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Who would you vote for if the election was today?  

113 members have voted

  1. 1. Who would you vote for if the election was today?

    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Jon Huntsman
    • Rick Perry
    • Rick Santorum
    • Newt Gingrich
    • Barack Obama
    • Tim Lauro/not voting
    • Im moving to Canada

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Obama is an easy choice amongst the neo-con, evangelicals we've got in this crop. Romney is moderate enough beyond that, but being a Massachusetts moderate conservative I would have assumed he would be divisive amongst the republican party. This seems to not be the case, as I assume the strategy we are seeing is to use a moderate to appeal to swing voters centrist in their ideologies.


Call me an idiot all you want for voting for Obama, my values split me towards social freedom, over economic freedom, while teetering the razors edge of inconsequentiality since both parties backslide their traditional stances regularly trying to appease whatever demographic of voters needed to get them elected.(example, democrats attacking video games and music as a cheap scapegoat for real problems too complex to boil down into catchphrases, and republicans routinely voting to expand governnent power, think Patriot Act, despite a supposedly "small government" rhetoric)


Scott, Paul's voting record is one of the most consistent in regards to his respect for the constitution. He has made mistakes like all politicians, and he says and supports some things I disagree with. However, he will grab a large group of independents, and many slightly left(such as myself), find him infinitely more electable, and therefore could take a large swath of swing voters.


Lastly, even if Paul gets into office, it is not unlikely his ideas would be diluted, if not wholly suffocated by an increasingly inept, and gridlocked Congress. We have a governmental problem. Not just a Presidential problem.

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Ron Paul.

No question.


Every president has to compromise. I don't expect to ever fully agree with their views 100%. My huge problem with Obama is his compromises are the polar opposites of what I believe.

I think he is too naive for the job.

"Hey, we want to be able to get around due process when we see fit"

Obama - "No way! Never"

"Its cool bro, you can have final say on anyone we detain"

Obama - "Oh, ok. I'm cool with that, where do I sign?"

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Seeing people on this board vote for Obama, Romney, ect. just reassures my belief of the following:


1. People on this board have no understanding of our financial system, fiat currency, or basic economics.

2. Those people also do not own homes

3. Those people do not work, pay taxes, or have benefits

4. Those poeple do not realize that establishment candidates have reversed in a few decades, over 800 years of struggle in this country to create our constitution/bill of rights.


I believe that what Obama did by signing the NDAA into law is treason. Anyone who votes for him does not deserve to be an American because they have no belief in the Constitution and have no respect for our country or the ones who died creating it.


There's a lot that you don't see living in your parents basement, washing a Corvette or Audi that your daddy bought you.

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2012-1776= 800yrs!!!!


While I do consider myself fairly right wing, I find it hard to beleive in anything anymore. I really have no idea who I'd vote for.


1776 was when the declaration of independence was signed... how many years were early settlers seeking freedom oppressed by foreign powers? 800 years was a ballpark of injustice, murder, rape, ect.

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Seeing people on this board vote for Obama, Romney, ect. just reassures my belief of the following:


1. People on this board have no understanding of our financial system, fiat currency, or basic economics.

2. Those people also do not own homes

3. Those people do not work, pay taxes, or have benefits

4. Those poeple do not realize that establishment candidates have reversed in a few decades, over 800 years of struggle in this country to create our constitution/bill of rights.


I believe that what Obama did by signing the NDAA into law is treason. Anyone who votes for him does not deserve to be an American because they have no belief in the Constitution and have no respect for our country or the ones who died creating it.


There's a lot that you don't see living in your parents basement, washing a Corvette or Audi that your daddy bought you.


I don't think you were trolling.

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I'm actually amazed I'm the only one, so far, to say I'd vote for Huntsman. He doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell, but of all the candidates he's the only one that appears to be a balanced, rational human being that is not trying to appeal to any demographic. He's just putting himself out there as a candidate for the people to judge.


Example of why I think he's not just a great candidate, but an example of what politicians should strive for:

"Public schools are largely secular institutions. I would expect my kids in science class to be instructed in those things that are somewhat quantifiable and based on thorough and rigorous empirical research."

“[Asked if he was opposed to teaching intelligent design in schools, Huntsman said he was against it being taught in science classes.] If it comes up in sociology or philosophy as differing views on creation, I think that's appropriate, ... But that doesn't happen until college or maybe later in high school.”


Holy crap an anti-absolutist!!! I'd rather vote for an open-minded person who I completely disagree with in every way than a narrow-minded person who stands for everything I believe in.

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1776 was when the declaration of independence was signed... how many years were early settlers seeking freedom oppressed by foreign powers? 800 years was a ballpark of injustice, murder, rape, ect.


