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Opinion Thread; Why does the world hate us?


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and if we didn't.....


Communist would take over the world just like vietnam?


" To watch the courageous Afghan freedom fighters battle modern arsenals with simple hand-held weapons is an inspiration to those who love freedom."


Ronald reagan


20 years later we invade LOL




You know the communist did do something right tho and the world should give them credit..... After we bailed on south veitnam in 1975 and the communist north over took the city......4 years later the communist north invated cambodia and helped fuck up the Khmer Rouge regime. Thats helping taking out hitlers of the world.

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2 more killed at camp leather neck.


Atleast 7 more killed from protesters at 2 seperate embassies today.


3 colleges were evacuated today due to bomb threats.


I just read about the 2 marines that died .....fucking horrible......God bless them. Just leave that place all together FUCKK.

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Everyone hates us because we cram our ideologies and beliefs down everyone else's throats.


We have too soon forgotten that this country was built on freedom and diversity, not democracy. Democracy was a byproduct of our early cultural needs for structure, and that structure happened to be the best suited for our people. Humans by nature hate change that they don't themselves initiate. You can't change a way of life because someone says it's the right thing, you can only change your way of life when YOU believe it's the right thing. If people would take the time to understand anyone's way of life besides their own the whole planet would be in a much better place.

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Everyone hates us because we cram our ideologies and beliefs down everyone else's throats.


We have too soon forgotten that this country was built on freedom and diversity, not democracy. Democracy was a byproduct of our early cultural needs for structure, and that structure happened to be the best suited for our people. Humans by nature hate change that they don't themselves initiate. You can't change a way of life because someone says it's the right thing, you can only change your way of life when YOU believe it's the right thing. If people would take the time to understand anyone's way of life besides their own the whole planet would be in a much better place.



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If people would take the time to understand anyone's way of life besides their own the whole planet would be in a much better place.


There's no need to make more of the understanding we have for tyrants and leaders who oppress their own people. Understanding their way of life (which is controlled by said leaders) doesn't make their wrong acts right. Libia was run as a Pariah state which by definition is out of line with the beliefs of more than just the United States. The ideologies of a collective of nations that respect life not just ours. That same ideology can never be called wrong and again, not respecting life isn't an option in our world. No one will ever convince me the right thing to do or that the world will be a better place if we simply turn a blind eye to that. Gaddafi was a filthy dictator who had his own people oust him. Good!


Saddam was no better and a fuck head dictator that killed his own people and others who fought for their independence from his Arab Socialist Baath Party beliefs. He got what he had coming and from his own people not just the United States.


Syria followed the same Saddam beliefs and now they are getting theirs. The Soviets got theirs years ago now the Arab nations are all going through it.


Collectively the US is an easy target to blame for all their shit, but really, it's quite simply the people of these nations grabbing themselves by the balls and finally telling their gov'ts to go fuck themselves. Egypt, Yemen, Jordan, they are all finally growing a pair.


Don't blame the US. We are involved not because we are minding other peoples business, we are there to protect the interests of everyone, especially our own because if we don't, another country / ruler will.

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If people would take the time to understand anyone's way of life besides their own the whole planet would be in a much better place.




^^ No, not awesome. Again, we don't need to "understand" or turn a blind eye to dictators and rulers that don't respect life, especially the lives of their own people. Fuck that noise. Please, try and convince me the world will be a better place letting their shitty way of ruling go on. You can't just lock yourself in your room and expect them to never come knocking on your door. It's selfish and cowardice. That's not what our country stands for.

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There's no need to make more of the understanding we have for tyrants and leaders who oppress their own people. Understanding their way of life (which is controlled by said leaders) doesn't make their wrong acts right. Libia was run as a Pariah state which by definition is out of line with the beliefs of more than just the United States. He was a filthy dictator who had his own people oust him. Good!


Saddam was no better and a fuck head dictator that killed his own people and others who fought for their independence from his Arab Socialist Baath Party beliefs. He got what he had coming and from his own people not just the United States.


Syria followed the same Saddam beliefs and now they are getting theirs. The Soviets got theirs years ago now the Arab nations are all going through it.


Collectively the US is an easy target to blame for all their shit, but really, it's quite simply the people of these nations grabbing themselves by the balls and finally telling their gov'ts to go fuck themselves. Egypt, Yemen, Jordan, they are all finally growing a pair.


Don't blame the US. We are involved not because we are minding other peoples business, we are there to protect the interests of everyone, especially our own because if we don't, another country / ruler will.


