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Dodge bringing back the Dart, umm why?


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bringing back "classic cars" from years past seems to be a fad thats sticking around. what ever, i dont care, i'm not going to buy them and i rather look at a "modern take on a classic car" than a PT cruiser or HHR or wtf ever those rolling abortions are.


What blows donkey dick about this is taking an extreamly American car and redesigning it via an Alfa.


I like Alfa's, have nothing against them, respect their deign style and chuckle at their propensity to grande with out warning. What i don't like, however, is someone trying to pass an inherently Italian car off as an American made Dart. It isnt true to its idenitiy.


Its like they're sitting around the table thinking how can we make this fly in America? What do American's consumers think like? it bet it goes like this...

"oh wow, Chrysler is owned by Fiat. I don't like that, i'm an 'Merican and buy made in 'Merica built productos only but 'Merican owner corporations. But whats this a new Dodge Dart? well then i guess ill buy it cuse i relate to when the original Dart came out."


It's insulting and even worse false to its own identity. taking a car made by X company, making a few minor changes and rebadging it for over seas sales is nothing new, but when it takes on the name of a previously established car...thats what chafes my ass hole.


with out seeing the car i obviously cant say that i like it or hate it, but i unequivocally hate the idea of slapping the Dart name on it.

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bringing back "classic cars" from years past seems to be a fad thats sticking around. what ever, i dont care, i'm not going to buy them.


What blows donkey dick about this is taking an extreamly American car and redesigning it via an Alfa.


I like Alfa's, have nothing against them, respect their deign style and chuckle at their propensity to grande with out warning. What i don't like, however, is someone trying to pass an inherently Italian car off as an American made Dart. It isnt true to its idenitiy.


with out seeing the car i obviously cant say that i like it or hate it, but i unequivocally hate the idea of slapping the Dart name on it.


Banking on nostalgia is waaaaay cheaper than promoting something new. I don't like it, but it is.

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Banking on nostalgia is waaaaay cheaper than promoting something new. I don't like it, but it is.


thats fine, i mean if people are buying them and enjoying them great. As far as cost i would compare it to retaining an employee as opposed to the cost of hiring a new one.


but this"new" dart is going to be sooooo far off the mark its redic. And alfas are SO incredibly distinct.

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:rolleyes: Lot of assumptions here...


1. Dodge does not currently have a car for the segment this will compete in. That's reason enough.


2. It will be built in the USA. Most of it's core is from Alfa. This is nothing new for manufacturers. Who gives a shit? Many details will be different. Hell, even the frame wont be the same. Not to mention, the various engines offered of which only 1 or 2 of the 4 are Fiat carryovers. And hell, Fiat is rebadging a few Chrysler products themselves for their market.


3. Taking a good platfrom and starting from there will save alot of money that can be put towards the platform in other ways or as a savings to the consumer. Do you want them to design everything from scratch just becuz you have a hard time with it being called a Dart? Are you willing to pay the premium for such a thing in this segment? There are a dozen other reasons why this is 'ok'.


4. The direction they seem to want to head in this car is something sporty and fun just like the other new cars in this segment are supposed to be. It seems they will offer a fuel sipping version all the way to a HO version given the talk about fuel milage, trannies and engine choices. Of which I won't list here. If you're really interested, you'll look it up and educate yourselves. The rest of you will continute to blindly guess and complain. ;)

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To piggy back on ImUrOBGYN's excellent post, they're building this in the old Neon plant, apparently. So that's cool.


More to the point, shame on Chrysler for not having a nameplate anyone remembers fondly since the Dart. Reliant K*? Shadow? Neon*? Caliber? When was the last time Chrysler had a small car that was worth a shit? When was the last time Chrysler wasn't facing bankruptcy?


They're solvent and producing new cars again. Beggars can't be choosers.




*OK, I actually like the Neon, but America remembers it as a self-destructing rattle box. And the K-car, while it single handedly saved Chrysler in the 80s and wasn't that bad in the grand scheme of things, is one Lebaron convertible joke away from a forgotten memory.

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Keep clinging to this old world ideals man.


RIP Old people and their cars.


If you rode in an original hemi dart you would crap in your superman underoos.


Acutally any hemi car for that matter would cause your angus to vomit. They are violent, loud, and scary just like a real mans car should be.

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If you rode in an original hemi dart you would crap in your superman underoos.


Acutally any hemi car for that matter would cause your angus to vomit. They are violent, loud, and scary just like a real mans car should be.




They are crude, loud and suck ass actually.


It's funny how sentimental people are when it comes to old crappy cars.


How about you fly around in an old rickety plane next time you need to get somewhere? :dumb:

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They are crude, loud and suck ass actually.


Yeah but it's fun!


It's funny how sentimental people are when it comes to old crappy cars.


How about you fly around in an old rickety plane next time you need to get somewhere? :dumb:


BRB buying p-51...

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If you rode in an original hemi dart you would crap in your superman underoos.


Acutally any hemi car for that matter would cause your angus to vomit. They are violent, loud, and scary just like a real mans car should be.


Thanks to our lovely EPA, this will never happen.


The 2013 Shelby GT500 is going to make six hundred and fifty fucking horsepower. The world is not hurting for "real man's cars." And the EPA certainly isn't stopping the SRT8 Challenger, or 300C, or Charger, or the upcoming viper, or....

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be jones buy overpriced car and remind everone on the planet how stupid their cars are compared to his



No, has nothing to do with Audi, or my car in general.


I just have no problem with them re-badging the DART and slapping it on a little alfa chassis. Cars back then were so crude it was ridiculous. Most of them did everything horribly, some did the 1/4 mile thing pretty well, but you nearly died if you needed to use the brakes or turned.


I guess I don't get the obsession. We don't cling to the old and shitty in any other facet of our lives. People don't use an 80's IBM PC becuase "man it was 50 lbs of sheet metal and loud". No, they buy a new, modern one that does everything better.


Go ahead and make another ridiculous statement...

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