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What pisses you off


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  Farkas said:
No, it's just a pointless snack that needs to fuck off. Same thing with Soy milk... every fucking fag in the world thinks Soy milk is healthy for them and the best thing ever since individually wrapped slices of american cheese, except it's everything but. If you want to be a fucking hipster shit-fuck, the go right ahead, but don't tell me how you're lactose intolerant, when you really just think it's the cool thing to do by getting Soy milk instead of regular... point is, chances are you're wearing your sister's pants and you need punched in the fucking mouth... grow a pair for christ's sake.


Ohhh I see where you're going with this. Picking on cookies was a mediocre choice at best.


You forgot


*frosted mini wheats

*rice cakes

*plain oatmeal



I agree soy milk can fuck itself, my 1 month old daughter is on isomil (soy formula) and my god can she stink up a room.

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  mjrsplat said:
Ohhh I see where you're going with this. Picking on cookies was a mediocre choice at best.


You forgot


*frosted mini wheats

*rice cakes

*plain oatmeal



I agree soy milk can fuck itself, my 1 month old daughter is on isomil (soy formula) and my god can she stink up a room.


Triscuits are delicious

Frosted mini wheats need to be in my stomach, right now

Rice Cakes are delicious

Oatmeal is delicous

Grits are delicious








But fig newtons can piss off.

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People who can't drive, if I'm going faster why do you bastards get in front and block the road?


People who change the plan while executing said plan, if we discussed doing one thing and we are in the middle of doing said thing, fucking finish you stupid fuck.


People who are too laid back, taking your time, and slowing normal processes down is fucking stupid, if you want to be that laid back go live in the woods and become a hermit.

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  FIREBUSH!!! said:
what passes for the majority of people that post on CR during a normal day. Honestly you people talk shit here and then don't say a fucking word in person like some creepy perv in the corner at a bar staring at chicks.


Nothing else to do at work.



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  FIREBUSH!!! said:
what passes for the majority of people that post on CR during a normal day. Honestly you people talk shit here and then don't say a fucking word in person like some creepy perv in the corner at a bar staring at chicks.


You scare me with our tall height and small electric car

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  Not Brian said:
I cannot stand talking to people who just wait anxiously to talk during a conversation instead of listening first. They only respond with shit starting with I or Me.. like, "I did that too but better.." type responses. I wanna stab their forehead with a laptop.


I wanna stab your forehead with a flaccid Penis

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