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This needs to be set in Ohio


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My wife hates when we go to the store and we are behind people using the Ohio Card Buy stuff like milk,eggs,Bread But pay cash for DVDs and and other stuff they could have paid for istead of using the Government assistance Makes me so madhttp://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/46270895/ns/us_news-life/#.TzA4kl3-C_u
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Havent read the article yet but there should be exact specific guidelines for what can and cant be bought. The worst is the convenience store in bad neighborhoods. Their registers just go by sale prices and not itemized to include bar codes. Thats why you can buy a cellphone at them with your ohio card, theres no way to tell what your buying.
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  RymerC said:
Get rid of food stamps. Problem solved.


I understand some people need them Like just losing job But Cmon i think they should have like Po's are for Criminals they should investigate every month on what they are being used for

Example My Mother in laws Neighbors The Dad makes 1000 a week under the table but they collect 2000 in Stamps because they have 3 kids

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  iwashmycar said:
It should just be like WIC right? There are only certain things that you can get like Milk, cheese, eggs, and other 'good' stuff from my understanding.


Nope. Ohio Card is to be used at the Parent's discretion for any "food" item. Can buy Soda, Chips, Snacks, etc... And like someone previously said, the corner stores are the worst, they don't ring anything up, and put it all on the Ohio Card.


When I lived in German Village, I would go to the Liquor Store on Parsons, since it was close by. I would see people using their Direction Card, to buy all kinds of crazy shit. My buddy dated a girl who actually needed foodstamps, she cleaned houses, had a kid, and was going to school. They would use the Direction card to buy shit for cookouts, and everything else. It is similar to a Flex Spending card, if you have ever had one of those, comes with x dollars pre-loaded, when you ring it up it goes into a classification type of system at the register. Flex Spending can only pay for certain "Healthcare" items. Of course both can be audited at any time, but why would the state audit the money they are handing out?

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My wifes family(not immediate) receives food stamps and ssi. There is absolutely no reason they should get it and the second her aunts kids turned 18 she took them down and signed them up as well. None of them have ever held a job. Can you imagine being 45 and never working?
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  wnaplay said:
My wifes family(not immediate) receives food stamps and ssi. There is absolutely no reason they should get it and the second her aunts kids turned 18 she took them down and signed them up as well. None of them have ever held a job. Can you imagine being 45 and never working?


i think we are up to 3rd or 4th generation welfare families, cycle will never stop

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  14svt said:
I understand some people need them Like just losing job But Cmon i think they should have like Po's are for Criminals they should investigate every month on what they are being used for

Example My Mother in laws Neighbors The Dad makes 1000 a week under the table but they collect 2000 in Stamps because they have 3 kids


There are many places people who are really that bad off can go to get shelter and a meal. Friends, family, churches, ymca, ywca, etc. They get taken advantage of too, but at least it's not (entirely) our money.

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Tighten up food stamps and other government assistance.


Require X amount of job applications a month in order to get assistance.

Require random monthly drug screens



1 of 2 things will happen. 1) they will find a job and will no longer need food stamps, or 2) cut them off.

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  jeffro said:
Tighten up food stamps and other government assistance.


Require X amount of job applications a month in order to get assistance.

Require random monthly drug screens



1 of 2 things will happen. 1) they will find a job and will no longer need food stamps, or 2) cut them off.




I understand that their are a ton of people that actually need some help. But to those that abuse it and I pay for it...fuck you.


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  jeffro said:

Require random monthly drug screens


this costs more than it saves.


to be clear, im not condoning buying drugs with state money.


but if you actually look at the stats, it is NOT cost effective.


for example florida is spending 200K for their program... and out of about 7000 people who have taken the test, only something like 32 failed. that is less than one half of one percent.


i feel like this money could be much better spent on maybe some type of training program, so that people could learn some skills and get a job and get off the program.

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  cptn janks said:
this costs more than it saves.


to be clear, im not condoning buying drugs with state money.


but if you actually look at the stats, it is NOT cost effective.


How much does a drug test cost? I'm sure they won't miss a couple dollars from their food stamps/welfare. Problem solved lol

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  AngryBMW said:


I understand that their are a ton of people that actually need some help. But to those that abuse it and I pay for it...fuck you.




I was a Hilltop WIC kid but I was the first and only generation to date to be brought up with government assistance. I didn't have shit growing up but my patents both struggled to get educated and paid until it worked out. No doubt it saved my ass and helped THEM to teach me how to be while getting a hand up from the taxpayers. It only took a few years and we were off it. As an adult now i can really understand what it all really meant. All the useless Walmart and corner store fucks taking advantage and using the system like its a job make me physically ill and will be the ruination of the whole system. Trash can't help but take advantage of good intentions. Sucks for those that could use it to actually better themselves and the whole community.


TL;DR. Trash will always find a way to take advantage of a good idea.

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Related story.


I went into the local Aldi the other day in search of cheap Coffee. It was daytime in the middle of the week. All of the handicapped spaces were full. I mean ONLY handicapped spaces were taken, complete with placards. I expected a store full of geriatrics but , no, the whole place was filled with people younger than me. Including some with infants and not a god damned one of them couldn't walk on their own. Not a hover-round or 50 year old in the bunch. All of these fuckers were handicapped? I bet they are in the eyes of the state. Fuck these fucks. Shit, I had the oldest price of shit vehicle in the lot to boot.

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  Supra98 said:
How much does a drug test cost? I'm sure they won't miss a couple dollars from their food stamps/welfare. Problem solved lol


in florida it costs something like 30 dollars. you have to pay it yourself. if you pass, the state pays you back.


florida says the average recipient gets ~250 a month for 5 months.


30 people failed, so using the average, thats 37,500 they did not pay out... compared to the 210,000 they paid out to the 7000 people who DID pass...


to me, spending 210,000 to save 37,500 does not seem like a good return on investment.


like i said, im not saying its ok to buy drugs with state money or anything like that. im just saying that the drug testing costs more than it saves. these programs are often fed to the public under the guise of "saving money", which they do not do. if they are punitive in nature, then thats another story i guess...


incidentally, the florida governor's wife owns the company that does the drug testing... so that probably has a lot to do with the true nature of why they push it so much.

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Some people need assistance so I am not totally opposed to foodstamps. I am however in agreement with there needing to be some sort of limitations on it. About a month ago I was in Circle K (Dairy Mart) and there was 2 little kids in front of me (mind you this is 1230am), anyways they are loading up on candy bars and polar pops, next thing you know the bigger kid pulls out an Ohio Food Card to pay or it all. I was not only sickened that they was buying $20 worth of candy bars, but the fact that they were out at 1230am and couldn't have been any older then 10 years old.
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  cptn janks said:

to me, spending 210,000 to save 37,500 does not seem like a good return on investment.


like i said, im not saying its ok to buy drugs with state money or anything like that. im just saying that the drug testing costs more than it saves. these programs are often fed to the public under the guise of "saving money", which they do not do. if they are punitive in nature, then thats another story i guess....


Are there any stats for how many people didn't bother to show up since they knew they couldn't pass the test?


Even if the program is losing money, it is still a success if it gets just ONE person off illegal drugs, and on the path to recovery. It's not all about the bottom line here, and least not in the short run. In the long run, the more people that are able to clean up, the more people able to return to the work force, the more people paying taxes later on to more than cover for what they needed in the first place. All worth it.

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