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The "Im still talking about D. Wiggs 4 years later" thread


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Yes, threatened by a guy who has a car gear limited to 225. And, the best part, you had the same company build your tranny in the same 'spectacular' way the grenaded one sitting at S47 did very quietly having its tranny replaced! Lol




That's what happens when you make 1,500+HP

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I dont care if it is a honda civic build, a big v8 muscle car, or an exotic build.... benchracing and talking shit about how much better your car is, when it isnt even close to being completed, let alone proven itself in anyway shape or form, is absolutely retarded.


- finish building car

- demonstrate car works

- then talk shit


In that order, otherwise, you're just another ricer flapping his jaw.



^^^ No statements in this thread ring more true than theses ^^^

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If you really think you want to run side by side over 225, I'm of course game. Takes 3 hours to swap my rear-end. Or let's just run back to back at the TX mile.


As for trans, UGR has experimented with 3 different companies and materials over the past 24 months and the new version has tested way beyond the previous versions. It's no secret these upgraded trans have had issues. You'll find out soon enough. Good luck with Liberty. :)


Running side by side isn't necessary; all you need is a VBOX to see which car goes faster.


I never said they used the wrong company or materials per se; what I am saying is that the WAY that they put the tranny together is what all but guaranteed it's 'blowing up'. Too many thin shims!

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Running side by side isn't necessary; all you need is a VBOX to see which car goes faster.


I never said they used the wrong company or materials per se; what I am saying is that the WAY that they put the tranny together is what all but guaranteed it's 'blowing up'. Too many thin shims!


lol at this guy. bench racing about going over 225mph, when he's probably never been over 160mph. ragging on someone for breaking a transmission with a 1500hp car when he's never driven anything close to that level---tell me i'm wrong??


"too many thin shims"? was that your assessment when you disassembled the transmission??


too weak to actually race side by side? how many races do you see won with a VBOX? :dumb: part of racing (or any competitive sport/activity) involves being able to perform when the pressure is on. not recording a 'hero' run on VBOX. guess you didn't learn that at tOSU.


there are few things more irritating on an automotive forum than a 'poser' talking shit to people who 'walk the walk', and have actually accomplished more with their cars then you will ever. come back when you've actually accomplished something worthwhile. as far as your business goes, let the quality of the work do the talking (not your mouth). you might just want to start off with fitting cars with bigger wheels, stereo systems, and custom louis vuitton interiors :lolguy:

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I sure hope you let someone else be the front man for your automotive business, because it is very clear you don't know WTF you are talking about and just half regurgitating what someone who 'may' have known told you. LOL
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What car is faster = which reaches higher top speed. Racing would be a timed mile etc or a competition where there is a 'first' and 'last' etc... How do you people know how to turn on a computer?


UGR uses a lot of thin shims instead of fewer thicker ones; thinner ones compress more even at the same overall thickness.


I've gone 208mph. I've driven a Stage 3 UGR car; in fact, I drove the one that's grenaded nearly two years ago. It also was no where near 1500whp. 1250 on race, 1000 on pump and that's a glory dyno number with front driveshafts unbolted so as not to snap them. Lucky if it was putting down 850; but, again, that's why we're improving upon customers' cars who have UGR setups.

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What car is faster = which reaches higher top speed. Racing would be a timed mile etc or a competition where there is a 'first' and 'last' etc... How do you people know how to turn on a computer?


UGR uses a lot of thin shims instead of fewer thicker ones; thinner ones compress more even at the same overall thickness.


I've gone 208mph. I've driven a Stage 3 UGR car; in fact, I drove the one that's grenaded nearly two years ago. It also was no where near 1500whp. 1250 on race, 1000 on pump and that's a glory dyno number with front driveshafts unbolted so as not to snap them. Lucky if it was putting down 850; but, again, that's why we're improving upon customers' cars who have UGR setups.

Stop using semicolons. Your grammar is bad and they only serve to make you look more foolish than usual. How much did you have to pay your English 100 professor to let you pass?

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What do you expect from a guys that thinks "highly modified" means....blacked out grill, lights, side markers, 20" rims,.....and most importantly ceramic coated straight pipes!




