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Interesting debate about why you carry


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Since a lot of you in here carry I want to get your spin on this. I am not saying I follow this "belief" I just love getting different people's view points.


Not sure if anyone here knows about "the rules of attraction" but that is what this will be about. In a nutshell it states that you control your future by your vibrations you create. Vibrations will attract the same vibration. This being thinking consciously and unconsciously about X will make Y happen. I am not saying just thinking about puppy dogs and lollipops all day will make nice things happen it seems more involved.


EXAMPLE for tl;dr fags


1) You love aftermarket car radios but you get one with a removable faceplate because you are afraid someone will steal it. Sometime in the future some crack head steals it for drugs. Law of attraction says your fear made a negative vibration and something negative happened :dumb:


2) You really enjoy traveling and you tell people that you wish you could travel to X. You think in your free time how cool it would be to go to X. You happen to vacation to Y. You still think about X. Sometime in the future you run into someone (coworker/stranger doesn't matter) who also really wants to go X. You both end up going to X together because your vibrations attracted each other. :masturboy:


3) Lets go even more simple with something I tested and it actually worked. I want a mt dew throwback as soon as I wake up. I do my daily routine, shit shower shave, meditate and only focus on mt dew. I drive to work. On my way to work I am wishing I could have a cup of mt dew on my desk. I say out loud how cool it would be to have it there when I get to work. I get to work and there is no Mt Dew. I still think about it through the day. I leave for my lunch break and still really wish I had a throwback. I get back from lunch and there is a mt dew throwback on my desk. I found out who gave it to me and it was a coworker. He told me he went to the gas station and thought of me when he bought one for himself. Coincidence? No idea you tell me. Either way it freaked me out. :fuckyeah:



Now lets get on to carrying. Why do you carry? If you ask me I will say because it is my right as a citizen of USA and I enjoy exercise my rights. But you could say it is because of fear. You are afraid to go to X without your gun. That might not be the case for everyone but if it is think about the law of attraction. Because of this are you going to put yourself in a negative situation in the future?

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Fear, feeling badass, small manhood. Can be just one or all of those reason.


PS, it's not your right as a US Citizen as non-citizens can carry also.



Could be all valid reasons.


PS. Okay you got me there.

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I see no logic in




your points dont have reason in them.please form a valid idea and come back.


What are you even talking about? They all have a valid reason to them. You want something because you are a human being and you focus on it. Eventually you get it. That is the law of attraction. Go google it.

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What are you even talking about? They all have a valid reason to them. You want something because you are a human being and you focus on it. Eventually you get it. That is the law of attraction. Go google it.


Using a gun in a self defense isn't something I'm attracted to. If I were attracted to it I wouldn't go to X like an average person, I'd go to the hood and walk around like I'm a sheeple.


I'm attracted to Hilary Duff, how do I make her mine? Regardless of if I'm attracted to her and think about her all day or if I don't, I have the same chance at ever being with her.


I think about winning the lottery several times a week, even play it, but it's never happened. Not to say it won't ever happen, but the chances are very slim.

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Using a gun in a self defense isn't something I'm attracted to. If I were attracted to it I wouldn't go to X like an average person, I'd go to the hood and walk around like I'm a sheeple.


I'm attracted to Hilary Duff, how do I make her mine? Regardless of if I'm attracted to her and think about her all day or if I don't, I have the same chance at ever being with her.


I think about winning the lottery several times a week, even play it, but it's never happened. Not to say it won't ever happen, but the chances are very slim.


Or it could be you are not focusing enough energy. Some of the theories I read explained you could cure diseases and probably the gay if you meditate enough. I don't believe that shit but still it is funny to read it. Other people that disagree use quantum physics to explain how stuff (coincidence) happens. With the response of the trolls in this thread so far that would be over everyone's head so disregard and acquire moar dates with Hillary Duff.

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No, that is, at best, a HYPOTHESIS of attraction...a law is something demonstrated by repeated and scientific observation to be universally true. And if you think the theory you've stated in universally true...


Yeah, it can't even be elevated to theory.


Basically all I'm seeing is some hypothesis created by a person who has no background in statistical analysis.

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No, that is, at best, a HYPOTHESIS of attraction...a law is something demonstrated by repeated and scientific observation to be universally true. And if you think the theory you've stated in universally true...


Hey I didn't come up with the name for this blame that on someone else. I also stated in my first post that I didn't follow the law of attraction so calm yourself bro. :lolguy:

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Yeah, it can't even be elevated to theory.


