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Why do kids have to be so dumb?


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Personally I hardly consider an old bbgun that cant even brake through a soda can(weve tried over and over) needing to be locked in a safe. Should I lock up my kitchen knives, they pose a more serious threat. What about the paintball guns, they too would cause more damage. Those with little kids/no kids think everything will hurt their kid but when they get older you know for a fact everything will but have to decide if you want to be that parent that freaks out about everything and worries all the time. I can walk through my house and find 50 different things that would cause more damage that bbgun could do. I have already been through this with my kids. I was far more scared to let my kids go to the park for the first time without me, to ride a moped around town and more recently drive alone. I have a daughter that I have to allow to grow up without me making sure that absolutely nothing will happen to, and I cant be there everytime. I have to let my go to a new school this year with bigger/older kids and know hes going to face things that I wish I was there to prevent and not make him go through. I fear that my oldest son will be 18 in less than 2 years and I dont I have taught him enough to be successful on his own. I worry that at somepoint I wont be able to put a roof over my kids heads, that I wont be able to walk to play games with them or my grandkids. So a bbgun? Thats about the least of things I worry about hurting my kids.
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You need to look at it from the bleeding heart mom side......if he shot someone or something else and caused injury YOU ARE LIABLE FOR THE DAMAGE!!!!


Ya, it was your basket ball crap this time but if he would have shot another kid/adult, whatever....YOU would be sued! I hope you have good insurance and a good lawyer if you don't correct this from happening again...

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I dont care about being sued, what are they going to get? I have no income, nothing is in my name and the house their is no value to. If I walked around worrying about being sued over possible consequances theres all kinds of things I would stop doing. If I had what I felt was a lethal weapon it would certainly be secured. What would happen if a kid cut himself with a knife when he was over here cutting his steak, or burned himself on the firepit when were all sitting there, hell theres all kinds of things that I could possibly be worried about being sued over. If we get in a car wreck and I have someone else's kids with me which happens multiple times a week, there literally are thousands of possible scenarios I would have to be worried about, some of which are more likely to happen than a kid being seiously hurt with the bb gun. Dont get me wrong I wish it wasnt in such a conspicuous place more so that it now costs me money than rather than a kid possibly getting hurt with it. There was a time we wouldnt even let other kids on our trampoline but then you have to say to yourself that things happen in life you can necessarily control. You cant be so conservative that you worry about every little thing. I am on borrowed time as is I dont fear being sued by someone.
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Kids are kids and accidents happen. He made a stupid decision and I am sure he did not think it would break and or intend to break it. On the flip side, I would beat the shit out of him with that BB gun, and then get back in my car and hit him.


:gabe: fixed.


In all seriousness OP, make him work it off. It's only fair.

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I dont care about being sued, what are they going to get? I have no income, nothing is in my name and the house their is no value to. If I walked around worrying about being sued over possible consequances theres all kinds of things I would stop doing. If I had what I felt was a lethal weapon it would certainly be secured. What would happen if a kid cut himself with a knife when he was over here cutting his steak, or burned himself on the firepit when were all sitting there, hell theres all kinds of things that I could possibly be worried about being sued over. If we get in a car wreck and I have someone else's kids with me which happens multiple times a week, there literally are thousands of possible scenarios I would have to be worried about, some of which are more likely to happen than a kid being seiously hurt with the bb gun. Dont get me wrong I wish it wasnt in such a conspicuous place more so that it now costs me money than rather than a kid possibly getting hurt with it. There was a time we wouldnt even let other kids on our trampoline but then you have to say to yourself that things happen in life you can necessarily control. You cant be so conservative that you worry about every little thing. I am on borrowed time as is I dont fear being sued by someone.



Regardless of how bad you may have it, things can always be worse.....




Again, I don't know you so don't take it the wrong way but.......this kind of response sounds like things happen to/around you because you allow it.


I hope you at least have a basic insurance policy on your residence/property....regardless of the name its under...

