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Doesnt look good for HTC and Android...Discuss


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Late yesterday an ITC judge ruled that smartphone maker HTC has infringed two Apple patents, and it seems likely that every single Android device out there infringes the same patents."


An import ban would not be good! Holy shit "Android is at the center of 49 federal and ITC infringement suits" really 49?



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*Goes shopping for an HTC Thunderbolt*


Apple can suck it.


They have so many patent suits and countersuits flying back and forth with other companies its a circus you shouldn't bother paying any attn to. This will get appealed.


Apple's so fucking retarded they sued THEIR OWN CPU CHIP SUPPLIER. Their own *single source* chip supplier. To the iPad and several iPhone models. Yep. Samsung. For patent violations. On a chip that, oh oops, wait, Samsung co-developed. Pulled out their lawsuit dong for some lawyer fapping, and then oops, whats that? Wait what? oh wait, yeah, we better start looking for another chip supplier right about now. What do you mean nobody else has a chance of producing these chips without paying Samsung for the rights, nor could they produce them in the QA batch volumes we'd need to maintain production? Oh. Who's that on line one? Samsung? How long do they want me to suck their dick? Ok, tell my secretary to get the Chapstick. The big tub.


Apple's also tried to sue companies claiming they invented the black rectangle. The black rectangle. All phones shaped like a black rectangle are infringing on Apple's intellectual property, because, you know, just forget that Xerox shit from the 60s/70s, apple invents everything they've ever made into a product. Just like the black rectangle. I mean, its not like, oh, oh wait, wait whats that? What....


Oh shit nevermind.


Apple. American corporate lawsuit jizzing champion since Harley Davidson retired the crown.

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Well that's what happens when you know your competition is on the verge of faceraping you. If you can't outsell them, pay off the courts to kill them. I guess Apple is figuring out that they can only go so far with hawking overpriced MP3 players
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Well that's what happens when you know your competition is on the verge of faceraping you. If you can't outsell them, pay off the courts to kill them. I guess Apple is figuring out that they can only go so far with hawking overpriced MP3 players



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I don't know enough about what Mowgli posted, and maybe Apple is the worst out of the phone makers, but I know at one point there wasn't a phone maker out there who wasn't suing another one.


US copyright law either just has or is in the process of being changed to "First to file" instead of "first to invent". So basically, Steve Jobs can file a patent for the black rectangle and claim he was the first to patent it so he owns all rights to it.


Excuse me if I'm mistaken but I don't think that will change what you can file a patent on, or what's enforceable. Just the timing e.g. You file a patent for something but you I some documents/proof that I invented it before you did, so the IP is yours.


EDIT: Ok, maybe I see now, first to file means you only have to come up with the idea but not actually put it into practice? That's dumb, but I still don't see how that changes what's patentable, it still has to be an original invention, something that can work in real life, etc.

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I don't know enough about what Mowgli posted, and maybe Apple is the worst out of the phone makers, but I know at one point there wasn't a phone maker out there who wasn't suing another one.




Excuse me if I'm mistaken but I don't think that will change what you can file a patent on, or what's enforceable. Just the timing e.g. You file a patent for something but you I some documents/proof that I invented it before you did, so the IP is yours.


EDIT: Ok, maybe I see now, first to file means you only have to come up with the idea but not actually put it into practice? That's dumb, but I still don't see how that changes what's patentable, it still has to be an original invention, something that can work in real life, etc.


What sucks about the new method in my book is, I come up with something and don't know how or have the money to patent it or am trying to get bugs worked out etc. You see my idea and submit the patent. All of a sudden I lose all rights to my product/idea.

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at one point there wasn't a phone maker out there who wasn't suing another one.


it sounds like typical business posturing. follow the money that those here are chasing and the answer will be in the pot of gold at the end of the trail.

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Apple is digging a big hole for themselves. They should have gone bankrupt in the 80's like they so almost did.




"they are not responding with innovation, they're responding with lawsuits"


Apple has never been innovative.


If you look at the 2 patents HTC supposedly infringed, it's such bullshit.


“system and method for performing an action on a structure in computer-generated data.”

“real-time signal processing system for serially transmitted data.”

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it sounds like typical business posturing. follow the money that those here are chasing and the answer will be in the pot of gold at the end of the trail.


Being able to file suit on anyone over anything without merit is such a load of shit.




From over a year ago, but I'm sure then landscape hasn't changed that much.

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I find the comment "Apple’s lawsuits claiming patent infringement are spurred by jealousy and anxiety over the growth of Google’s Android platform." Rather juvinile. I've yet to see a corporation sue for jealousy or anxiety. I think Apple is quite comfortable being as profitable and successful with their products as they are.


