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What is everybody's fears?


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Driving a car like what Farkas has. :lolguy:


Heights aren't my thing either. Just the thought of falling like out of a window on the 30th floor somewhere drives me nuts.


Drowning comes into play as well.


I'm sure there are other things but just can't think of them at the moment.

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I hate big spiders and being up off the ground where I know I'm not protected. Like others have said, I can stand atop the Empire State building and look down, but going up the ladder to hang Christmas lights makes me very uneasy.


The one thing that I truly dislike are looking at sunken/run aground ships. Like watching things on the Titanic where they show it sitting at the bottom of the Atlantic or seeing that Italian cruise liner on its side a few months ago makes my skin crawl. I love boats and being on the water, but seeing stuff like that just creeps me out.

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Having to start from scratch. Having nothing, no means to get it, and being without opertunity.


Growing up, we didn't have much. I swore I would not live that way as a grown up. Now I realize, I'm just a big kid who likes toys. But, I feel I live comfortably and well. Did I mention that I'm currently homeless? True story.

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Having to start from scratch. Having nothing, no means to get it, and being without opertunity.


Growing up, we didn't have much. I swore I would not live that way as a grown up. Now I realize, I'm just a big kid who likes toys. But, I feel I live comfortably and well. Did I mention that I'm currently homeless? True story.


So you live in an Rx7 down by the river?

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So you live in an Rx7 down by the river?


No, there's more room in the Subaru.


Seriously though. I have the mans to get a place when I get back to the state. Having a great girlfriend and countless awesome friends that have told me I can stay with them, that is nice too.

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Parents death and trains. I have no idea where the train fear came from but I hate them. They make me super paranoid. As many of you know I can't even stand near the tracks.


My dad is very ill. It's never really occurred to me untill now that there is a true possibility I could lose him if he doesn't get a transplant. I guess we take for granted that are parents will always be there.


I also have a fear of Sean being on a motorcycle. I don't trust the other drivers on the road.

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Having to start from scratch. Having nothing, no means to get it, and being without opertunity.


Growing up, we didn't have much. I swore I would not live that way as a grown up. Now I realize, I'm just a big kid who likes toys. But, I feel I live comfortably and well. Did I mention that I'm currently homeless? True story.


You can come be guy on the couch at my place, just don't shit with the door open and we are cool.

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Heights - fvck that... pretty much why I wont do roller-coasters.


Wasps - To a point I can let them be, but they always have to come and sniff me or whatever they do... then I look like a cheerleader.


Recently moved to SC, I am very fearful of all these damned fire-ants... I just keep thinking ill look down one day while doing yard work and theyll be crawling and biting me, and then Ill die a fire-ant meal lol. There is a LOT of fire-ant killer in my yard now.

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Deer - well hitting them while driving. curvey roads or dark is the worst I feel as if there is a herd of them awaiting to go all kamikazee on me


snorkeling - the ocean is so vast and can only see so far under water. wish I could see 360* because there's always sharks


going blind - lost my sight once from a bad cornea infection. happened over night & woke up comletely blind. scarey shit took about a month to fully recover

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Ladder heights.


The other major one is not being prepared enough. I wouldnt know if its exactly a fear but it makes me uneasy thinking I am not prepared enough. I constantly strive to have extra canned food in the house, or extra bottle watered. Extra ammo. Extra knives. Extra guns. I dont horde things but I cant stand the thought that if a natural disaster or economic problem happened that I dont need to rely on anyone to feed and protect my family.

I joke around alot about zombie invasion and dont believe something like that would seriously happen but its a damn good excuse to live the way I live.

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I felt just like you from youth through about 30. Always almost joked about people who were afraid of death. Then, I woke up one night around 2am in what I guess people would classify as a panic attack - it was really the first time I ever realized that the internal "voice" I have, that voice we all have, the "me" would some day be gone.


That same panic hits me pretty regularly now. Tough-to-impossible to put into words until you go through it.


It seems that I'm not the only one on CR that feels like this.

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That would explain quite a lot actually.


I'm afraid that America will get shittier instead of better and there won't be any awesome nation left to fill the void.


I have that same fear. That kind of fear is one reason that I am kind adverse to starting a family. Why would I want to raise kids in a society that is notably more shitty than the one I grew up in? I feel like one day, the US will be just like any other communist/socialist country.

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