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Don't borrow your friend's 250!


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Because you might wreck it.

I should have taken some pictures but the 250 decided to pitch me last night. I don't know if it was the 10 year old tires, something on the road, or if gremlins got me but the front end just completely lost traction around the 71->270 ramp. It went from an epic high side attempt, recovered, and then I was already too close to the curb and all the junk that accumulates over there slid the bike out and threw me towards the median.

So the damage: 250 needs a mirror, signal, upper fairing, and peg. I scuffed my helmet pretty bad, put a little rip on the textile part of my jacket, and there is a tiny hole on the tip of my glove's middle finger.

Pissed, confused, but mostly shaken. I hate going down.


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270 West to 71 south? That is a fast ramp. how fast were you going? I've been pretty leaned over through there before. Always seemed like clean road to me.

Glad you are OK.

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Ha I knew you'd show up in here eventually. Just let me know, I've got to find the parts somewhere. The bike has nothing mechanically wrong so it wasn't a hard impact, just a little busted up. Otherwise I'll try to find the stuff on eBay.

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damn! Glad to hear you're ok - could've been anti-freeze or something like that.

I bet you freaked out the cagers behind you - I worry more about them hitting me after I crash. When I went down (only once for me so far knock on wood) I remember the first thing I did was scurry off the road because I figured I was about to get run over!

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Suprisingly there were none on the ramp behind me, but that's the nice thing about skidding into the median (little bit of gravel and grass after the guardrail) I didn't have to scurry. I know what you mean though, I had to scurry out of a friend's way the last (and only other) time.

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damn dude i took that ramp way faster than 50 yesterday. sorry about your spill. hurt egos are the worst

Like I said, the bike seemed perfectly stable until the front end went. I really want to blame the tires, but that's not to say I couldn't have done anything differently.

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Oh and I should add to that, I felt out of place being the only person there wearing 2 piece leathers (that I saw), but it saved my hide.

Just a reminder to wear ATGATT!

I went through that ramp maybe 30 or 40 minutes before then on my duc.

Don't ever feel out of place in your leathers. I have only gone down once. Last year down in hocking hills. I was in my full 1 piece race leathers, gloves, Sidi Vertigo boots and of course my helmet and there was not a scratch on me. Had I been in street cloths I don't really know, could have gone either way I guess. No less.... I'm sure you'll hear it a million times, your leather many times will be the difference between a bruised ego and a trip to the hospital for some skin graphs (I guess you'd still have the bruised ego too). I'd much rather be in your situation where you just have to deal with fixing a bike. That is for sure.

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