I think apple has made it clear through their go to market strategy that they are going after a sub-set of buyers who agree with their philosphy and "why" vs the "what" that the Android makers are targeting. It's also clear to me that Apple isn't pursuing the trophy of being the biggest in terms of marketshare. They never really have. They are out to be the most profitable. As a business owner, I agree with that approach.


Apple has never been innovative.
Really? That's funny because while there were perhaps other phones that were similar to the iPhone in looks and features, it wasn't until Apple came along and branded their device that the market really responded with the growth that has boomed and in turn compares everything under the sun to what they created....the iPhone and iPad. Very simliar to the line in the movie The Social Network where he tells the opposition that "if they had invented Facebook, they would have invented Facebook"


Same thing back in 2001 when the iPod came to market. Panasonic, Sony, etc...all had digital devices, but failed to create a brand and such a cult following out of them. Is the iPod the best device technically? Doesn't fucking matter, innovation isn't just about "what" it's about creating a culture to buy in too. Lot's of successful ideas and great products fail because their creators fail to deliver.


Google and Android developers need to turn off the technical part of their brain and instead of trying to deliver a better widget, instead try and figure out what people are looking for and more importantly why they should buy it. Products designed to meet price-points and mass marketing lead to a much more difficult profitability achievement and result in a pricey business model to support.


I don't see too much about what Apple coming out with new products and being shown to be chasing the innovation of anyone else. Typically they are the benchmark for comparisons.


If you look at the 2 patents HTC supposedly infringed, it's such bullshit.


“system and method for performing an action on a structure in computer-generated data.”

“real-time signal processing system for serially transmitted data.”

I can't speak to the techy mumbo-jumbo of the patents, but again, I believe it's just political posturing of some sort.
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Being successful at marketing doesn't mean you have an innovative product in my book, and even marketing doesn't have as much to do with it as they got lucky with the ipod. There were other, cheaper, better, smaller in size, bigger in storage MP3 players around, but the ipod was the one that took off in popularity.


Then the first iphone came out, people bought it because it was an ipod that could make phone calls. Was it innovative? No, there were other smartphones out already that did that, that had 3G, that could do copy/paste, ran flash, had apps and app stores, could send info via bluetooth, built in FM radios, front facing cameras...some stuff that the iphone still lacks today. OMG it's thinner now...INNOVATION

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Being successful at marketing doesn't mean you have an innovative product in my book, and even marketing doesn't have as much to do with it as they got lucky with the ipod. There were other, cheaper, better, smaller in size, bigger in storage MP3 players around, but the ipod was the one that took off in popularity.


Watch my TED video I just posted and then come back to me with how Apple is just "lucky" They are not just lucky. I've had the pleasure of working with them on the integration of iPads in our organization and know "why" they are able to be so successful here. We started with my group with only 50 deployed. Now we are at over 500 deployed and doing well and working perfectly. Apple is "Listening" to our needs where the various Android developers can barely stop talking about themselves let alone figure out how to meet our needs.


Then the first iphone came out, people bought it because it was an ipod that could make phone calls. Was it innovative? No, there were other smartphones out already that did that, that had 3G, that could do copy/paste, ran flash, had apps and app stores, could send info via bluetooth, built in FM radios, front facing cameras...some stuff that the iphone still lacks today.


Simplicity is why the iPod and iPhone are so successful. The masses out there don't want to be techno geeks. We just want thigns to plug and play. Thus why even USB devices took off with that whole plug and play notion.

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Being successful at marketing doesn't mean you have an innovative product in my book, and even marketing doesn't have as much to do with it as they got lucky with the ipod. There were other, cheaper, better, smaller in size, bigger in storage MP3 players around, but the ipod was the one that took off in popularity.


Then the first iphone came out, people bought it because it was an ipod that could make phone calls. Was it innovative? No, there were other smartphones out already that did that, that had 3G, that could do copy/paste, ran flash, had apps and app stores, could send info via bluetooth, built in FM radios, front facing cameras...some stuff that the iphone still lacks today. OMG it's thinner now...INNOVATION


They made it main stream. Sure other devices MAY have had that shit, but you had to be a genius to operate it, and who wanted to carry around a brick?. apple made it simple.

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I'll watch it when I get a chance.


But like I've said, there is room for both...Apple on the other hand wants to do shit like ban sales of HTC devices in the US because they are a threat. Apple reminds me of a dictatorship. We give you what we think you want and need, ban everything else and send them to jail if they oppose.

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