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Any one on alum today?


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sad but probably true sam



the ones he does have he wants to charge $20 :dumb:

i havent seen or talked to you in years and out of the blue you ask to go :lol: of course im gonna ask that you pay for it, do i charge my buddies no dont be mad cause you and your girls a cheap ass



lolz. Post up the day before at least next time Paul.

Will do, this was a i was sitting on the couch hm lets take the skis out last minuite thing.

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everytime i take someone out in the boat, they kick me money.. gas aint cheap.. for the boat or the truck hauling the boat.


hmmm....says the man that hasn't kicked me gas money this year...

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sad but probably true sam




i havent seen or talked to you in years and out of the blue you ask to go :lol: of course im gonna ask that you pay for it, do i charge my buddies no dont be mad cause you and your girls a cheap ass




Will do, this was a i was sitting on the couch hm lets take the skis out last minuite thing.


Yeah, a little more notice and I would have been in but already had plans.

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Paul come out to buckeye one weekend. I am out there all the time.

I know I just have my skis in the water at alum and am too lazy to go get the trailer, get a truck. Drive all the way to alum just to drive it to buckeye just to drive it all the way back to alum. Ill make it out at somepoint since u won't come to alum I wanna see this boat of yours.


Yeah, a little more notice and I would have been in but already had plans.


Yea was a last minuite I'm lazy on the couch decesion.

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