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Dogs are like your own kids...


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So this morning I let my 2 boxers out to use the bathroom.. I walked away and did a couple things inside.. 10 min later I go to check on them and my older boxer has blood just pouring out of his mouth.


So I freaked out and grabbed him to see what was going on. Tried forcing his mouth open by his jaws and he would NOT open his mouth.


I got my 5 month old pup put in her crate so she would leave him alone.


He kept doing his mouth like he had peanut butter in there, and every time he did more blood kept coming out. So I thought his tongue got bit or something. Tried giving him water to wash his mouth out, but he wasn't having that.


Finally he opened his mouth far enough I could see what looked like a tooth hanging. (He is almost 5 years old) So I went to get a towel to wipe everything off.


Came back out and the "tooth" was laying on the deck, and the bleeding slowed down.


Got dressed and rushed him to the vet to find out WTF is going on.


Well boxers have "Excessive gum tissue" AKA Gingival Hyperplasia. That grows around the front teeth. Apparently when they were playing, the pup got a hold of that gum with her paw or her mouth and pulled that part of the gum off.


Let just say he scared the shit out of me this morning.. lol. I swear dogs are like children..

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Yeah, the vet said that part of the gum came right off. And he is just fine. Said he can still eat normal hard food, and not showing any signs of being in pain.


They obviously had to sell us 60$ antibiotics...


The deck looks like I killed and skinned 10 rabbits.. Just got home, got them situated.. going to clean it off now..


Just one of those things where you heart stops and your like OH SHIT..

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Just one of those things where you heart stops and your like OH SHIT..


I know exactly what you mean. Our chocolate lab eats grass and crap outside and then later at night starts hacking...we know it's the grass but it's still like...WTF is going on at the time.

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Wait until they rip their nail out while running around the yard like a nut. My girl did this and freaked me out as it was hanging there. She didn't seem to be in pain but then dogs won't show it much really. To this day she grows in that nail but it's dead looking and it just simply falls out on it's own. Vet said she's fine.
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Wait until they rip their nail out while running around the yard like a nut. My girl did this and freaked me out as it was hanging there. She didn't seem to be in pain but then dogs won't show it much really. To this day she grows in that nail but it's dead looking and it just simply falls out on it's own. Vet said she's fine.


Already had that happen. Moving day, he did that. My wife spent the day at the vet while I was moving stuff. Haha.


Anything that happens to them, it's just like a kid. Gets you all worked up. Lol.

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it's just like a kid. Gets you all worked up. Lol.


Don't hate me if I say it's 100x worse with kids. Not just because they are your child, but because you have to factor the wife impact and kids screaming, etc....


I'll take a dog ripping a nail off or losing a tooth over a kid breaking a finger or knocking a tooth out any day. :no:

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Here are a couple pics I sent to the wife....





awwww he doesn't bite, he always has blood on his lips :lolguy:


my pit ripped a tooth out blood was everywhere like your pup, then a couple months ago she split her nail and it was bleeding none stop, I agree it can be scary

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Don't hate me if I say it's 100x worse with kids. Not just because they are your child, but because you have to factor the wife impact and kids screaming, etc....


I'll take a dog ripping a nail off or losing a tooth over a kid breaking a finger or knocking a tooth out any day. :no:


Haha. I'll find out what that's like come october when we have our first!!

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I totally agree. Our dog suffers from seizures and it's the worst experience every time he has one. Luckily it hasn't happened in a few months now (knock on wood) but we are always keeping an eye on him because we know it's coming. It's an awful feeling.
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