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My home is insured with what I have been told is standard coverages. I dont have it bad, despite my injury I really have a comfortable life. I just dont have this big fear that something could happen. I know this wont be understood by alot of you guys but I dont have this huge desire to be on this earth. If I die tomorrow oh well, if I live another 100 years oh well. Anything I say beyond that will require a lengthy explanation and be twisted a million different ways. But my life is better than most I know this and can appreciate it for what its worth. Things really dont happen to me or around me. Up until my accident, which was just that an accident not necessarily anyones fault really, I have always lived a rather uneventful existance. I have been rather fortunate with finances again up until my accident and right now its all a game, I was dealt a hand as were the people I deal with regarding my injury and were each playing it out. Isnt that pretty much life? Were all just dealing with what we were dealt. Sometimes I wish I could get up from the table and fold but I am getting close in it all being over and moving on. I dont fear losing this house, I have often thought of walking away and buying a bigger house for cheaper since prices are so low, I guess in that situation I would see it as a win for me. lol
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The issue here is not that the kid shot and broke you basketball backboard. The issue here is the kid's lack of respect for authority. I couldn't care less if we were outside and all shooting and he accidentally shot and brake something. Ish happens. Where the issue comes in, is the fact that the kid blatantly defied direction given by an adult, the parent of a friend, and the owner of the property he was on. I would hope you would do this kid the justice of taeching him there are consequences for not following the rules. By not doing anything, you are teaching the kid he doesn't have to abide by the rules set forth by the governing authority, in this case, you. Is that what this society needs? Even more kids with no regard for anyone or anything else because they have never had to take responsibility for their retarted decisions?


If I was this kid's parents, I would WANT you to tell me what he did so I could discipline him myself. If the parents can't afford to pay for the damages, that would be no big deal to me. If you feel gracious enough to not request that of them because you are aware of their financial situation, by all means, extend that grace. That is secondary though. Most importantly, they need to be made aware of what he did so they can deal with it accordingly. Otherwise this kid is going to grow up to be a pirate.

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The kids parents were told and as expected looked at us like they dont understand english even after translated. For anyone who has never dealt with someone who doesnt understand english, when they are told something they get fearful as if they are going to be deported or something. Once again the kid was never told by an adult to not touch it on this particular day.
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I am not the kids parent, not a whole lot I can do about it. The kid apologized(by himself not because his parents made him), his parents dont understand what most would consider american protocol, this is the exact reason I have insurance although its not worth filing a claim over, I could take it to small claims but who wants the hassle, I hope the kid learned some sort of lesson even if it wasnt the one most feels he should have, the court will be fixed next week. I really dont feel like spending 2hrs attempting to explain to his parents why they should have to pay, why he should work it off or any of that. I spoke to them and I could tell within 2 seconds they will never understand. If the kid was a jerk or acted like it was no big deal I would be treating this differently. He was extremely apologetic when it happened almost to the point of tears my wife said. I know he feels bad that he did something wrong and like I said if he acted another way that would dictate my actions as how he did is now. Trust me I am not above beating a kids dad(for real, not just saying it, wont be the first time, always expected it to happen again) if I feel its warranted, hell I might beat his mom to, but in this particular situation I dont feel its required.
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My 15 year old son was kicking a soccer ball in the neighbors back yard about a month ago with my other kids. I'm not sure why they were next door because they have their own yard but they were. I have told all of them several times to play in their own yard. Well Brendon kicked the soccer ball way to hard and broke the neighbors fence. Guess who paid to fix it??? I made him pay to fix the neighbors fence. It was an accident but I told them not to go over there and they did it anyways. At that point its on him.
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I believe I clarified that somewhere earlier, my oldest son was the one that told them not to touch it on this particular day. The kids all knew including mine they are suppose to ask first so I can make sure nothing is in the way and my neighbor knows. I am not so old I dont remember doing something without thinkin as a kid. Its a case by case basis, there are kids I know that would have thought nothing wrong of doing this, but for me its just not that type of situation.
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