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Are you a Facebook Holdout?


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I've never met one person that isn't hooked on facebook that has a facebook account. I know several people that ruined their marriages due to looking up old women from HS days or meet new women just to get a piece of ass, but everybody knows everbody on faceyspace. Too much drama for me and waste of time. who cares if so and so had feet cramps or is getting a yummy pizza tonight.


Fu@k all that HAHAHAHAHA

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I'm on it and use it quite a bit. When you're in IT and have access to it, it's easy to get on it to pass the time, if you have the time, of course. However, I only use it for two things:


1. Pics

2. Status updates


I've blocked everything else. Fuck playing games and all that other bull shit. For me, it's just a way to keep in touch with friends and family I don't see all the time. As someone said earlier, when used properly, it's a good tool... :nod:


This also, I need to setup a group who can't see shit or just delete them from my friends list because all they do is try to get me into a pissing match over updates and crap just to be a genuine prick.

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I've never met one person that isn't hooked on facebook that has a facebook account. I know several people that ruined their marriages due to looking up old women from HS days or meet new women just to get a piece of ass, but everybody knows everbody on faceyspace. Too much drama for me and waste of time. who cares if so and so had feet cramps or is getting a yummy pizza tonight.


Fu@k all that HAHAHAHAHA


Admit it, you aren't advanced enough to utilize the site.

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