I totally agree with everything except the "protect the interest of everyone" from 94 to 04 they killed more people in africa then the vietnam war and all the people you listed together. The world new a mass genocide was happening. Fuck how come the usa did not arm these "rock chuckers" or send aid ? The billions you say the americans donate, does it go to the right places? Katrina was a good start on how the country is, cant even help its own.

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Don't blame the US. We are involved not because we are minding other peoples business, we are there to protect the interests of everyone, especially our own because if we don't, another country / ruler will.


Our intervention has directly caused uncountable loss of life. I'm not talking about resilient militant war casualties, I am talking about innocent civilians being in the wrong place at the wrong time being "saved" from something they didn't want saved from. In some eyes we are as bad as the people we are hunting.


I am not saying we NEVER belong in war. I am saying we don't ALWAYS belong in war.


Saddam needed taken down, Bin Laden needed taken down. The world however, does not want, nor need Democratized.

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Shit will continue to escalate, Obama will claim things are too critical for a "new" president.



My thoughts exactly, I actually told someone this today. They seriously think this cant happen. :dumb: I dont know wether to feel bad for these types of people or feel sorrow for the american population.

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I think the powers that be have done a damn good job at turning "Hate" into big business. In turn by giving certain people something to hate(America) those that seek out power, influence and wealth tend to benefit. I think most hate us because they are taught to or told to and really have no real issue or idea other than what they are shown. I dont know to many people here that have the time, energy or willingness to devote to hating an entire group of people. Imagine how many jobs/business' would end if all this hate just went away. With unemployment at an all-time high what would the numbers be with all the people we have devoted to homeland security and defense suddenly added to the mix.
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I totally agree with everything except the "protect the interest of everyone" from 94 to 04 they killed more people in africa then the vietnam war and all the people you listed together. The world new a mass genocide was happening. Fuck how come the usa did not arm these "rock chuckers" or send aid ?


Are you referencing Darfur and Rwanda?


Let's look at Darfur:


Last I checked US and NATO forces are on the ground and supported there. We run their refugee camps, hand out food, etc...but their own people don't want us there. Hard to help those that say get the fuck out. They don't trust us because they think we are going to control them like the British did for years. Look at the involvement we had trying to help Chad help out in the region. Let me know what you find out. In the end, they don't want our help and are killing themselves. At least in the Middle East it was military vs military. In Africa it's mainly military vs non military.


Another reason...see my point about playing politics. Go ask China. They have the key interest and partnership with Sudan. Sudan doesn't want our help because they were asked to pay us by allowing us to direct their oil policy. Fair, we go to war for you, save your people and you pay us back with some political movements in our favor. Nope. Their choice, not ours. So again, ask China who is "getting paid" why they aren't arming them.


Again, we care, we asked, they said fuck off, we have to pick and choose our battles. Do we put our troops on the ground, thin our resources in an area where we have something going for us and people actually want us there to help or do we do the same with zero chance in hell of anything but a country saying fuck off?



Roll back to Rwanda in the 90's:


In the 90's...Bill Clinton. 'Nuf said. He was a fuck up as was his administration. I remember that time as I was in college and Warren Christopher made news then. Again, surround yourself with idiots and you get Clinton leading the way. NAFTA was another of his fuck ups but please let's not rile me up on that. Go vote democrat then cut your dick off if you do.


The billions you say the americans donate, does it go to the right places? Katrina was a good start on how the country is, cant even help its own.


Ask George Clooney and all the rest. Better yet, ask the people of the Sudan. Are they redirecting the funding? Don't know. Again, we can only help those who help themselves to at least some level.


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Spending a few years between Iraq and Trashcanistan, I have a small insight I picked up:

- We are the root of evil in the world.

- We are not Muslim, nor to we adhere to Muslim beliefs.

- Being non-Muslim on Muslim soil, boils the blood of other Muslims.

- Western ideas scare them and are misunderstood.

- They believe we live in sin

- As much as Islam is a "religion", it is more of a true culture/lifestyle. It's not the point of being devout, it's all they know.

- We are the opposite of all they know and believe. We do not conduct ourselves by religion.

- They think we want to make the Middle East like America.


If I were to sum a small part up, from my own experiences with the people, they're too ignorant to know reality. Most are not educated, and only know what they are told. As they believe, a fellow Muslim wouldn't lie to another Muslim ( that made things interesting). Propaganda is an easily utilized tool to those that can't read or write either. Clerics/Imam's and village elders become like Kings to peasants. Their words and teachings are what they'll live by.


