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Mid Ohio Track Time


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Went to Mid Ohio with NASA and did the HPDE Group 4 thing. Weather was poor, raining all of Saturday. These are from Sunday when it finally dried up a little. I was dive bombed in turn 1 by a GTR, pretty sweet. After the pass he slide through turn 1 a few times. Then the second part I go off, it was the first session and the track was wet.




Here is later on Sunday if you want to critique my lines. I was only doing about 80%, first time this season out and there was some traffic:



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I'll be there tomorrow with the PCA. Is the chicane after T1 usually open?


Depends on who is running it. NASA has it open in the beginning of the season then closes it later. It is easier and safer to pass for HPDE groups with it closed.



They red flagged the end of one of our sessions for pratice, I missed the first red flag and did another corner along with some others, we were used as examples. :mad:

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I'm going to borrow your thread here :)


First session was harrowing - basically me and a shitload of advanced group 911s. They'd come up on me in like packs of 6. Second session I got a bit more comfortable, third session I lunched an axle on the last lap. I tried to nurse it for another session but it was just toast. Had to come home and replace it. I'll be back tomorrow.


I haven't gone through all my footage, I just wanted to find this because I got pretty sideways trying to carry too much speed into the carousel because I wanted to prove something to the pair of 911s behind me. The lap preceding it is clean and is typical of the line I was taking the rest of the morning, but I was still lifting in a few places that I shouldn't have been.


Critique away!


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Guest CARkid

looks like a blast. i was there that sunday watching a friend of mine. he was in the older wrx, i forget what class he was in though


being there made me want to try racing

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good work....

1st of all, great hand work holding the wheel and hand position


you can probably ge away with less braking at 1 in that car since it's so light

nice tight line thru the chicane but you could stand to use more of the candies at the entry to T2 and the entry to T3

I like your Keyhole line. it seems to work well for you there

T7, you were just a smidge late on turn-in but your line is a very safe Driving Event lin.


T8 is really a throwaway corner but I believe the best way to take this corner is really car dependent and driver dependent...your line is OK but I like to be at the middle at turn-in and drift out to the right and cut back left to get ready for T9


great line from T9 thru honda bridge up to thunder valley....nothing to critique there


T11 (thunder valley)..your turn-in is a bit late. you want the car to straddle the candies and lt it drift out to the yellow rumbles..late apexing, as you did, is a safe line


T12 you have the same problem....by late apexing, you re taking a lot of time away. the corner is uphill and this fact lets you carry a lot more speed than you expect... turning in at the 100 meter mark or shortly before yields good results. you want your inside front tire to hit the grass before the candies and keep your foot planted as the car drifts out to the yellow rumble strip


Carousel: you were way too early....you want to turn in a bit late and hold a tight line such that you can shoot onto the main straight without much steering input at T14 while keeping max throttle input

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I worked on braking later into T1 but the more speed I carried through through there, the more nervous I felt going into T2. Also, there were a lot of people spinning on T1 and a noticeable lack of traction due to the track conditions, which can best be described as "cold and unpleasant." Incidentally, despite my improvements in specific sections, my overall lap times were about 3-4 seconds slower on Sunday than they were on Friday. I was hitting my gearing-limited 118mph top speed on the back straight just after the kink on Friday. On Sunday, it'd take me until just before the braking zone. I just couldn't get any traction coming out of the keyhole because the track was too cold and damp.


Anyway, you said my line through T2/T3 was "tight," which I know now was only because I was going too damn slow. More speed through T1 meant more speed through T2, which completely changes the nature of the chicane. I have a lot of learning to do there still.


I started trying a very tight line at T8 (pretending I had a 911 I guess) and it seemed to work about as well as my very wide line, but I think your assessment of that corner is spot on -- mid track entry and drift out a bit more on exit. I think "throwaway corner" is pretty apt.


T11 I kept trying to turn in earlier, and it helped big time, but man, that's a tricky spot. I have to shift to 4th around T10 and then back to 3rd at T11 if I want any power going into thunder valley. If I had the balls to do so, I could be chucking myself at T11 about 90mph, but the faster I went the less time I had to get to 3rd before turn-in, so it was a constant struggle between my sphincter, which wanted me to slow down and turn in late, and my brain, which wanted me to go faster and turn in earlier. Tough, tough corner.


Your advise on T12 worked great and I was able to keep ze Porsches off my ass slightly better through there. There's a lot more pavement on the corner exit than I wanted to admit to myself at first.


And the Carousel... I just kept sucking it up. The way the track falls away throws me off. I'd slow too much trying to get my braking done up hill, then I'd just say, "whelp, might as well turn in now." There were a couple times I think I did OK, carrying more speed and going deeper in before turning, but they were essentially happy accidents. Everyone would make up gobs of time on me there, every single lap. Any improvements I made starting at T11 I'd throw away by the end of the carousel. I had the same problem at the keyhole, braking too early and turning in too early. It worked OK for me when the track was stickier on Friday, but on Sunday it just wasn't the fast line, and I couldn't stop myself from doing it.



So this is yet another case of the more I know, the more I realize how little I know. Amazing track on so many levels, and I can't wait to get back there and practice.




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T11 really is THE big balls corner at mid ohio..the crest can easily catch you off guard if you take it the quick way and have your car spin


I'm glad I could help a bit...I'm no expert


Remember that patience, at the track is an extremely important skill


Autobahn Country Club - South Course has a corner called "Patience"...it's the only corner with a name there and I discovered for myself why when I went there in sept 2011




it is the one important corner on the track and it's imperative that one wait for turn-in because an early turn-in will absolutely kill your speed onto the back straight


this is me driving there

at 1:10 you can see just how far right you have to be before turning left for Patience rather late....turning in early is especially bad here since you will just understeer and lose tons of speed

at 3:00 was better for me



patience is what makes you fast in slow corners


Slow hands in the fast stuff and fast hands in the slow stuff - Some wise motherfucker

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