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Neighbor put a up a privacy fence.. why?


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Ask her. Wouldn't read too much into it. I've been to your house and knowing the layout of both, I would have done the same thing. For me it's a matter of because I can and while in my back yard or looking out those windows, I'd rather look at a fence or potentially in the future a nice planting bed along that side than your cars, driveway or garage.


We put up a very nice fence (not privacy) when we first moved in and the Doctor next door took offense to it and asked if I was looking to create a separation or what.....I didn't know how to respond other than we have dogs and I do like a clear separation of what's mine and what's his. http://www.pbase.com/timothylauro/image/17386038/original.jpg


IMO I think my first point is her reason. View of Fence > View of garage, cars, driveway.

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IMO I think my first point is her reason. View of Fence > View of garage, cars, driveway.

I could see that. If I could see people walking around every time I looked out my side or rear windows it would be weird. My house already had a privacy fence 3/4 of the way around in back and I like it, even though I get along with my neighbors just fine.

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Two more pics of in the day so you can obviously tell she's wanting privacy all around her yard.


From inside the kitchen/back room area.






because this?


Your driveway/ garage is next to her back yard.

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I just wish she would have moved it 1 foot or so back into her yard so my son doesn't have to worry about hitting the fence when backing out. That was my main concern from the start. I'm sure a foot back into her yard wouldn't have caused that big of a deal on her end.
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I just wish she would have moved it 1 foot or so back into her yard so my son doesn't have to worry about hitting the fence when backing out. That was my main concern from the start. I'm sure a foot back into her yard wouldn't have caused that big of a deal on her end.


But its her yard? :dumb:

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I just wish she would have moved it 1 foot or so back into her yard so my son doesn't have to worry about hitting the fence when backing out. That was my main concern from the start. I'm sure a foot back into her yard wouldn't have caused that big of a deal on her end.

It's customary to put a fence at the boundary of your property. If it's on her property I'd say that's just what anyone would do normally without thinking.


I can tell you that if I put up a fence on my land I'm not going next door to have a conference with the neighbors about what they'd like to see and how it works for their parking arrangement. Not because I'm an asshole, just that's how it is (and maybe I'm an asshole).

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It's customary to put a fence at the boundary of your property. If it's on her property I'd say that's just what anyone would do normally without thinking.


I can tell you that if I put up a fence on my land I'm not going next door to have a conference with the neighbors about what they'd like to see and how it works for their parking arrangement. Not because I'm an asshole, just that's how it is (and maybe I'm an asshole).


LOL maybe she thinks his drive way is to close to her yard.

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I think you are looking into this too hard and should just let it go. The fact that you would call up the city and ask if she had permits to do this makes me feel that you are a dickhead neighbor. And you know what people do with dickhead neighbors? They put up privacy fences around their property so they dont have to look at you.


I kind of agree, why call the city, why not just ask her? I think only reason to call city would be to try to get some dirt or get her in trouble.


Is there some other beef to this story, that you would call city first before asking your neighbor?

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It's customary to put a fence at the boundary of your property. If it's on her property I'd say that's just what anyone would do normally without thinking.


Agreed. My neighbor put up a full fence in their backyard. Was one shit given? No because it was on their property and not ours. We got the good looking side of the fence so it works out for us.



I just wish she would have moved it 1 foot or so back into her yard so my son doesn't have to worry about hitting the fence when backing out. That was my main concern from the start[/QuOTE]


Then have your son practice not hitting things while backing out. I drive in and out of a narrow garage with three inches on each side to spare. I haven't hit anything. Practice, practice, and practice instead of reversing at 356 MPH.

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90% of the people here just think I'm bitching about it. I'm NOT. Just wondering why she would do that.


I was just thinking perhaps more to the story.


For all of you not wanting to live in the city, I have a house for sell in Perry County. It's an older home built in 1901. The best part is the 3 car garage with concrete and a semi truck sized bay on one end so it has 4 door. I'm asking 85k. I know this is not the garage sell, this just fits with this thread perfectly. Detail in Garage sell area

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You know, the first thing we do here in Texas when we buy a house is put a big ass privacy fence around it. I thought it was so wierd when I first came to Columbus and saw all these neighborhoods without fences around every house.
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There's no more to the story. We get a long. We chat here and there when she's outside.