Does all the Middle East believe this? Hell no. Plenty of areas I've been in love us and helped us. Even if the "Radical Muslims" are considered a minority, they pose a large threat. It's enough of a threat and danger to silence a majority. I'm probably forgetting a few things, but I think the basics were covered.

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I am talking about innocent civilians being in the wrong place at the wrong time being "saved" from something they didn't want saved from.


Give me examples to discuss.


The world however, does not want, nor need Democratized.


The nations I've listed do want freedom. Their own people are showing the world that's what they want. Whether that's democracy they want isn't for us to decide. Freedom however is something I support helping others achieve.

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Spending a few years between Iraq and Trashcanistan, I have a small insight I picked up:

- We are the root of evil in the world.

- We are not Muslim, nor to we adhere to Muslim beliefs.

- Being non-Muslim on Muslim soil, boils the blood of other Muslims.

- Western ideas scare them and are misunderstood.

- They believe we live in sin

- As much as Islam is a "religion", it is more of a true culture/lifestyle. It's not the point of being devout, it's all they know.

- We are the opposite of all they know and believe. We do not conduct ourselves by religion.

- They think we want to make the Middle East like America.


If I were to sum a small part up, from my own experiences with the people, they're too ignorant to know reality. Most are not educated, and only know what they are told. As they believe, a fellow Muslim wouldn't lie to another Muslim ( that made things interesting). Propaganda is an easily utilized tool to those that can't read or write either. Clerics/Imam's and village elders become like Kings to peasants. Their words and teachings are what they'll live by.


Does all the Middle East believe this? Hell no. Plenty of areas I've been in love us and helped us. Even if the "Radical Muslims" are considered a minority, they pose a large threat. It's enough of a threat and danger to silence a majority. I'm probably forgetting a few things, but I think the basics were covered.


Well stated and coming form one of the more credible sources to have posted here tonight.


IMO, you're spot on in regards to Education Level, Propaganda and Ignorance. Thus my point earlier that what they fear is their own people becoming smarter, being able to see through their BS and having a connection to the outside world that in turn sparks individual thought.

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Spending a few years between Iraq and Trashcanistan, I have a small insight I picked up:

- We are the root of evil in the world.

- We are not Muslim, nor to we adhere to Muslim beliefs.

- Being non-Muslim on Muslim soil, boils the blood of other Muslims.

- Western ideas scare them and are misunderstood.

- They believe we live in sin

- As much as Islam is a "religion", it is more of a true culture/lifestyle. It's not the point of being devout, it's all they know.

- We are the opposite of all they know and believe. We do not conduct ourselves by religion.

- They think we want to make the Middle East like America.


If I were to sum a small part up, from my own experiences with the people, they're too ignorant to know reality. Most are not educated, and only know what they are told. As they believe, a fellow Muslim wouldn't lie to another Muslim ( that made things interesting). Propaganda is an easily utilized tool to those that can't read or write either. Clerics/Imam's and village elders become like Kings to peasants. Their words and teachings are what they'll live by.


Does all the Middle East believe this? Hell no. Plenty of areas I've been in love us and helped us. Even if the "Radical Muslims" are considered a minority, they pose a large threat. It's enough of a threat and danger to silence a majority. I'm probably forgetting a few things, but I think the basics were covered.


Amen to this. We need to understand and respect this. Not everyone is up to democracy and sacrifices.


We need to return to the old American way. The old American way take in the poors of the world and help them better themselves. The new American way cast away the poors and cater to the riches of the world. The riches of the world don't want to be here, they only want to here to protect their wealth and educate themselves. Once they're done they'll return to their homeland to further exploit their people.


We need to unite and not segregate each other. Bruce Lee said it best "try to be the citizen of the world, not your country".

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Give me examples to discuss.




The nations I've listed do want freedom. Their own people are showing the world that's what they want. Whether that's democracy they want isn't for us to decide. Freedom however is something I support helping others achieve.


I think we are debating a fact that we are truly a lot closer to agreeance on than you realize.


There are nations that WANT and need our help. As you have stated we should HELP them. We should help them from being slaughtered, not try and change their way of life. Only ensure that they have the opportunity to live the way of life that they so choose.


You are talking in absolutes. I have already admitted to the fact there are instances that require intervention, I don't need them pointed out.


The question was why the WORLD in general is displeased with us, and I stand by my answer. Your rebuttles only apply to small portions who's hate for us is a completely different conversation.

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The question was why the WORLD in general is displeased with us, and I stand by my answer. Your rebuttles only apply to small portions who's hate for us is a completely different conversation.