And between 1492 and 1776 we were either under England's rule or fighting to become our own country. The rest of what became the United States was pretty much the wild west without any real government at all. You made it a point of 800 years to form our consitution, and if you're going to blast your extreme right wing veiws you should expect this kind of response.


Now that I've trolled, let me say that I agree with your original post of how in a few years this country has gone so far backwards it is hardly beleivable how our government could be so careless in its quest to line pockets and play mindfuck games with the general public through the various media outlets and bullshit. Hows that for a run-on sentence?

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Now that I've trolled, let me say that I agree with your original post of how in a few years this country has gone so far backwards it is hardly beleivable how our government could be so careless in its quest to line pockets and play mindfuck games with the general public through the various media outlets and bullshit. Hows that for a run-on sentence?


In the words of Harvey Dent: "Either you die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."

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Seeing people on this board vote for Obama, Romney, ect. just reassures my belief of the following:


1. People on this board have no understanding of our financial system, fiat currency, or basic economics.

2. Those people also do not own homes

3. Those people do not work, pay taxes, or have benefits

4. Those poeple do not realize that establishment candidates have reversed in a few decades, over 800 years of struggle in this country to create our constitution/bill of rights.


I believe that what Obama did by signing the NDAA into law is treason. Anyone who votes for him does not deserve to be an American because they have no belief in the Constitution and have no respect for our country or the ones who died creating it.


There's a lot that you don't see living in your parents basement, washing a Corvette or Audi that your daddy bought you.



+1 (minus the 800-years part) :p




We need a BIG change and I think Ron Paul is our only hope with the current candidates. I'm tired of all the same crap and for people saying RP just goes off. Well, do the research on what he's talking about...most of it he's on point.


We need people to fix the system and hold people accountable. From the President through Congress and everyone right down the line. These are positions that need to have term limits and are no longer lifetime careers. Serve your country and return to your real job. These guys getting rich off the policies/laws they pass is beyond ridiculous. Not to mention making themselves not subject to the same laws/rules as citizens is absurd...












....and for those voting for Obama because of FREE healthcare. Go educate yourself and get a job that will EARN it on your own!

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+1 (minus the 800-years part) :p




We need a BIG change and I think Ron Paul is our only hope with the current candidates. I'm tired of all the same crap and for people saying RP just goes off. Well, do the research on what he's talking about...most of it he's on point.


We need people to fix the system and hold people accountable. From the President through Congress and everyone right down the line. These are positions that need to have term limits and are no longer lifetime careers. Serve your country and return to your real job. These guys getting rich off the policies/laws they pass is beyond ridiculous. Not to mention making themselves not subject to the same laws/rules as citizens is absurd...












....and for those voting for Obama because of FREE healthcare. Go educate yourself and get a job that will EARN it on your own!



I agree 100%. Too many lazy ass uneducated people want fucking hand outs from their gov, they think that it's their right for the gov to take care or them. Get a fucking job and an education and earn it. Funny thing is, is once they get that education their views will more than likely change.

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Columbus did not discover America... Sorry forgot that we erased the whole "Native American" part from our history, as NA's had absolutely nothing to do with any of the wars fought to claim independence. We see this today as they are not recognized as American Citizens, because they came here after Columbus discovered this uninhabited land.


You guys win.



Google Leif Ericson

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If Paul takes the republican nomination I will vote republican. If anybody else gets the nod I will vote Obama. My mind could be changed, though with the current crop of potentials, I would not wager I would be swayed.


I think you are about spot on with this. There was no way I was voting for McCain/Palin..


I don't know if I can vote for Obama, he has not lived up to the hype.


I will not vote for Mitt or Newt, they are what is wrong with the current system we have.

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Seeing people on this board vote for Obama, Romney, ect. just reassures my belief of the following:


1. People on this board have no understanding of our financial system, fiat currency, or basic economics.

2. Those people also do not own homes

3. Those people do not work, pay taxes, or have benefits

4. Those poeple do not realize that establishment candidates have reversed in a few decades, over 800 years of struggle in this country to create our constitution/bill of rights.


I believe that what Obama did by signing the NDAA into law is treason. Anyone who votes for him does not deserve to be an American because they have no belief in the Constitution and have no respect for our country or the ones who died creating it.


There's a lot that you don't see living in your parents basement, washing a Corvette or Audi that your daddy bought you.


Yup that sums up the short version!

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Columbus did not discover America... Sorry forgot that we erased the whole "Native American" part from our history, as NA's had absolutely nothing to do with any of the wars fought to claim independence. We see this today as they are not recognized as American Citizens, because they came here after Columbus discovered this uninhabited land.


You guys win.



Google Leif Ericson


None of them were involved with the formation of our government. You're arguing completely different points than what you initially posted.

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