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I think a ruger 10/22 is also a long term survival weapon or even this Henry survival http://www.henryrepeating.com/rifle-survival-ar7.cfm


22 Rifle will put most common animals in ohio on the dinner table. Plus you can carry several thousand rounds with little to no effort.


38 Grain 22lr of 500 rounds = 4.3lbs on my digital scale lol.


I was going to say the exact same thing. And lets be honest in most situations that you may encounter in terms of defense if you are a surviving right the .22lr can still be used as a weapon. Its quiet to the point it wont attract much attention accurate 100+ yards still and convient as far as ammo, etc.


But yeah there are tons of ideas, but my best advice is have fun, plan a budget or just how in depth you want to go with it. Then stretch it as far as you can. I'm not rich and have a lot of other priorities in life to so I have to take it slow on supplies.


I first started with a basic emergency kit, some food, water, waterproof matches, emergency blankets, compass, flashlights, etc. Spent well under $50 to put this together as I grabbed a lot of stuff around the house.


Now I'm planning my bug out bag(s) one for each car. Will have a lot of the same stuff but in a convient bag that I can carry for a distance and obviously leave in the cars.


Firearms are under control too. Depending on the amount of time, who I will be able to be with or if I'll be by myself, and if I can load and take a vehicle obviously changes alot.

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As a counterpoint to all this survivalist talk, consider that your preparation for widespread civil unrest may amount to nothing more than a modern Maginot Line.


The one who prevails against you is the enemy who never attacks the way you planned, if he attacks you at all, if he even is your enemy. I believe this applies to adverse conditions as well as to human "enemies."


How much investment in time, money, and effort are you willing to make to protect yourself from the future?

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As a counterpoint to all this survivalist talk, consider that your preparation for widespread civil unrest may amount to nothing more than a modern Maginot Line.


The one who prevails against you is the enemy who never attacks the way you planned, if he attacks you at all, if he even is your enemy. I believe this applies to adverse conditions as well as to human "enemies."


How much investment in time, money, and effort are you willing to make to protect yourself from the future?


Wait, wait. Are you telling me we need to expect them to attack through the Ardennes?


I have a go bag with the essentials ready to go if we need to get out of the house. We have 3 backup sites that are easily defensible and have the resources for my family and me to live on for a long time. My plans go way beyond that, but they'll be done for once bullets start flying.

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As a counterpoint to all this survivalist talk, consider that your preparation for widespread civil unrest may amount to nothing more than a modern Maginot Line.


The one who prevails against you is the enemy who never attacks the way you planned, if he attacks you at all, if he even is your enemy. I believe this applies to adverse conditions as well as to human "enemies."


How much investment in time, money, and effort are you willing to make to protect yourself from the future?


I need supplies and a bag to get me to one of two safe zones. Those places have what is needed. That is why I want some guides on how to live off the land and survive, why buy when you can get it for free :)


"Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face."

-Mike Tyson


One of the best quotes ever, fits life in so many ways.

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I personally have enough shotguns to arm my immediate family. I have enough ammunition to last each person about a 2-3 months time. The family has a safe house we can go to, i personally have a close friend whos dad ran an extraction team for POW's. He is ready and able, has given me the ok to bring me, my woman and the rents to his house. He has a private cellar which was built to withstand a beating.


If that plan foils, my family has a farm house that has a huge cellar in the basement. The outside is boarded up with sheet metal. The door upstairs can be barricaded, there is a farm next door and the house sits on about 1 square mile of private land.

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I need supplies and a bag to get me to one of two safe zones. Those places have what is needed. That is why I want some guides on how to live off the land and survive, why buy when you can get it for free :)




One of the best quotes ever, fits life in so many ways.


I can now continue and elaborate some more to this thread.