The portion of the world that is displeased with us have mulple reasons, many of which have been noted already. I've provided my opinion on those. The rebuttles I've given apply to a small portion perhaps but they address some of the many reasons involved in the question at large. Perhaps there are some I missed but more likely they haven't been pointed out because I usually don't miss a chance to put out an opinion :gabe:


Religious Reasons: Meh...religeons are like opinions and assholes.....nothing new. My opinion is people hate others for purely religious reasons they can go fuck themselves.


Jealousy: Yep...it's the old proverb that when you look up at the ladder of success all you see is assholes. However, everyone still climbs the same ladder


Minding their business: Meh....defined already. Most are bullies, tyrants and self delusional country's that think they should be left to bully their people. I say give them what they give to others and let the biggest gun win in the name of freedom


Money: Yep...we're greedy bastards. Welcome to being human. Next.


Ignorance: Often associated with religion and tyrants. Good news is most people are just misinformed and have an anger fueled by their own gov't that fears them learning the truth. I say good news because in todays world, it's hard to silence information from everyone, everywhere all the time.


Did I miss anything?

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The portion of the world that is displeased with us have mulple reasons, many of which have been noted already. I've provided my opinion on those. The rebuttles I've given apply to a small portion perhaps but they address some of the many reasons involved in the question at large. Perhaps there are some I missed but more likely they haven't been pointed out because I usually don't miss a chance to put out an opinion :gabe:


Religious Reasons: Meh...religeons are like opinions and assholes.....nothing new. My opinion is people hate others for purely religious reasons they can go fuck themselves.


Jealousy: Yep...it's the old proverb that when you look up at the ladder of success all you see is assholes. However, everyone still climbs the same ladder


Minding their business: Meh....defined already. Most are bullies, tyrants and self delusional country's that think they should be left to bully their people. I say give them what they give to others and let the biggest gun win in the name of freedom


Money: Yep...we're greedy bastards. Welcome to being human. Next.


Ignorance: Often associated with religion and tyrants. Good news is most people are just misinformed and have an anger fueled by their own gov't that fears them learning the truth. I say good news because in todays world, it's hard to silence information from everyone, everywhere all the time.


Did I miss anything?


I agree with 99% of your posts I read. However on this subject I guess we will have to agree to diagree.


You have made several references to the rest of the worlds problems being:

Ignorance and lack of education

Belief of propaganda



and basically being surrounded by monsters.


I leave you with these thoughts:

-As of 2009 (latest data I could find) the US ranks 29th in reading, writing, and mathematic competency.

-Our presidents are elected by a college, not popular vote, and over half of the polical ad spending is done so by SPECIAL INTEREST.

-Measuring wealth in a net sense (assets-liabilities) the US is way down on the list. Measuring on an income basis we look good. We are a cash generating (and burning) machine

- We have the HIGHEST incarceration rate per capita of any country at .73% Almost one out of every 100 people is currently incarcerated.


Everyone has problems, and I believe we need to clean our own home before we bitch at the neighbors for their mess.

Edited by 2highpsi
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Are you referencing Darfur and Rwanda?


Let's look at Darfur:


Last I checked US and NATO forces are on the ground and supported there. We run their refugee camps, hand out food, etc...but their own people don't want us there. Hard to help those that say get the fuck out. They don't trust us because they think we are going to control them like the British did for years. Look at the involvement we had trying to help Chad help out in the region. Let me know what you find out. In the end, they don't want our help and are killing themselves. At least in the Middle East it was military vs military. In Africa it's mainly military vs non military.


Another reason...see my point about playing politics. Go ask China. They have the key interest and partnership with Sudan. Sudan doesn't want our help because they were asked to pay us by allowing us to direct their oil policy. Fair, we go to war for you, save your people and you pay us back with some political movements in our favor. Nope. Their choice, not ours. So again, ask China who is "getting paid" why they aren't arming them.


Again, we care, we asked, they said fuck off, we have to pick and choose our battles. Do we put our troops on the ground, thin our resources in an area where we have something going for us and people actually want us there to help or do we do the same with zero chance in hell of anything but a country saying fuck off?



Roll back to Rwanda in the 90's:


In the 90's...Bill Clinton. 'Nuf said. He was a fuck up as was his administration. I remember that time as I was in college and Warren Christopher made news then. Again, surround yourself with idiots and you get Clinton leading the way. NAFTA was another of his fuck ups but please let's not rile me up on that. Go vote democrat then cut your dick off if you do.




DArfur was not shit.....the world had to pay attention after what happend in Rwanda . We rushed into darfur and somolia faster then shit, because they knew what could happen again.

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