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best way to get permabanned


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Long racist rant filled with every racial slur you can think of. That would get you perma'd pretty quick


thats the common response but why would you want to go out looking like a biggot asshole? would you rather do something a little better?

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thats the common response but why would you want to go out looking like a biggot asshole? would you rather do something a little better?


Sprinkled with GIF's of the whirlybird?

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thats the common response but why would you want to go out looking like a biggot asshole? would you rather do something a little better?


just bash mark for endless amounts of times, tell him his vett sucks, the shop that built it sucks, talk so much shit about turbotrio and hype up gear headz. if that doesnt get you gone then idk what will

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Long racist rant filled with every racial slur you can think of. That would get you perma'd pretty quick


Don't forget to make your own pro-nazi website and spread your hate speech on other, national forums as well.

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Don't forget to make your own pro-nazi website and spread your hate speech on other, national forums as well.


:lolguy: how did I forget about this. Still amazed he was like that, the one time I met him he was really cool, though admittedly I am a non Jewish caucasian male.


Do donuts at C&C meets?

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tbuetrea/ cody h/ gearheads/ half of crc :lol:


and they basically pissed off the wrong people.


and let me just say that it has been said that accounts will be deleted, hence there is no perma-ban anymore.


I think they have more fun fucking with someone's account with a few unknown tricks, rather then even banning them anymore.


In all honesty, if you want to be releived of your CR access, just ask or go "over the top" and your wish will be granted. Of course I asked to be deleted and was told no, guess I'll stay and harrass with a dash of tech advice.

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I think they have more fun fucking with someone's account with a few unknown tricks, rather then even banning them anymore.


I've always been a proponent of instituting a pay system where I could "donate" to CR for all of someone's posts to henceforth look like this bullshit



edit: ugh, even just a few words in Comic Sans drives me crazy

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