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Ohio Bans Texting - Discuss


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I guess the 4th amendment isn't that important to you as it is to me.
Oh really? Why do you say that when in your own quote you make reference that They can persuade you into letting them look.


Last I checked with myself, I'm not letting anyone persuade me to do anything I don't agree with, thus if I do as you're implying, it's my fault and I am accountable for what comes from those actions. Shame on me, not the officer or the law. How is it that you see this differently? If you are persuaded to do something then by definition you made that decision. I see no abuse of power in that. I see poor judgement. No missed points here, I can assure you of that.



They can persuade you into letting them look. Same exact thing for searching your car. "If I happened to search your car I wouldn't find anything illegal in there would I sir?"


If any halfway intelligent person permits a search of their car, they get what's coming to them if something is found. I can't fix stupid, so to all those out there who are stupid, that's on you. Know how to interact with others, including LEO's.


Most people will not want to hassle a LEO and let them search.
Again, that's on them. I don't see refusing a search as hassling an LEO. It's just life and business man. People need to be aware of how to handle themselves in life. It's their fault if they cave in to such basic requests.
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Kids will just start using IM or another data method to avoid being an easily trackable offense. SMS is tagalong data, and is tracked differently than standard data. SMS has a character limit because it's riding along with other tiny bits and bytes that your phone transfers all the time anyway to be able to operate as a phone.
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Can't without a warrant. When Columbus enacted their ban, the police chief said it will only be feasible to enforce when it is suspected in an accident. No judge is gonna grant a warrant merely for a ticket.


There you go Eric. Clarification made simple. Thanks LJ. So now just like fighting a traffic ticket, you just have to show them you weren't texting.

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Not that text while I drive much, but I wonder how my iMessager shows up since it uses data instead of a SMS to prove if you where or where not driving. You could clearly delete the text you sent before the cop gets to you. Like Tim said I'm always swaping tracks on my phone vs texting so I wonder how they would rule that.
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Kids will just start using IM or another data method to avoid being an easily trackable offense. SMS is tagalong data, and is tracked differently than standard data. SMS has a character limit because it's riding along with other tiny bits and bytes that your phone transfers all the time anyway to be able to operate as a phone.


I wonder how my iMessager shows up since it uses data instead of a SMS to prove if you where or where not driving. You could clearly delete the text you sent before the cop gets to you.


Good points. I don't understand the details of the technology, but you're right, I wonder how or if the iMessage would even show up in any records once you delete it. Even within your own phone. I mean, I'm sure it's "saved" somewhere, but is it retrievable?


Note to self, if I get into an accident, make your iPhone die a good death immediately. Especially if you were using it. Or just turn over the corporate phone that I have but have never used and just let sit in my bag.

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Yet the police drive around staring at and typing with their in car computers to run peoples plates.


I see most now have cameras that do it automatically. Can't speak for LEO's but I don't think they even need to run plates manually much any more. They just simply have to drive by you.

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Yet the police drive around staring at and typing with their in car computers to run peoples plates.


I know, and they're allowed to break the speed limit to catch up to speeders too! What utter bullshit!


I can remember reading awhile back a big article in the dispatch about how the accident rate for squadcars is so much higher than joe-schmoe because all their distractions.

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I think this law is bullshit! no one should be able to tell me what i can and cant do in my own car with my own phone! just another way the government is trying to hold us down and take away our liberties


I agree 100%. except why stop at phones. Govenrment shouldnt be able to tell me I can't drive my own car while drinking my own beer on roads I help pay for.


Screw the government.

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I know, and they're allowed to break the speed limit to catch up to speeders too! What utter bullshit! I can remember reading awhile back a big article in the dispatch about how the accident rate for squadcars is so much higher than joe-schmoe because all their distractions.
it's called their job....





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People need to be aware of how to handle themselves in life. It's their fault if they cave in to such basic requests.


