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What is everybody's fears?


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Well, I though I'd let it marinate overnight after my 'women' comment, but I can't really think of any irrational fears. Anytime I've ever feared something, even in a dream, I turn and face it. If it's something chasing me, I feel if I smash it enough, it can't me chase anymore. lol Basically, the fear is a challenge I MUST defeat. And if someone else isn't afraid to do it, then neither should I be. I know this has quite a bit to do with how I was raised, which is something I just can't get into here.


I've made myself deal with fear head-on and with total logic. It's REALLY hard to even startle me and I don't even enjoy horror movies very much anymore. :( I actually enjoy a good scare, etc. But even Halloween houses fail to startle me or anything.


I think I overdid it and took all the fun out of 'scare' for me...

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falling into a well or crevasse head first.


every breathe out, it gets tighter and tighter, arms pinned, legs flailing, my only relief would be my inevitable death.


heights don't scare me...... as much as the fall and the ground.


stuff in the ocean creeps me out when i think about it, but when i get to the beach i run into the water like a retarded twelve year old

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Tornadoes, if I see a funnel cloud I get sick to my stomach and end up in the bathroom shitting all over the walls. I've noticed that I don't feel that way if I'm driving when it happens, or if I'm drunk, kinda weird.
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Get off this forum and onto a fertility forum online. My wife and I had terrible luck/heartbreak/difficulty getting a successful pregnancy. Even involved two emergency surgeries. We got tons (and I mean tons) of helpful advice on how to get pregnant--seems like it always happens when you're not ready, and never happens whe you want it to.


On your end, there's tons you can do to improve your odds. Stay away from hot tubs, bike seats, briefs. Tons of foods you can eat to Improve your odds as well. Get online if you haven't already. If you know all this already, at least your wife can get some extra support--especially from women in the same boat


We've looked some, but there's always more you can learn. Thanks. We'll look into it.


Didn't really expect to get an honest, helpful response on this. lol

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Then, I woke up one night around 2am in what I guess people would classify as a panic attack - it was really the first time I ever realized that the internal "voice" I have, that voice we all have, the "me" would some day be gone.


Exactly what I was going to say.

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Another fear of mine is going blind. This carries more heft because I'm already Deaf so to lose both major senses would be devastating for me.


It's hard as hell to learn Braille and understanding ASL from touching people' hands.

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Another fear of mine is going blind. This carries more heft because I'm already Deaf so to lose both major senses would be devastating for me.


It's hard as hell to learn Braille and understanding ASL from touching people' hands.


This is a tough one. I don't really think about it but sure, it'd suck. Blindness more than anything. I love art. I love hiking. I am a visual learner.


My wife is proficient in ASL as she studied it in college so I know already I can adapt, but I have to SEE what she's doing obviously.


Being deaf is another of mine, but not major. I've been playing in a band of some sort since I was young. Took music lessons starting at 6. To not be able to play would hurt.


When I was in my teens I had a slightly irrational fear of losing my hands and not being able to play music or sports, and just all that a life without hands would entail. I'm over it now, but for awhile it sucked.

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