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I didn't really read all the comments. But I just wanted to add that you can't just give a new business 1 year. In 1 year you are getting your name out there and being known.


If you can't work I would put everything into that cake shop. Advertise, get more employees to make the cakes.


I personally have had 2 custom cakes made and I hand out at least 15 business cards to interested parents. And I will totally order more next year.


Like someone else said. There is a job for everyone. Sorry to hear times are getting tough. I was unemployed for 5.5 months, and I know how hard it is to find a job. Even with my Ase Certs.


I wish you and your family the best of luck, and I know you probably have heard it before. But, "everything happens for a reason". I Always shrugged it off. I could never find a good enough job to quit Toyota. So I get fired without cause and land a really good job, with higher pay than I wanted and benefits out of this world.

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Thanks Rocky/Steve your sentiments have been made by every customer I have met or heard from.


Now this opens another option. To give the shop a fighting chance we could either walk away from this home or attempt at selling it before the money just simply runs out. We then could either rent a cheaper home as zero verifiable income for 4 years doesnt give the bank assurance to give me another home loan even if I do sell this one. Or (my head already hurts considering this) moving the entire family in with the parents until something pans out. I would only consider this if our open enrollment school program allows them to still stay in our cities schools(I was moved in school, swore I would never do it to my kids).

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Not to swing on the Cake Shop's Nuts, The cakes she has made for us have been some of the best we have ever had. The Misses has taken them to work, and those who have devoured the remains have said the same.


I would put all of my eggs into THAT basket before giving up, and fucking things up sooner, rather then letting things run their course. One year is WAY too little to make a business profitable.


We have friends who bought an "ok" salon. It has taken them 6 years to hit black, and get back to having spare PERSONAL money and luxuries.




+1 Mom has taken cupcakes in for her doctors and nurses at the James and they all mug her wanting to know where to get more. I feel from that and what you say that you have reached the "next step" in that just like you took a leap of faith opening it you need to do it yet again and increase staff while doubling the advertising at the same time. That shop has money maker written all over it given a chance.

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As long as it takes for people to get kicked out of their house nowadays letting the mortgage go is an option because I'm the type of person to take the risk on the cake shop. When you do have to leave find an apartment in the school district.


On the other hand I'm not you, I only know from my life experiences how much things can suck. I spent a lot of time unemployed for no better reason then I couldn't get my shit together, at least your reason isn't really your doing. My wife had to work 2 jobs to keep us a float, and I will never stop feeling shitty about everything we went through, because it was my fault. Some people will never know what a great spouse is, I have one, and now when she's going through a tough time I get to at least stand by her.


My point is, my wife and I are a team. Don't you think sitting down with your wife and discussing the options and letting her make this decision is the right thing to do? You're obviously the one having a hard way, let her help you make the big choices. That's what I'd do, I'm sure that wouldn't work for everybody and I've never met her, but don't take it all on yourself.



edit: re-reading this doesn't make a lot of sense, hopefully my point comes across.

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My wife will gladly walk away from the shop if it comes down to it and I am sure she would feel bad about it. Me on the other hand, I promised her dad I would take care of her and try to give her everything she ever wants. That hasnt changed just because I was in an accident. I worked all those years so she could spend every available second with the kids and live enough of a stress free life to take care of what I needed. I gave up almost every dream, vehicle wish and everything I wanted for myself just to make her happy. My wife and I are completely opposites. Shes carefree and everything I ever wanted to be but always realized I couldnt. All this stress has changed that and I absolutely hate it. We are a team without a doubt and she will do whatever I ask but this is my cross to bear and until I am completely out of ideas or getting advice from you guys I will try to play this hand the best I can and maintain the steady course of trying to make it through this life clear to the end. Even if right now I dont know what those ideas are just yet.
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Are you in that cake shop with her all day? If your not better put an apron on and tell her to teach you how to bake/decorate cakes..... then you can be on call when it gets busy

It takes a patience and level of creativity that even after 10+ years of me attempting I still cant figure out. My brain works in a totally different way that what that takes, lol.

I would not advise you to get continued education. Taking on more loans for maybe just a small increase in pay is not worth it. A bachelors degree isn't shit anymore.


I will never take a loan. Only loan I have ever had was for my home everything else has been strictly cash. Not having any loans was the only reason we made it this far. What weight does an associates degree carry in todays market. I have heard its completely flooded right now with not only educated but experienced candidates.

