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The "Im still talking about D. Wiggs 4 years later" thread


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Again I would be very upset and angry if I where you too, 13.2 is pretty fucking slow for a v8 anything. Id be wanting to slap my dick against everything i could to try and make myself feel better.


So far you've attacked my wagon because its a POS , but my Wagon could beat your gto in every since of the word. Shit my daily is only a 75 shot away from stomping your GTO all while still riding smooth and quite.



So unless you walk up and sneak me like a bitch I don't expect to see shit from you. I would say man 2 man but based on you use of the word CUM and slapping dicks against faces it might excite you.


Come at me with whatever shitbox you have. Either your dd POS infinity 4dr shitbox, POS Subaru wagon shitbox, or your POS Rubbermaid wrx shitbox.


Will be hilarious watching you run a 75 shot through the infinity just to run close to me. Would be even funnier if I borrowed a n2o kit myself and blast a 100shot just for the lols since I have all the supporting mods and take even a bigger dump on your shit mobiles.


In any case,



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You can meet me, call me a bitch to my face, and find out.:thumbup:

BTW, I'm the one who's into riding dicks and gargling balls, you are. I'd say that's a little weirder.



Yup. your right. You are indeed a fucking weirdo. I will gladly call you a fat fuck, to your face, whenever your shitbox falls off the jack-stands in some running form.


Just let us know when you're ready to show up. I the mean time, I will sit back and continue to watch the Fail-train chug down the track. :)

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Yup. your right. You are indeed a fucking weirdo. I will gladly call you a fat fuck, to your face, whenever your shitbox falls off the jack-stands in some running form.


Just let us know when you're ready to show up. I the mean time, I will sit back and continue to watch the Fail-train chug down the track. :)


Sure you will little man; sure you will. Did you use pedal extenders like the Roloffs when you drove your Mirage?


It's also probably slightly inaccurate to call a car that was within 1/10th of a second of your holy 10.5 and 5MPH higher in top speed stock a shit box. We won't even go into all of the insecurities you have for your other comments; but don't make it harder on yourself.


And to think, my shitbox did that with 105.05whp LESS than your Mirage!

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Because I hate pussys. Thats it.


You finally admit to being a poof. Do you feel better now that you have come out of the closet? Perhaps a little less Napoleon Complex?? :cool:


Look from day one of me being on this forum-the only people I "bash" are pussies who cant back up their mouth with their car, there actions, and in this case, anything besides more bullshit math that somehow equates to him having already beaten cars with his jack-stand warrior. He is a joke, literally. I don't care if a person has one dollar, or every dollar in the word-a bitch is a bitch. Simple as that.


From day one on this forum your primary goal has been to stir the pot and talk shit. You truly are the definition of a troll. Don't get me wrong; most of the time I laugh at your rhetoric and I am very impressed by what you have accomplished with $5.00, some bubble gum, a few zip ties and a Dodge Colt. But the simple fact remains that you are on this site for no reason other than to talk down to Columbus racers and swing from the nuts of OTHER PEOPLE's rides in Cleveland.


To further illustrate my point, in this tread you have not promoted your own tin can on wheels. You are here hyping Jamie and his works of art. Good for Jamie, sad for you.


I am not discussing my cars or their performance as compared to the 2 cars in question, I literally have NOTHING for them. If you actually read (or properly comprehended my posts...) you would see that I am not defending D.Wiggs or Jamie. Just pointing out what I figured most people would call 'the obvious'. You didn't get it...I hurt your feelings and caused you to respond with your longest post ever which in turn is making me refute your argument. Good thing I have a few free moments...


Further-to that end I would NEVER be friends with this guy unless he became a different human being (which has happened before on CR) between now and when he gets walked by everyone else. I'd rather have a life ban from CR than befriend such and ignorant pussified fat version of what a man is. Copy, paste, subscribe it-do whatever you have to do to burn that into your memory. Even if this pudgy bastard has anything that resembled a man's dick, I could be the last faggot on Earth and I still would not swing from this guy's tiny fat man cock.