:lolguy: :lolguy: :lolguy: :lolguy: :lolguy: :lolguy: :lolguy:

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What do you expect from a guys that thinks "highly modified" means....blacked out grill, lights, side markers, 20" rims,.....and most importantly ceramic coated straight pipes!




:lolguy: :lolguy: :lolguy: :lolguy: :lolguy: :lolguy: :lolguy:


I don't know what I expected from this joke. I would have guessed he majored in Communications (one of the easiest majors), but that seems unlikely based on his internet/potential business persona.

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What car is faster = which reaches higher top speed. Racing would be a timed mile etc or a competition where there is a 'first' and 'last' etc... How do you people know how to turn on a computer?




You're so clueless.

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What do you expect from a guys that thinks "highly modified" means....blacked out grill, lights, side markers, 20" rims,.....and most importantly ceramic coated straight pipes!




:lolguy: :lolguy: :lolguy: :lolguy: :lolguy: :lolguy: :lolguy:


I posted this when the video was first shown, im glad someone else caught it too. Lol

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We need to start lining up some races. 100-250 perhaps? Or 80-whomever stops accelerating last? :)


Huh?? What do you mean I never replied back? And I just call it like I see it. If stuff is not up to my standards, I'm not going to lie and say it is. Are you sure you want to be my 2nd UGR kill though? I mean, if you're a smart guy (which I would liketo assume you are), you have to realize your car doesn't stand a snowballs' chance in hell. It weighs more with a ton less HP; worse gearing, no aero, etc. etc. etc. It's not exactly a 'fair fight' so to speak.


I'll let you know once the motor is broken in and the wick is turned up. Who knew you were a glutton for punishment! ;)


Absolutely. I only said it because the person who is going to lose did, not me! lol


And I didn't claim that HAD happened. I claimed that it WILL HAVE HAPPENED. Since I know I will have raced my friend before Jamie, Jamie couldn't be the first.


There is nothing more douche-like than talking about racing for money. We will race and film it. It's about the car, not about the cash. I expected someone who could afford a UGR Lambo to know better than to say something like that. I explained that we'd race for results a month ago. I already have the location and I will let you know when approval has been granted for its use. I really am trying to give you the benefit of the doubt and ignore your reputation; don't let me down Jamie.


just quoted a few of the first posts in this thread for the lol's. guy makes all kinds of stink about racing, getting it on film, etc etc. and now he wants to bitch out. typical

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CR never lets you down when it comes to giving you plenty to laugh at. I truly thank you guys for this thread; it's been more amusing than you could ever imagine! I doubt there has ever been a bigger collection of people with less importance spewing more ignorance and idiocy than in this very thread.


Again, thank you. The laughter you have generated (granted much at your own expense) has been worth the time reading the thread.

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CR never lets you down when it comes to giving you plenty to laugh at. I truly thank you guys for this thread; it's been more amusing than you could ever imagine! I doubt there has ever been a bigger collection of people with less importance spewing more ignorance and idiocy than in this very thread.


Again, thank you. The laughter you have generated (granted much at your own expense) has been worth the time reading the thread.



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just quoted a few of the first posts in this thread for the lol's. guy makes all kinds of stink about racing, getting it on film, etc etc. and now he wants to bitch out. typical


Never bitched out as I never said a race wouldn't happen; simply said going side by side at 225 isn't necessary, especially since I have no reason to trust the integrity of the car being raced next to me at that speed. There are plenty of smarter ways to 'race' when dealing with those speeds. Using time over a given distance or even trap speed would be two very simple examples.

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Broken transmissions not = to wheel spin

AWD is not = to two wheel drive

Less weight is not = to slow

Slow is not = to less horsepower

Downforce is = to top end speed


These are facts of physics, and in the end it all turns to an equation where one is greater than the other. Scientists spend years of getting it wrong before they get it right. Unless you are going to strip the Merci and turn it into a tube chasis you have no chance. My prediction is the best tuners will use the adaptive aero on the aventador to balance traction with speed. You are a couple of platforms late, unless you build a purple unicorn and defy nature. Best of luck.

