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Lost a good dog today.


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Bow (short for Bowtie) was a mostly Rott mix that I got 15 years ago. I had to give her up to stay with my folks when I moved into my first apartment back in 98 and couldn't take her.


She had 6 grand kids pull her tail, ride on her back, throw tennis balls countless, countless times, and never complained. Just a great dog.



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man....I'm so sorry to hear......My uncle had a very dog he named Fira (force d'intervention rapide)....which is French for Quick Intervention Force.......anyway CSB short...I was sad to learn when she died in the earthquake in Haiti 2 years ago, along with one of her kids (my dog)



I love Rotts....so noble and playful....It's all about who raises the dog, not the breed

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Sorry to hear that Vince. At that age a day was probably physically painful for her being a large breed dog, they start to really suffer with breathing and joint pain. You and your family were the only things making it worth while to get around.



She's better off now. Dogs do go to Heaven (Except for Michael Vick's).

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