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Getting burned out on MW3.. what else?


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I'm getting burned out on MW3. I need something else to play.


I just bought a Kinect the other day and that will fuck up someone if they're not in shape and fat (me). It's still fun though.


What else is out there to play.. (other than the obvious Skyrim)?


I'm into 1st person shooters but like MW3.. I'm burned out on it. I played Assassins Creed Rev (son has it) and got through that quickly.


Any ideas?

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when you say this, does it mean you already play it? or you don't want to get sucked into it..


It is crack.


I mean it as in I know everyone loves and plays the game and swears by it but I'm not sure I want to drop almost $60 on a game I might not like.

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Do you like Fallout 3? Skyrim is even better. You can build your guy up as a mage, a warrior, or a sneak-aroundy person with killer arrow shots.. or a mix of the three. It's fun man, and the world is huge. You can literally lose an entire weekend just trotting out the front gates to go explore, not even following a quest. When Sunday night rolls around you'll be like wtf I swear it was just Friday a minute ago.. honey can you come remove me from this chair? Grab the spatula. It's in the drawer next to the microwave. I don't know, you used it last. The kids? Just get up here, I can't feel my legs.
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Battlefield 3, I picked up both mw3 and bf3 played mw3 till about level 30 tried bf3 and at first it was ok but once you unlock a couple weapons it is far better than mw3. For a fps you will not be disappointed. Now I picked the pc ver of both both with bf3 there so much more you can do.
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I'll probably end up getting Skyrim. I like MW3 so I'm not selling it. I'm on my 6th prestige. Just burnt out on it. I'll pick it up in a month or so.. just need a break from it.


I heard BF3 was just about all sniping. I run and gun. Haven't once picked up a sniper rifle in MW3 or BOps or MW2. Not my style of game play.

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I'll probably end up getting Skyrim. I like MW3 so I'm not selling it. I'm on my 6th prestige. Just burnt out on it. I'll pick it up in a month or so.. just need a break from it.


I heard BF3 was just about all sniping. I run and gun. Haven't once picked up a sniper rifle in MW3 or BOps or MW2. Not my style of game play.


If it's anything like Bad Company 2, sniping is just the sweetest part in the entire uniworld. There's actual bullet travel and drop, so you have to compensate for that when sniping from a distance. Also, you can take out helicopter pilots with your sniper rifle...so epic. That said, the rounds where I got the most kills were when I had my ghillie suit on and ran around with a shotgun instead of a sniper rifle. Just hiding in bushes until people come by (in the middle of combat), pop out and HEADSHOT BITCH. Then I'd trot along to another hiding spot blowing people away on my way.

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The g/f just bought me BF3 a couple days ago and so far I love it. I've only played campaign so far because I've never played any of the battlefield series before. I'm still getting used to it but I would have to say that the graphics and game play are by far better than MW.
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I love Fallout 3 and new vegas but I can't get into skyrim. Skyrim feels like they took all the good shit from FO3 and remade Oblivion. I just don't like fantasy games and I don't like putting on my robe and wizard hat. Other games worth checking out any of the Saint row series. If you like GTA style games you will like something about saints row. Borderlands is good. The darkness 2 comes out very soon next month. The first one was awesome you are in the italian mob in NY and do missions in FPS style. Only difference is you have darkness powers which give you better weapons, familiars, and allow you to grow tentacles to eat people. Seriously check it out. With the exception of Counterstrike it is the best FPS I have played.
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If it's anything like Bad Company 2, sniping is just the sweetest part in the entire uniworld. There's actual bullet travel and drop, so you have to compensate for that when sniping from a distance. Also, you can take out helicopter pilots with your sniper rifle...so epic. That said, the rounds where I got the most kills were when I had my ghillie suit on and ran around with a shotgun instead of a sniper rifle. Just hiding in bushes until people come by (in the middle of combat), pop out and HEADSHOT BITCH. Then I'd trot along to another hiding spot blowing people away on my way.


This said, this thread prompted me to pop MW3 in for the first time today in over a month. Second match of TDM I went 33-4. Still got it :fuckyeah:

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BF3 is where you need to be.


There is plenty of running and gunning on some maps, others require vehicle assistance to move through objectives.


Yeah I was playing the other day and there was a squad camping a building that kept killing me every time I got close to them I got in a tank and brought the fucking build down on them.


also knife kills are awesome if you come up behind someone and knife them you will turn them around stab them in the heart and take their dogs tags. First time it happens to you is what the fuck why can't I move... LOL. Great game. Honestly if you pickup bf3 you will probably never play mw3 again.

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