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Never bitched out as I never said a race wouldn't happen; simply said going side by side at 225 isn't necessary, especially since I have no reason to trust the integrity of the car being raced next to me at that speed. There are plenty of smarter ways to 'race' when dealing with those speeds. Using time over a given distance or even trap speed would be two very simple examples.


AKA you're a little bitch.

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Never bitched out as I never said a race wouldn't happen; simply said going side by side at 225 isn't necessary, especially since I have no reason to trust the integrity of the car being raced next to me at that speed. There are plenty of smarter ways to 'race' when dealing with those speeds. Using time over a given distance or even trap speed would be two very simple examples.


ok, then come back when you have your finished race car, and after the first couple exotic cars have been finished at your shop. you can get your run to 225mph on film and post it up here for everyone to see---that way the thread can be even more entertaining for you. we can even make a vendor section for your shop. your customers can join the forum and vouch for the fantastic work that was performed on their cars. pretty simple---sounds like your shop is opening soon, and if you're going to claim to be better than UGR, your turn-around time on completed cars should be comparable or better, right?? that means before the end of the summer finished cars should be pouring out of your shop, correct??

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This thread is so very entertaining. It has to be the longest thread of self abuse I've seen on CR in a very long time.


So in summary we have:


A local guy with family money, who's never wrench on a car, has a buddy he nut-swings off of who has that he trusts to work on his car, I believe there's some other "third party" involved in some way but not sure.

This same guy calls out others, talks more smack that I've seen here ever, has zero credibility to show as proof.

Racing to him involves a VBOX vs actually lining up at the track. Has he ever brought any car to any CR Racing event?

He's now some ultra bright business man who's going to open up a premiere shop- likely influenced by said buddy and finally build a TT Lambo that even the most experienced shops in the country say is a PIA if not impossible to do.


The list could go on for pages but I'm stunned thus far in the amount of chatter vs reality that's hit this thread. WOW!

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CR never lets you down when it comes to giving you plenty to laugh at. I truly thank you guys for this thread; it's been more amusing than you could ever imagine! I doubt there has ever been a bigger collection of people with less importance spewing more ignorance and idiocy than in this very thread.


Again, thank you. The laughter you have generated (granted much at your own expense) has been worth the time reading the thread.


so your saying it's okay to piss off a potential customer base for your new business venture?

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so your saying it's okay to piss off a potential customer base for your new business venture?


apparently, he thinks no one posting here can afford an exotic, or any car that would be taken to his exclusive shop?? or assuming no one here knows anyone with an exotic looking for shops to take the car to? or just an arrogant jackass? or the whole thread is some sort of inside joke, with a punchline yet to be delivered?

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DWiggs never lets you down when it comes to giving you plenty to laugh at. I truly thank DWiggs for this thread; it's been more amusing than we could ever imagine! I doubt there has ever been a bigger douchebag of less importance spewing more ignorance and idiocy than DWiggs in this very thread.


Again, thank you. The laughter DWiggs has generated (granted much at his own expense) has been worth the time reading the thread.



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CR never lets you down when it comes to giving you plenty to laugh at. I truly thank you guys for this thread; it's been more amusing than you could ever imagine! I doubt there has ever been a bigger collection of people with less importance spewing more ignorance and idiocy than in this very thread.


So what sets your level of importance? What credibility have you brought to the group or table with solid proof. Funny, this group of poeople you just slammed has more real world wrench time and track time than you've likely recorded on a camera. Prove me wrong and then show up at the next event in ANY car to show your skills against said group.


In terms of spewing ignorance, that's funny. Again, where's your real world knowlege that isn't just what you've seen or read. Have you personally even built ANY car? Seems to me those here that have are the ones calling you out and MORE THAN willing to back up their call outs yet you've yet to make that happen. How about you bring a car you've worked on to a track day and put it up against those that have called you out? Read Doc's signature and choke down a piece of humble pie before you spew from your pie hole. Respect is earned, start earning it already.


Again, thank you. The laughter you have generated (granted much at your own expense) has been worth the time reading the thread.
Sorry man, but the laughter in this thread has gone from WTF Funny to You've got to be kidding me lack of credibility and it's all pointing at YOU. You're post count grows but the lambo still sits in pieces and you've yet to do anything but fight with a keyboard and words. How about you line up a car and some first hand knowledge of them.
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