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Any other WoW geeks out there?


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I'm talking about World of Warcraft, not the cable company. If you play I want to know what server and which side? Crushridge alliance side here, character names: Diagnosis (warlock), Diagnosys (druid), Diagnosus (hunter), Diagnosls (paladin), Diagnoses (warrior), Diag (Death Knight) and Arcanenec (mage).
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I refuse to believe there is anyone on earth who can balance passion for WoW, cars, and hold a steady job.


I did for about two years. But it got to the point where it was retarded so I quit. Made almost $400 bucks from selling my account though. That was back when Wrath was big news. lol

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AtomicFusion and I both played, but stoped becuase we hated the new expansion. I have a 85 DK and Hunter, and Mark has 85 DK, Paly, and 80 Hunter


What was wrong w/ Cata other then the slow release of Raid content?



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I used to play, can't remember the server. Out of my group of friends I was the fastest to have my name banned (lvl. 27, name was Phallusfrkids). Stopped at level 54 because I'd rather be attempting to get laid than play a drama ridden game. I was rocking an undead SP with lots of good gear too, damn druids would mess up my day though.
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that shit's still going on? I've not played that since the mid 90's. Was just Warcraft back then. a mulitmedia company in Hilliard I worked for used to do design work for them. we used to attend the Origins Game Event. I helped them work the booth at one of the first events. OMG, I was fucking geek. I can't believe it.
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Ha, I take it nobody plays any more and yes, people can hold a job while doing so. I do get laid off in the winter most years so it helps my geek status. Cataclysm may be the death of WoW, not like that was far away though. Thats probably the reason why I have so many characters, game got old and made more alts. If anyone plays any more hit me up.


getting my penis cut off this weekend, thanks for the advice.

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