsupervised in the future. Dogs are like kids in that if you aren't supervising them and directing them how to exert their energy, they are going to find a way to do it themselves and it's usually in a way that is not going to be pleasing to most humans. Digging holes in the yard, getting into trash, barking excessively, or in this case, getting loose and ripping around the neighborhood.


I don't agree with the way things work in OH as the dog wardens have NO official trining when it comes to determining the breed of a dog. They just look and assume and the sad part is, they have the power to label a boxer mix as a pit bull if they want because that's what the dog "looks like" to them.


Not trying to be a d*ck, just my $.02 from experience and seeing this kind of stuff happen to a lot of other people.

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Its pretty simple really, you tried to help your buddy out but in the end you are responsible for not securing the dog properly. I wasnt there and didnt see your confrontation with señior animal control but hes got a job to do, and thats making sure that owners are responsible for their dogs(in this case, you were not). Pits already have a bad wrap and the last thing that needs to happen is fora family and or a child to be physically and mentally scarred Edited by Sturg
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We have a pit and ive got buddies with pits and what ive been told is pretty much what you said, if it looks like a pit then its a pit. Its kinda shitty but, its really cut and dry unfortunately. We have to carry higher homeowners insurance because of ours.


All you have to do is register is as a mix breed and your in the clear...my Pit is registered as a Chocolate Lab Mix becaue he is chocolate and at first glance no one realizes he is full blooded pit. BSL or Breed Specific Legislatoin as its known is total bullshit. I just wrote a paper for my comp2 class last quarter about it. Did you know that Pit Bulls have a better termperment score then German Shepards, Poodles and even Retrievers? The media has created such a bias against these dogs along with shitty owners using them for fighting that it kills those of us that own them.


just have the dog tested, my buddy ran into serious trouble for his "pit" in deleware. Test came back with 46 breeds and everything was dropped.


Thats because DNA testing isn't even conclusive when it comes to dogs, add to the fact that the term Pit Bull isn't even a breed in its own right. The "pitbull breed" is actually composed of 3 breeds, the American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, and Staffordshire Bull Terrier.



its not just ohio with the pit issues.. SC is just like it (and everywhere else of course).. if it has any attributes to make it look like a "pit" they'll call it one.. part of the reason "pit bulls" have such a large bite/attack count


Yeah its shitty how any dog looking like a Pit is labeled as such, thus the reason the bite count is higher.


Consider the following study performed by the National Canine Research Council: In August of 2007, four serious dog attacks were tracked. The attacks involved four different breeds (only one involved a pit bull). All of the attacks were severe, ranging from a fatal head and neck injury to severe hospitalizations (the fatality was not caused by the pit bull). The two hospitalizations and the fatality were reported only by local newspapers either one or two times. In contrast, the pit bull attack was reported over 230 times in national and international newspapers and in major television networks, including CNN, MSNBC and FOX. This severe bias has a devastating effect on public perception and takes a toll on public safety.

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alittlelessordinary makes a good point in that I can't tell you how many times I have seen the news talking about a pitbull that bit someone and they show the dog and it's not any of the three breeds mentioned above.
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It's all good now and the neighbors kids told on there dad and said he's the one who let the dog go and called the animal shelter. My buddy has on the dog so the fine is only 220$ so I guess I'll just pay it and move on. I just wait till my lovely neighbor gets home and I take the 220 out of his ass. No it's not going to solved the problem but I'm going to fill so much better after words tick tick tick tick
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we need to make a section of the forum titled 'judge judy' or 'jerry springer' for all the dumb ass threads like this: "i need lawyer help", "should i sue this person", "witnessed a fight last night", "called the cops on my neighbor yesterday", "sister vandalized my car this morning", "have to pay fine for ticket, waaaah"
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we need to make a section of the forum titled 'judge judy' or 'jerry springer' for all the dumb ass threads like this: "i need lawyer help", "should i sue this person", "witnessed a fight last night", "called the cops on my neighbor yesterday", "sister vandalized my car this morning", "have to pay fine for ticket, waaaah"


"should I pay my friend the money I owe him for a laptop he got

Me or should I just keep it and beat his ass"

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"should I pay my friend the money I owe him for a laptop he got

Me or should I just keep it and beat his ass"


yeah, that thread would definitely fall under the 'springer' section of the forum----just basically a section for those who 'challenge' darwin's theory of evolution on a daily basis

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