I wasn't trying to single you out I was just saying in general. The problem is what you just said above. People are not aware of their rights and LEOs are fully aware of how to bend the law to their advantage.


Good reading material for anyone not just pdpgp


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stupid law, and unconstitutional.


so what if im checking my phone for directions on maps?


you should be punished if you drive wrecklessly, not if you dont cause any damage.


the texting law doesnt address the real problem anyways.....








woman drivers....

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I wasn't trying to single you out I was just saying in general.


I know you weren't singling me out. No worries or hard feelings either way I hope. Just staunch on my position.


The problem is what you just said above. People are not aware of their rights and LEOs are fully aware of how to bend the law to their advantage.


Again, that's not a problem with the law or those enforcing it. That's part of the job LEO has. Weed out those with stupid as their copilot. It's no different or unfair than someone using a radar detector to see if a cop is up ahead. Situational awareness.

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stupid law, and unconstitutional. so what if im checking my phone for directions on maps?


how is is unconstitutional? If you're using your phone for GPS, that's not been ruled illegal. Unless you're a minor in which case it should be.


you should be punished if you drive wrecklessly, not if you dont cause any damage.


So distracted driving isn't wreckless? So by your theory I can drive intoxicated too so long as I don't cause any damage :confused:


the texting law doesnt address the real problem anyways.....


define the real problem and please, share your solution.








woman drivers....

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So how will they know if I'm texting when I flip my phone open and type in a name to call them?


It is simple, if you hold the phone to your ears you are talking on it, anything else is texting. This is how I see it going down when you get pulled over.

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This just makes me want to get a note from my doctor about dark tint so they can't see me doing anything. If only I could have two windows that are hidden in the door that can swap if I roll it down and switch and roll back up. That way I have daytime and nighttime.
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I think like most of these laws accross the country it is likely going to lead (in some cases) to harassment. If a cop pulls you over for something and can't prove it he's going to slam you with a seatbelt violation. Which is fine, its not a moving violation. But something like texting and driving will definitely affect your insurance and will be harder to prove. I guess it would be interesting to read the law on if just typing in a contact to call is illegal? there is little difference in the action of doing it as well as the distraction to the driver.


Also this might lead to an INCREASE in accidents (kind of like stop light cameras). You cannot stop people from doing something like this. They will keep doing it but instead of holding the phone up by the steering wheel where they can switch back and forth between the road and the phone they are going to keep their phone down by the shifter to keep from getting a ticket.


I personally do not use my phone in the car unless its something important.

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Kids will just start using IM or another data method to avoid being an easily trackable offense. SMS is tagalong data, and is tracked differently than standard data. SMS has a character limit because it's riding along with other tiny bits and bytes that your phone transfers all the time anyway to be able to operate as a phone.


Yup. Might as well banning the use of cellphone in the car while you at it.


I'm agree with this law, but at the same time it's a baby step in braking down your civil right.


As for a member who think refusing to cooperate with the officer is your right, you must be white. Try being a minority and refusing. I got pull over for DUI and I don't even drink. I got my car tow because of no front license plate and tint (the car I just bought from FL and still on temp tag).


Oh well, I can always move if I don't like it right?

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Lots of constitutional scholars in here...


I don't really care as no provision of that law, that I have read, violates a constitutional right. Not only that, but this is a state law. Hello, aren't most people here always whining about state's rights being violated by the federal government ever since the Civil War? This also is not a primary offense, so that gives me even less reason to care. Yeah, this is probably a dumb nanny law, but it is grounded in protection of others rather than protection of self.


Lastly, the side of the road is not the place to argue rights. Feel free to assert what you believe to be your rights (i.e., not consenting to a search), that's the smart thing to do. The reason we have courts is so that we are provided a place to argue those rights.

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Not sure if mentioned but I heard a senator(I believe) on the radio last week state that if your an adult all you have to claim is that you were typing a number or using the phones gps which are both still legal. Unfortunately you can be double fined on bothe state and local level.
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