And I love that you consider me a dick swinger for Jamie. In my opinion, a dick swinger is a person that is a sideline bench warmer IE-you that tires desperately to be in the game by being a small barking dog behind a computer screen. If I am that, then 99.9% of this forum is fucked. I am the first person that initiated a large North vs. South meeting back when D. Wiggs was still trolling for his mail order bride. Before I was even a member here. The ACTUAL people that matter here, the racers, like Tilley, Sam, Linn, Shanton, Sonny, Dover, the old IPS crew... can verify that. Shit has not changed on that front.


You are kidding right? I remember all of the shit talking you did to Tilley, Sam, Linn, and everyone else INCLUDING IPS. You STILL have so much hate towards a shop that has never done anything to you. Now that you have met Tilley, Sam, Linn and the IPS crew you seem to have some fondness if not even friendships with some of them. How many months of being an asshole did that take? Were you the same way with Jamie back when you were still a little 'esay'...rep'in hyrdrolics with your socks pulled to your knees...before you began swallowing his pen0r? I absolutely see you trying to befriend D.Wiggs after his car makes some runs. Oh dear lord...what will you do if his car *gasp* actually beats Jamies?!?


Do I set up races for him and anyone else from up north that wants to tangle? Sure. I mean fuck I have set up full scale events involving cars from Multiple cities in multiple states (on need for speed of course, officer :)) Could I be called the guy's all but official Hype man? Sure. But what good Hype man back's a looser? Jamie is the ONLY person that beat me on the street when I had the Colt with the GT42. that 1.5 seasons, and literally ONE fucking loss. I respect Jamie. Not for his money-but for the simple fact that he is ALWAYS is down to race, and never runs his mount when he cant at least attempt yo back it up. Never, not once. I have that same respect for anyone who does the same when it comes to this hobby, and life in general. D Wiggs is nothing more than a troll with a consistent stream of old money and a loud mouth. Nothing more. You want to give props for that-go right ahead. In my book-that would be dick swinging. Last time I logged on-this was still Columbus Racing-not Columbus dick beating.


You are, by definition, swinging from Jamies sack. You are swinging from the sacks of everyone 'up north' that has a fast car. You are shit talking, promoting, and bench racing their vehicles. That my friend is being a dick swinger.


No one gives a fuck about what you used to be able to do. It must suck being washed up...I'm sure Tilley can prescribe you therapy and drugs to help you cope.


I do not swing from D.Wiggs sack. I have never met him, and have no ties to him or his car(s). I hope IPS does a great job and I hope his car performs well. He's spending a lot of money on something that should be pretty badass. You should be able to admit that. Jamies car is done, raced, and proven. And is completely badass. I am happy to admit that.


On that note-another thing I just don't get with D Wiggs. How could you have a well of old money to swim in, be the offspring of an Olympic athlete, and be such a fat out out shape bastard? :confused:


Really? Weak...boring...unoriginal. Way to attack his appearance on a car forum. Very classy of you. :thumbup:


ProTip - I assume english is your second language but can you please attempt to proof read your response? I'm sure the other readers of this thread will appreciate it. kthnxbye.


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You know, Westmoreland made all of us officers write our own obituaries during Tet, when we thought The Cong were gonna end it all right there. And, once we clued into the fact that life is finite, the thought of losing it didn't scare us anymore. The end comes no matter what, the only thing that matters is how do you wanna go out, on your feet or on your knees? I bring that lesson to you. I act, knowing that someday this will end, no matter what. You should do the same.
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You know, Westmoreland made all of us officers write our own obituaries during Tet, when we thought The Cong were gonna end it all right there. And, once we clued into the fact that life is finite, the thought of losing it didn't scare us anymore. The end comes no matter what, the only thing that matters is how do you wanna go out, on your feet or on your knees? I bring that lesson to you. I act, knowing that someday this will end, no matter what. You should do the same.




I still need to call you...


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