Basically all I'm seeing is some hypothesis created by a person who has no background in statistical analysis.


You should google Jerry Hicks. He used to work for amway then wrote a book on the law of attraction. It was on the new york best sellers list if I remember? He made profit. There is some other funny stuff if you read enough :dumb:

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You should google Jerry Hicks. He used to work for amway then wrote a book on the law of attraction. It was on the new york best sellers list if I remember? He made profit. There is some other funny stuff if you read enough :dumb:


Just because someone wrote a book that sold well does not make his analysis scientific or correct. It is not a law, there is no doubt about that. Essentially from my surface reading about this hypothesis, it's been treated as a pseudoscience.


My counter-hypothesis is that by focusing on a thought so heavily, we are more inclined to remember a coincidence that involves said thought.

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Just because someone wrote a book that sold well does not make his analysis scientific or correct. It is not a law, there is no doubt about that. Essentially from my surface reading about this hypothesis, it's been treated as a pseudoscience.


My counter-hypothesis is that by focusing on a thought so heavily, we are more inclined to remember a coincidence that involves said thought.


I agree with you. I think it is all a scheme to make money and there are plenty of sheep to open their pockets. I do like the idea of "thinking positive" and I do it as much as possible. I feel thinking negative is just waste of time. Not because of vibrations but just because you gain nothing but anger. Depending on the situation this can be easy or very hard to do. But in all honestly if you want X to happen hard enough you change your priorities until it happens. You can apply that to anything in life.

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I don't carry everywhere but I am usually not far from a gun at any given moment in the car or at home. Reason, for basic protection. I'm not the biggest guy around, nor am I the fastest. Guns don't make anyone superman but they sure as fuck level the playing field a bit.
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I agree with you. I think it is all a scheme to make money and there are plenty of sheep to open their pockets. I do like the idea of "thinking positive" and I do it as much as possible. I feel thinking negative is just waste of time. Not because of vibrations but just because you gain nothing but anger. Depending on the situation this can be easy or very hard to do. But in all honestly if you want X to happen hard enough you change your priorities until it happens. You can apply that to anything in life.


Totally agree, I mean there is a time and place for negativity, but I mostly try to stay positive in all situations. It seems to work out better that way.

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Well, as humans we tend to seek out certain outcomes (desired or undesired) through our actions that we often attribute to higher powers, or fate, when often the result is really simple probability. Karma exists because good people put themselves in situations that lend themselves to good reactions/responses, and vice versa, not because of some ancient-eastern, magical, philosophy.


Your subject with the car stereo could have avoided the theft of his headunit, by not installing it. The act of installing a desirable aftermarket stereo is in effect, knowingly subjecting one to the possibility that one who may also desire it(we can usually measure that desirability in dollar value)may decide to steal it if given the opportunity. That's just increased probability.



Before we get to carrying a firearm for personal protection, we should discuss fear. Fear is a motivator for sure, but fear as a motivator is not always negative. I want my family to eat, without stable employment, that may not happen. Fearful motivation plays a positive role in my family's livelihood and general well-being. Taken to extremes fear can be destructive too, but so can drinking 4 gallons of water. So now that we know fearful motivation can lead to desirable ends, we take into account the point of carrying a firearm.


Carrying a firearm for protection of oneself, or family, without intent of malice upon others, is a security measure to counteract the possibility of being in an otherwise unfairly stacked, forceful human interaction. I suppose I could see a circumstance where one develops a false sense of security in the act of possessing a firearm, and then having inflated that feeling, place themselves in higher probability situations, say like walking through a dark alley at 2am, but with a "fuck it, I got a gun" attitude, and I think we've all known someone like this. Logically, being aware of ones surroundings and environment is the best deterrent to becoming a potential target of opportunity. I suppose the firearm would be added insurance.

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Damn you Rob, I came here to post that.


I knew a few people growing up that used to carry guns. At first they were always nervous. Scared they would get caught, scared the gun would go off by accident, etc. Them being uneasy made them look suspect. This would cause those around them to watch them closer. At times people would wonder if they were a snitch.. this in itself could have got them shot or picked on making them have to use that gun. Luckily that never happened.


After the nervous phase they became comfortable. At this point no one payed any attention to them at all. They walked around like nothing was going on. More confident than before they had the gun, but not superman..The last phase was being over confident. The situations they avoided when they were nervous and neutral they were closer to. The end result was jail time. Take the gun away and you take away the macho man psyche that resulted in incarceration.


Its not the gun its the person carrying it. Without the gun people run, with the gun people stand their ground.

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