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614streets? wtf did anyone see this on the bullet


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Not that I know him or anything but he started some thread in the "Romper room" entitled "JEWS!" (thought it was a joke, it was removed within an hour) and that was the last I seen of him here. After looking at his website I wouldn't be surprised to see him on the news...


In all seriousness though Chase probably hit him with 3 or 4 unjustified overdraft fee's and he got a little pissed off...

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If he is indeed a good guy, then he may be the greatest troll ever.


Otherwise, he's just another ignorant moron incapable of comprehending that problems in this world can be traced to more than just one group/ethicity/race.


FWIW my one interaction with him ever was pleasant and he was incredibly helpful.

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Just an FYI, I saw Will alil while ago, mid summer, and he is doin well and lives nowhere near what was posted. He is a great guy and wish he would come back into the racing scene.



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so you think that someone with this mindset is a goodguy?







Not to get into a debate over it, I am just saying all interaction with him and myself have been nothing but good stuff and good time. He has helped me out with my boat motor with some info I needed and alil with the bimmer. What his beliefs are, are totally up to him to make and act out on. Not saying I agree with him or disagree with him, just saying I have had nothing but good times with him.

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Not to get into a debate over it, I am just saying all interaction with him and myself have been nothing but good stuff and good time. He has helped me out with my boat motor with some info I needed and alil with the bimmer. What his beliefs are, are totally up to him to make and act out on. Not saying I agree with him or disagree with him, just saying I have had nothing but good times with him.


I get what you're saying, but fuck me. I was also good friends with a guy named Cruz many years ago. He was a killer and a drug dealer. Sure, he was more than extra cool with me, but he was a piece of shit and I made/make no excuses for him. There is a line to be drawn, and you sir, need to pick up a damn marker. ;) And some point, your 'acceptance' is irresponsible and selfish. (Im not saying you still deal with him and Im not attacking you, just another way to look at it.) I generally would agree with most of what you said, but certain situations dictate a different reaction. This is too far; too much. Of course, that's a matter of opinion, as well. :)

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Damn, Will was always a great guy when i delt with him. I'd still let him work on my car to this day if i could get ahold of him. I trusted him with my car more than other people that are/were on this board.


Wonder how this happened or why, i always thought he was a good guy. And i saw him on the regular.


Oh yeah, and that address (If he lives at the place he did last year) is NO where close to his house.

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The best part about that thread is all the people talking shit behind a keyboard. I do not know will, nor have I ever met him, just know of him from this website, but I would be willing to put money that face to face none of those guys would talk shit. Especially considering how crazy he appears to be. Also pretty sure if any of them went to his house to do anything to him it would be a huge crime considering it was pre-meditated
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