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Lets play Dr. Medical question


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Over the last few months I have noticed a soft rather large bump that comes and goes above my eyebrow. It tends to come on as I become more active. I first noticed it but now others have noticed it as well. It feels like its fluid filled but cant find any possibilities online. No insurance kind of keeps me from gtting it checked out unless I find it could be a serious issue. Any ideas?
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So far sinus may be the only answer I would consider despite no other noticable issues. I thought Aids but quickly ruled that out, African aids I dont know enough about and will have to research further. I dont want to open it up as 1.this face is far to pretty to mess with 2. I already have one gushing open wound on my body I need address and cant risk another 3. I have seen enough of what the inside of my body looks like to last a lifetime, no thanks.
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Jason I was reading beteen the lines


What do you do if you get Sperm in your eye?


In: Sexual Health and Education [Edit categories]





This is most likely to cause a minor irritation and redness to the eye, just rinse with water and try not to rub the eye to much, as it could get worse. It should wear off in a few hours.


Hope this helps

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i dont know shit about dermatology but if it grows with activity (lol) i would think a sweat gland that is covered by your skin sounds feasible? a pocket of sweat forms as you work out and then is absorbed subcutaneously overtime, decreasing the size of the "WTF ever is on your face" when you stop perspiring?
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Its going down now I will try to get a pic of it next time. I dont have to be working physically for it to occur. I first noticed it as I heavily concentrated to lean to walk after surgery and seems to occur more when I concentrate on something or have a "thinking" look on my face. I can roll whatever it is around with my finger. On a side note I also have alot of sharp pain in my collar bone for no apparant reason. This pain changes from side to side or sometimes on the left of my neck, sometimes the right.
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I have something similar on my side, I can't remember what excatly he said it was, but that it was likely just a buildup of something (wish i could remember now what he said) and not to worry about it. It has never gotten any bigger and i usually don't notice it. This may have nothing in common with what you have going on, just throwing it out there. If it doesn't change color or form some odd shape, it's likely not a big deal.
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If you take you finger and place it sideways on your forehead staring at your hairline and drag it down our forehead towards your eye you notice a bump right at the eyebrow. The one side I guess feels kind of normal, the other side is definately harder/larger and thats wherethe issue is. I cant even get my finger to drag pat it without making more effort to do so.
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A couple of years ago I whacked the back of my had, and shortly it developed an oblong bump like you mentioned, down by the wrist. It felt to be right around a tendon, and I was worried it was the beginning of carpal tunnel syndrome or something like that, though the pain went away. My brother-in-law is an orthopaedic surgeon, and he examined it after about a month. He indicated it was a cyst.


It sounds just like your problem. Comes and goes...no pain...not a lot of give to it but feels like it's filled with fluid...


The other thing I was thinking is a lymph node? (Lymphatic system?)

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