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top gear america


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My only complaint is they should have thrown in a test drive of some sort of a new and exciting car to mix it up a little bit. I know they did the big star little car segment but no test drive and no stig lap means it's not a complete episode to me. They did that alot last year where they had an entertaining challenge but there was no other real content to the show.


That show is getting better all the time though.

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My only complaint is they should have thrown in a test drive of some sort of a new and exciting car to mix it up a little bit. I know they did the big star little car segment but no test drive and no stig lap means it's not a complete episode to me. They did that alot last year where they had an entertaining challenge but there was no other real content to the show.


That show is getting better all the time though.


The first season they did a test drive every episode. But not on the 2nd or this one not sure why

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Rutledge is growing on me, but I still can't stand Adam. He doesn't know shit about cars, and to be playing the "comedian" role, the only time he's ever made me laugh was when he turned the Cadillac into a banana.


Rutledge, is the funniest in my opinion . Tanners close 2nd . Adam no just no

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Watched teh first few episodes then deleted it from my DVR record schedule. The hosts had no chemistry and appeal to me.


Are they getting better? It was just very stale before. They didn't seem to have any personality at all. Plus it seemed they were afraid of actually insulting anybody/company which is the best part of the UK show.

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I dont know why people (especially those that consider themselves "car guys") complain/dont like hte show? It is great, every episode I have watched has been fun on some level. No, it's not Top Gear (UK), and I dont htink it is meant to be. It has it's own twist. Regardless of the dumb things that are said, or done, there are still BA cars, and car related hilarity
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Not realy a fan of the show. Saw the first season and not much since. Seems like all they did was some stupid competition with old ass un appealing cars that nobody cares about. Start doing some testing/reviews on new bad ass cars, then ill watch.
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