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This needs to be set in Ohio


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I have to comment on the remarks about handicapped parking. I have never been concerned with those who park there, not since getting my own placard. Now it drives me up the wall to see someone with no physical ailment get out and walk as I struggle to make it out the door. I only use it when I feel I need it and no just because I have it I don't always feel I need it.
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I understand some people need them Like just losing job But Cmon i think they should have like Po's are for Criminals they should investigate every month on what they are being used for

Example My Mother in laws Neighbors The Dad makes 1000 a week under the table but they collect 2000 in Stamps because they have 3 kids


Call and report them,....PERIOD!

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Are there any stats for how many people didn't bother to show up since they knew they couldn't pass the test?


Even if the program is losing money, it is still a success if it gets just ONE person off illegal drugs, and on the path to recovery. It's not all about the bottom line here, and least not in the short run. In the long run, the more people that are able to clean up, the more people able to return to the work force, the more people paying taxes later on to more than cover for what they needed in the first place. All worth it.


Plus i think it would deter some people from applying in the first place. I don't see many getting off drugs long term but if they continue, at least the tax payers aren't paying for them.

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I dont understand how people can even bear to live on an income from just social security, welfare, etc and not work...09 i did mid 50's.10 i was on track to that and got canned...did 42. 11 i did high 20s and it sucked. I managed, paid mortgage and bills, had to cut back, but still enjoyed life...if i was only living off $1000/mo, fuck that...and thats me as a single person, let alone with kids, etc
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Need assistance? It should be verified and justified. Then there needs to be a plan of action for how to get you off it with a deadline. The deadline holds and the act of getting off the assistance falls on the one recieving aid. Deadlines should be short periods and realistic to finding work for those capable of working. Meaning you better be a vegitable for long term aid. Physical disabilities should be enrolled in a trade retraining program. Fail to go to the school, you lose your aid. No shitty excuses. Day care will be at the school. kid's sick, you go to the aid programs medical facility and get a note from the DR. If you need the help of your community, you owe it to them to be held accountable for way you spend your time and their money. You lose certain rights if you are in the program, because you NEED assistance. You will be drug and alchohol tested randomly. Failure to comply with guildlines kicks you out of the program and then you are on your own. From there, you will realized you have to be a crook or work. Should you choose the be a crook, punishment should be harsh to the point of inprisioned labor. Example: working in land fills and trash pick up, sewage treatment, mining and other undesirable work that needs done.


Simple solution could be, if you fail to manage your life, you no longer get to. Why do people assume they should be taken care of? Now this is not a 100% fix for everyone, but let's call it 60%. Crime would go through the roof for a while. Impliment the program in early Spring, and by Winter's cold weather, people better have their shit together. You have a family? Don't fail them. Just you on your own? Get your shit together.

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getting a job wont keep them off food stamps. I work at autozone and make 8.70/hr. and average 32 hrs a week and we get $330 in food stamps. its based on an income level the less you make the more money you get.


not to be too personal, but why do you only work 32 hours a week if it is not enough?

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not to be too personal, but why do you only work 32 hours a week if it is not enough?


My guess is like many employers, AZ does this and doesn't pay him benefits. My employers are finding it is cheaper to have 5 part-time employees with no benefits then 4 full-time employees with benefits.

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My guess is like many employers, AZ does this and doesn't pay him benefits. My employers are finding it is cheaper to have 5 part-time employees with no benefits then 4 full-time employees with benefits.


pretty much this. and its kinda punishment for having to watch my kid 2 days a week. The wife is in college and has physical classes 2 days a week all day. so the days i am able to work they like to schedule me 4-5 hrs. now the past 3 weeks ive gotten 35+.. but theyre getting ready to hire 3-4 people i think so the hours are gonna go back down.

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