As for the comment for my son backing out. He can drive.. pretty well. I could put a concrete triangle where the blacktop meets the concrete ( didn't do that.. previous owners did) but now that's an extra expense I need to do so when my son pulls out he doesn't ride over the grass. One thing I wasn't planning on doing since parking there for the last 10 years has been no issue.


I figured I'd get the typical troll responses on here. I should have just been a dick 4 years ago when I told the tree cutters it would not be ok to take down my fence so they could get their truck back.. but I was nice and said no problem.


I was hesitant to post here knowing the responses. This fence has been up for about a month now. It's not like it just went up yesterday.

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I just wish she would have moved it 1 foot or so back into her yard so my son doesn't have to worry about hitting the fence when backing out. That was my main concern from the start. I'm sure a foot back into her yard wouldn't have caused that big of a deal on her end.


But its her yard? :dumb:


I don't know what the code is, perhaps it can go right on the edge of the property line. I do recall when we put up our fence, as per the contractor's suggestion , we put it up 6" inside our property line to insure there were no issues.


I did deny the neighbor on the left side the right to paint his side of it. Kinda felt like a dick about it because it faces his yard, but honestly, it's my fence and I want it natural not painted and don't have an interest down the road in owning something like that and technically responsible for making it look good later.

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I don't have any close neighbors like that but if I did I think I'd like having a privacy fence between us.


considering that she only put it on one side would make one think that the cause is something you guys are doing. I don't know you and I don't want you to take offense but maybe she is one of the types of people who don't like seeing certain stuff every day. For instance in your pics you look to have a bunch of stuff laying beside the garage that some would definitely consider an eye sore. Hell, maybe she's just a bitch and doesn't like looking at the busted up driveway?

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I know you guys can put everything about this on me. That's fine and I'll take it. You haven't had to live with her for the past 8 or so years.


She doesn't do any lawn care. Yes. Every spring/summer there are literally thousand of dandelions in her yard. Do I put up a fence to not look at that? Nope. When a few years ago I asked her about getting yard care. She said "I like them". Ok.. strange. no trimming, nothing. Just runs it over with a lawnmower every now and then.


She has a brown tarp over her metal shed because it's leaking. With bricks hanging off the ends to keep it tight. (might be seen in the pic). That looks great.


That section you see that's my garage/that tree? It was a fucking total mess last year. There was shit growing into my driveway that was literally 6 feet tall. She never weeds. She never cleans up anything. Also, you see what.. 2 sections of concrete slab that's there? Yeah that's a lot of shit. :dumb:. You should have seen it last year where that bush/tree you see behind her fence was rolling into my side of the garage and you couldn't even get to the back of the side of the garage.. it looked like a jungle.. all was her weeds/trees/whatever.


From one of the silver maple tree she used to have in the back yard.. she told the tree cutters to leave 8 or so feet of it so she can build a ladder for her daughter to get up and play on. Yes. She build a ladder going up to the top of a stump that's about 2 1/2-3 feet in diameter.


If it came down to something I/family does outside.. why not ask? Just like you're telling me to ask her why she put a fence up? If the radio is too loud.. ask to turn it down.. whatever it is. My house compared to hers looks a HELL of a lot better. I at least cut my lawn once a week and use my weed trimmer to go around the house. She cuts the lawn in the front and there's dead grass from a month ago sitting in the corners of the sidewalk.


All of the above I REALLY don't care about. I just wanted to tell you what I have to live next to. I'm not the perfect person. I don't have my landscape done professionally (no one in my neighborhood does) but at least I keep it up to date. Yeah the blacktop might be wearing out. But it's so shitty that it all needs ripped up and I don't have the money to spend on it at the moment.


On top of all of the above.. she NEVER goes outside. nor her daughter. I'm outside a lot in the spring/summer. She's never out there. She has every window on her house tinted with some mural or some funky design.


I guess she's just an oddball and I'll accept that (I have been for a while).


When I see her outside and when I'm outside doing whatever, I'll go over and strike up a conversation. I don't hate her. I don't dislike her.. she's just.. strange.


Maybe I should put a 20' tall fence on my side so I don't have to see her yard. :dumb:

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Maybe she got tired of looking at the junk pile between the garage and your fence? You don't see from your house but it's probably the first thing she sees when looking out her back window below her flowering tree.
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