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Thursday morning at 3:00AM we were blessed to have our son Grant, come into our lives. At 7lbs 5oz, and 20.5" long, he has huge hands and feet.


Here are some pictures I took today. Not much sleep at all going on at home.













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Our dog has that same bed. :p


Congrats man, for real. :)


:lol: yeah we got that for our pup but she never used it. Grant loves it. I don't have much else to stage photos.. I am also not good at indoor photos, and my lens is not good for close shots like that.

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Congrats man. You will get sleep in a couple months. Didn't take our son Judah long before he started sleeping consistently. At 8mo now, he does down between 740-8 and wakes back up about 630-7.


this. work on the sleep schedual as soon as possible. mines 3 months old and she goes down around 10 pm and half the time my fiance is waking her up at 11 am lol

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Thanks everyone. Sadly at 7lbs (lost some weight after birth) newborn clothes are way too big for him. The buckeye clothes we got are 0-3 month. So we just shoved him in those for now. He came home on Saturday and "watched" his first buckeye game.
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