Scenario time:

Whatever the case maybe, the situation will probably go through phases. Initial event, followed by public reaction, followed by State/Federal reaction, evacuation/quarantine, primary fallout, sustained fallout, then that puts you into survival mode. Survival mode isn't exactly the initial reaction to the situation, it's more or less reaction and action to the situation, or as I call it, initial contact. Expect public reaction to be swift, immediate and one of panic. Katrina example can be used for many situations as such.


I won't dwell on the firearm bit, because everyone has their opinions, their likes, dislikes, what they feel comfortable etc... A 12 Gauge shotgun is never a bad choice by any means at all. The vast variety of ammunition make it one if not the most flexible weapon systems in the entire world. (There was a reason the Germans wanted to outlaw the trench shotgun back in WWI) My suggestion is to sway heavily upon 00 Buck shot ranging from 2 3/4" to some 3" money makers. Another round to think about is a good lead slug. This nasty little 3" 1 oz. lead demon child turns your scattergun into a .70 some caliber, dealer of accurate rounds on target. A variety of various small game loads can always come in handy aswell for just that, small game. (Rabbit, squirrel, pheasant, mallards etc...)


Again I have a small load out, but I diversify my load out due to the simple fact I have load bearing equipment. I have carried this weight many times before, and it doesn't hinder me personally. This equipment also serves itself as ballistic protection aswell. I have AP SAPI plates that are rated to take direct impacts from 7.62 Armor Piercing Ammunition. As heavy as it maybe, it serves its purpose if the civil unrest scenario were to present itself, and I were to have to encounter bands or individually armed persons.

Same vest, only mine is tan:



I am a firm believer of a nice rifle (7.62X51mm/.308 caliber), handgun in common caliber upward of .40S&W, and a nice scattergun in 12 guage. Again, my preferences, others have different ideas.


But take a look at Kirafu or similar in frame backpacks to help you with load out. Granted, some form of load bearing equipment is never a bad idea, especially in vest form. Light and portable are always a good thing, so take a look at some backpacking magazines for stoves, packs, boots, clothes, hydration equipment etc... Granted, a keen eye upon what the military utilizes is never a bad thing aswell. Feel free to shoot me an email or PM if you need the Army FM #'s that cover these various items.

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Scott, what are Army FM #'s? Also, got any more info on that vest?


Either way, I'm working towards a bug out bag and a loadout.


I'm going with the lightest 16" AR possible. I need a few more things for it, but sticking with iron backup sites and eventually a decent red dot/holo optic. I just have a cheapy red dot right now. Handgun, fullsize 9mm. This way it's possible to scavenge ammo from anywhere, and weight isn't a big concern.


I'm also wanting to build an AR pistol, so that MAY end up replacing both. Time will tell.

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I'm going with the lightest 16" AR possible.


I just finished up my lightweight build today (pinned/welded on my brake). 6.6lb. with an empty mag. :gabe:


Surefire light setup is en-route and a Trijicon RMR is soon to follow, at which point I will re-weigh it.


:yuno: 14.5" barrel?

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I was thinking 10.5 or 10.25 or whatever it is. I was really kicking around the idea of a 7" but everyone on barfcom seems to think its too short to be worth messing with unless you just want to make a bunch of noise. Of course, in a SHTF scenario where the ATF no longer matters, the upper can find its way onto a rifle lower and suddenly I have an M4, so maybe a 14" isn't such a bad idea, although I would like for it to be moderately concealable for possibly trunk duty.


I haven't weighed my AR, but its pretty low. I'd like to replace the standard handguard with a Magpul and stick a small rail on it for a flashlight, and I'm not planning on adding anything else. It will be my home defense gun too, if I ever get any ammo. Got too many priorities right now that aren't guns, sadly.

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Default happens on our debt, country slowly starts to come undone. What should I be getting right now to last the first week when things get bad.


I will need to get from Columbus to NE ohio or Columbus to Southern Ohio.

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Default happens on our debt, country slowly starts to come undone. What should I be getting right now to last the first week when things get bad.


