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Who's got the best 3D TV these days??


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So my Samsung DLP that I've had for alomst 5 years finally 'shit the bed' last week. Wife and I went to Best Buy last night and looked at a couple of options. We are looking to buy in the next day or two, so I can watch the F1 race this weekend


Anyone out there have any insight into brands? We are looking in the $1000-$1500 range. We would like the TV to be 3D capable, but it doesn't have to have all the apps and wi-fi and stuff, but it seems like if it's 3D capable, it has all the extras....but the apps and wi-fi would be nice to have, not need to have.


Here's the two we are looking closely at:


Front Runner: Samsung LED 3D http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Samsung+-+46%22+Class/+LED+/+1080p+/+120Hz+/+3D+/+HDTV/2121725.p?id=1218310410578&skuId=2121725 With this TV they are running a promotion right now where I would get 2 pair of 3D glasses with it, a Blu-Ray player, and the 3 Shrek Movies on Blu Ray for free (about a $450 value) Link to promo --> http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?type=category&id=pcmcat251200050018


Second in line (in my opinion): LG LED 3D http://www.bestbuy.com/site/LG+-+LG+47%22+Class+/+LED+/+1080p+/+120Hz+/+3D+/HDTV/2128045.p?id=1218310412070&skuId=2128045 With this TV, I don't get a Blu-ray, but I get 10 (yes 10) pair of 3D glasses so I can have a viewing party or something.


Link to promo --> http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?type=category&id=pcmcat252800050008


Supposedly with the new TV's you and 'Upconvert' the image and watch any show or race in 3D on both of these TV's....so the glasses are pretty cool to have.


I am a Consumer Reports guy and the LG ranked 2nd on the list for LED TV's....the Samsung was about 5 spots down on the list, but still ranked well.


To recap:

Samsung - $1499 with free blu-ray, 3 blu-ray movies, and two pair of 3D glasses, we've owned a Samsung for almost 5 years previous and have been pretty happy with it


LG - $1199 with 10 pair of 3D glasses, ranked 2nd on Consumer Reports list, and is a little cheaper....


I kind of know which direction I want go, but would love any feedback from you guys who know their schtuff about TV's, and if I should look at another model or brand specifically.


Please chime in and TIA for any info, feedback, etc


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when i worked at best buy end of laast year u couldnt just watch anyol show on any chanel in 3d..it had to be a chanel built for it or a 3d blue ray.


also take into consideration the glasses wont work on other brand tvs so your sony wont work with ur lg ectect so i would get the 10 glasses deal.



personally the people i spoke with that had a 3d tv woudl come back in for a different tv because they never use the 3d after a while wearing the glasses become a pain and the 3d gives u a headache.


just my 2 cents

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This is the one I have. It's last years model, which I see has gone down in price quite a bit :fuuuu: When I bought mine it came with the bluray player/glasses/movie promo too which was a nice thing to get. I don't think I've ever seen a TV with a nicer picture.




It has apps, and it has a higher refresh rate than the samsung you have listed. The one you linked says it has skype, but I'm unsure if it has Samsung apps, which is nice to be able to have Facebook/Google Maps/Youtube/Netflix etc built into the TV. A nice little bonus is that you can install the samsung remote app on your android/iphone and use it as a remote through wifi.

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My 2 cents, I love Samsung I would stick with them, and I think 3D is a gimmick until they make it work well without glasses. Also I would totally go LED. Sorry for the short post, just don't have time to post all the reasons 3D is going to fail.
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when i worked at best buy end of laast year u couldnt just watch anyol show on any chanel in 3d..it had to be a chanel built for it or a 3d blue ray.


also take into consideration the glasses wont work on other brand tvs so your sony wont work with ur lg ectect so i would get the 10 glasses deal.



personally the people i spoke with that had a 3d tv woudl come back in for a different tv because they never use the 3d after a while wearing the glasses become a pain and the 3d gives u a headache.


just my 2 cents


My parents got 3d TV. LG. Some stuff was cool, playing halo with it was trippy for a game or two, then you just get a headache. I am not a huge fan of 3d TV.

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so here's the thing with 3D tv......it has two engines instead of one, so when you are not using the '3D' capability the refresh rate is supposed to be superb, because it would typically use those two engines to support 3D, and it can now use them both in 'normal' HD to give you much better picture and quality. So since i watch a very good portion of motorsports and car 'shows' I see this as a HUGE plus to have such a good refresh rate on my TV.....that's where my head is at....so I can use the 3D IF I want, but I will get a much better picture quality TV......that make sense?
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We have the Samsung PN50C7000YF plasma. I think the 3D is better than what you see in theaters. No so diffused. For regular HD programming...especially sports...it is AMAZING. It is so fast. You won't be dissapointed. BTW, compare plasma to LED in 3D before you buy an LED.
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Consider what you want in a TV, especially since your 5y/o DLP just shit the bed.


Plasma sucks for longevity and power consumption.

Plasma will have the best color IMO.

Don't get sold on package deals. Buy the tv you want because its the TV you want, not because of the shit they throw in with it.

3D gives you a headache.

You can get just as great a picture from a high-end regular TV as you can with a dual-engine 3D tv. I don't work in a TV store or anything, but the best picture I've ever seen on a TV was on a 2D Samsung 46". The difference between "superb" picture quality and "very good" picture quality is not worth buying something twice as expensive, at least to me.


Vizio. Vizio. Vizio. You at least owe it to yourself to look at Vizio. Everyone I know has had theirs for years and swears by the brand, including me with my 37" LCD.

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Between my Panny 3d and my friend's Sammy 3d the winner is a toss-up. I have yet to see another brand that is in the same league as far as 3d goes. The LGs have been very good too though, and use cheap passive glasses.


I was never planning on a 3d tv but got a 55" on sale, on a whim, and for gaming and 3d movies, it's a cool feature.

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