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I had a stock that once did a reverse split. The share price rose for about 2 weeks after and then plunged back to the price before the split.


the history of companies that reverse split isnt very convincing. idk how they thought they were different.

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i am faced with what to do. sell citi and bank of america, or ride out their storm. i have lost my ass basically already, but can recover some cash by selling now.


ready, set, go!


Do you need the C and BAC money? You've only lost money if you sell at a loss (not calculating cost or best use of that capital). Ride it out for awhile, and invest new contributions elsewhere.


I think banks are going to load up on even more cash (hence debit card/checking account fees by Citi and BofA) to make major acquisitions in the near future. I also see the possibility of a few major USA/Europe international bank mergers. If you own stock in a Top 25 bank, I would hold onto it...maybe not add to the position, but reinvest the dividends.


Just because Obama thinks banks are bad doesn't make it so.

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Do you need the C and BAC money? You've only lost money if you sell at a loss (not calculating cost or best use of that capital). Ride it out for awhile, and invest new contributions elsewhere.


I think banks are going to load up on even more cash (hence debit card/checking account fees by Citi and BofA) to make major acquisitions in the near future. I also see the possibility of a few major USA/Europe international bank mergers. If you own stock in a Top 25 bank, I would hold onto it...maybe not add to the position, but reinvest the dividends.


Just because Obama thinks banks are bad doesn't make it so.


I am thinking cash is cheap right now, consumer expenditures are down. What makes banks profitable? What is the big idea to generate cash flow? $5/month debit card fees? Charging for checking accounts? That's a drop in the bucket.


I would be investing the money in larger blue chips with proven dividends. At this point, I don't care to be a gamer, looking for the next big stock play. Id like to have solid positions in companies that don't flinch when something like 2008 rolls around again. If I had more time to sit and study the market, I would, but I am so far removed from the game that I almost want a "set it and forget it" type deal with my portfolio.

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  • 2 weeks later...

unloaded most of my BAC and C position while they were having a sick 8-10% run this afternoon.


never looking back at banks. that sector is the bastard child of the market, and will be until they can be profitable again. not possible when the federal government, general public and fed reserve don't allow them to be. pathetic.

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I'm sure its been debated in here already, I'm not slogging through to find it. Look at companies that are dealing in energy. My own employer has gone from low teens ($12-$14) to mid 20's this year. I bought in three years ago at 12.75 when we went public, waited till it dropped to 8 during the "crash" bought a bunch more and have basically sat on it. Elementary actions at best, but still making money.
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Energy stocks are good speculative buys sometimes. I made a killing when I bought Transocean after the BP spill. The price was essentially cut in half because of all the selling. I decided to initiate a huge position, and currently sit on an unrealized gain, as well as a fat 5-6% dividend.


Additionally, 2 days ago bought some more Petrobras (PBR), largest south american oil holding company. I am sitting on a loss from $34, but its around $23 and essentially doubled down at this level. We'll see.

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Energy stocks are good speculative buys sometimes. I made a killing when I bought Transocean after the BP spill. The price was essentially cut in half because of all the selling. I decided to initiate a huge position, and currently sit on an unrealized gain, as well as a fat 5-6% dividend.


Additionally, 2 days ago bought some more Petrobras (PBR), largest south american oil holding company. I am sitting on a loss from $34, but its around $23 and essentially doubled down at this level. We'll see.


When we announced and brought the Re-Refinery online the stock jumped $4.00 a share. Oil Is a beutiful thing.

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Anyone else mess with Krispy Kreme Doughnuts (KKD)? I've made a good bit on them over the past year swing trading. Its a low priced stock which has been making very wild swings lately. so easy money if you watch the technicals.
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Left my SBUX position, bought some Alcoa. Company has taken a beating, down from $18 only a few months ago, bought in at $10.12/share.



good moves, ive done the same bought the whole way down from 14 to 9 on AA. Did the same with X. long term these are cheap $$


just sold my CAT 80$ calls for a shit ton this morning, bought for 3 sell for 14 lol

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Anyone else mess with Krispy Kreme Doughnuts (KKD)? I've made a good bit on them over the past year swing trading. Its a low priced stock which has been making very wild swings lately. so easy money if you watch the technicals.


i dont play technicals, i dont really have the time. i used to do technicals for a broker for an internship, but i dont mess with it anymore.

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voted worst management of the year: netflix. LOLLLLLOLOLOL




Netflix may operate in the red for all of 2012

By Casey Johnston


Netflix is predicting that its combined loss of customers and European launch will push it into the red next year where it may stay for “a few quarters,” according to a letter to its shareholders. The company lost a net 800,000 subscribers following its change-up of services, and has “stalled domestic growth,” which it acknowledges is the result of missteps in the last couple of months.


The movie-rental company reported income of $62 million, or $1.16 per share, up 63 percent year over year. But the company's weak forecast for the fourth quarter has investors worried, and its stock was trading down around 27 percent in after-hours trading at the time of publication. If that holds, NFLX would open trading Tuesday at around $87, the first time it has been below $100 since August 2010 and a far cry from its July peak of nearly $300.


After Netflix separated its DVD rental and streaming services so each cost at least $7.99, the company didn’t seem to realize how much of the customer howling would turn into actual feet walking out the door. But the company still made a fairly accurate loss estimation: 800,000 fewer customers are subscribed to Netflix as of last count.


“We greatly upset many domestic Netflix members with our significant DVD-related pricing changes, and to a lesser degree, with the proposed-and-now-cancelled rebranding of our DVD service,” says the shareholder letter. The company failed to explain that costs to stream video were rising, so when the price changes were announced, “many perceived [it] as greedy,” shocking customers and causing more of them to cancel the service than Netflix was expecting.


From here, Netflix will continue a rollout in the UK and Ireland in the first quarter of 2012. According to the shareholder letter, that rollout plus the lost faith domestically will make the company unprofitable on a global basis “for a few quarters starting in Q1.” Further global rollout will be on hold until Netflix returns to the black. You can't rent, or stream, this kind of schadenfreude; still, we shudder at the thought of life without Netflix streaming.



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