I will need to get from Columbus to NE ohio or Columbus to Southern Ohio.


food/water/plan is first on your list for sure. You obviously cant rely on stores because looting is there first thing to happen followed by home invasion. If you have your supplies all in order its time to make sure you weapon is ready and ammo is easy to access. I always gauge munitions on the heavy side and like Scott said most of that weight is easier carried in a vest or hung carrying pack/ leg drop/ vest.



Now the hard question, how do you get from were you are to were you want to be. Are the roads clogged? floaded? 4WD available? Is the vehicle reliable? gas availability?


Most cases hoofing it is the best idea to keep concealed and quiet but driving also keeps you from tiring yourself out faster and lets you cover distances faster. I honestly plan on walking out of Columbus because If I would see a car I would think they have something to hide and it would be my first target.





My largest concern if there is civil unrest is what do you do if the military decides to enact marshal law or keep us quarentined (sp?) to our homes? Obviously you do not want to be caught outside or away from your home but on the same token they will not be able to watch every home/ neighborhood from looters or whatever might be out there.

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Scotty, its unfair that you can get SAPI plating and I cannot!


check craigslist in military towns. They pop up frequently just get them before CID does. Nobody has listed a vehicle yet. My loadout: AR w/buis and holo, 1911, 870. 3/4 ton diesel at a minimum. Find an abandoned MD500 or 58A/C if im lucky. Find a nice cave in WV to claim.

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My largest concern if there is civil unrest is what do you do if the military decides to enact marshal law or keep us quarentined (sp?) to our homes? Obviously you do not want to be caught outside or away from your home but on the same token they will not be able to watch every home/ neighborhood from looters or whatever might be out there.


That's why you need a B.O.B. and a B.I.B.

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check craigslist in military towns. They pop up frequently just get them before CID does. Nobody has listed a vehicle yet. My loadout: AR w/buis and holo, 1911, 870. 3/4 ton diesel at a minimum. Find an abandoned MD500 or 58A/C if im lucky. Find a nice cave in WV to claim.



I was thinking Jeep Cherokee but it will come down to availability. Also I wanted to add that I picked up a roll-able solar mat to charge batteries if the electricity goes out. Car might be in good shape with a lot of gas with keys and a dead battery :)



That's why you need a B.O.B. and a B.I.B.



already have

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Default happens on our debt, country slowly starts to come undone. What should I be getting right now to last the first week when things get bad.


I will need to get from Columbus to NE ohio or Columbus to Southern Ohio.


"If" this was to happen. I would rather stay bugged in for a few days. I have bug out locations but I am much more prepared to avoid the public then roam thru it.


Get some food and water. Nothing drastic but things you could cook or eat easily without the use of power. A lot of people do not have a way of cooking food if there electric is turned off. (It is kinda scary to think that)


If you know how to build a fire get this http://firesteel.com/ It makes it easy and you can stuff them all over the place in bags.

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I am trying to prepare myself better for the things that come at you fast in life. I was talking with some people on this and wanted to get some soild ideas.


What if there is total civil unrest in this country, like really bad stuff. What should I be collecting now to be ready?


I have currently a Mossberg 500, what ammo should I get?


What else should I collect incase there is a total or partial breakdown? Any good survial guide type books (shows you how to live off the land in a practical way) ideas?


There are a ton of books, forums and websites out there. Hell there's even a government website that says every household should be able to sustain itself for 3 or more days on its own. As in have you own food, water and provisions for at least 3 days. And this is the government so you know their 3 days is everyone else's 3 weeks.


Ive done some to prepare but nothing too crazy or drastic, not to mention living in an apartment in a suburb if there was real civil unrest you dont want to be in a city. Just get the basics down, food, water, shelter and self defense. Ive heard alot of people make a Bug Out Bag, a bag that consists of everything you need to survive and is easy to grab on the run. But ill warn you, its a slippery slope. Once people start prepping some have a tendancy to take it a little far.

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