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Are you in that cake shop with her all day? If your not better put an apron on and tell her to teach you how to bake/decorate cakes..... then you can be on call when it gets busy




I understand the creative side being lacking. Isnt there something you could do to help her thru the process. Preparing materials, cleaning, tasting icing something.


Setting appointments. Be a secretary. Gotta be something.

Stop being negative and find the positive.

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The way the shop goes there really isnt alot to do until its time to decorate. Closed sunday and monday. Tuesday mornings are for making the cupcakes for that day and wednesday then just waiting for the daily cupckake sells and trying to drum up business. Wednesday starts the baking which isnt more than mixing and waiting, cupcake sells and trying to drum up business. Thursday morning is more cupcakes which her friend does while she starts decorating and her friend works the counter, helps with cakes she can do. Friday is decorating and her friend and sister comes in as needed. Then saturdays are typically pick ups and whatever cupcake sells come in. The only way I could do anything is when I come in and clean and organize maybe some dishes but our son typically takes care of that stuff. The only difficult part of the actual bakery part is decorating. I could go there and learn but the second its assumed I am working there I get a nice little visit threatening 30 years in prison blah blah blah.
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Scott she is at about 95%(some weeks it seems like 115%) maximum and that varies by week including putting in hrs and hrs all for free thus far. There is a friend of hers that comes in on busy weeks but since the busy weeks offset the slow weeks still there isnt much by way to pay an employee on a weekly basis.


If you are at or near capacity, you may want to look into raising the rates to increase margins. Seems like demand is there, maybe slowly roll into some rate hikes at 3% a month. Good work is hard to find and almost anyone would pay a small premium for that. Just my .02

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Rates are increasing as word of mouth mutually increases. Unfortunately we couldnt start out charging the same as more well known more established shops. At the risk of alienating our core business which have been customers some for over a decade finding the "sweet spot" people are willing to pay is often challenging. Certainly our prices are lower right now than other similar shops and I feel it necessary as the business starts out but they cant and wont remain low forever. Thats not to say they are crazy low with the exception of the wedding cakes. Our wedding cake prices are from what I have been able to gather, very aggressive. Each week the word gets out there more and more and connections are made. As others have said sustaining itself in its infancy is not the norm for most business' so from that standpoint I couldnt be happier. The unfortunate part is the amount of time we can allot to see how well its capable of doing.
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I have my diploma, networking comes with a side of being able to bullshit somewhat. I am not good at that. I feel I am very calculated and often have most situations played out in my head before they happen. I rarely take risks without playing out possible scenarios. It doesnt always work out as planned but it has worked for me up until now hence seeking advice. I am fighting a govt agency with no real way to attack. You cant speak with anyone, you cant get answers, you are at their mercy.
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Really the only lucrative position that I can think of that doesn't require either A. Great social skills, B. physical labor, or C. being a genius... Is something in IT.


Personally I think you would be best to finish that Associates, preferably in Computer Science and you could find a decent paying IT gig where you could do most of your work at home.

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Like Mallard said and a few others. If she is at 95% and breaking even, something ain't right in the business plan.


I know 4 yrs ago you may have not thought you were going to be in this situation but if you were to go after a 4 year degree you could have had it by now. Yes that might involve getting some debt but ideally the degree would pay itself off. I know you said you hated going to school but do you hate more not being able to provide for the family?


I know you have a lot of feedback giving you a very ideal and 'romantic' if you will, idea of sticking with the cake business. I am going to go out on a ledge and say no. Maybe she can continue to develop her name part time, as more of a hobby than a business. At this point I would argue she has to get a job, specifically a job with benefits. The #1 reason for bankruptcy is health related costs and debt. Obviously you have some issues and you said she is starting to develop stuff. Considering 'her body' (not trying to be perverted) is the most valuable asset to your family at this point, as it will enable her to work and provide, this is the #1 priority. Continue the business on the side, maybe selecting the higher profile jobs with better exposure.


I'm not exactly sure what kind of pain and disability you are in, but would amputation eliminate the pain? Would it allow you to get back to work? You have to stop and consider extended use of pain medication can't be doing your body good. Try to think of your situation and your body objectively. If you had a car that was costing you more money than it was helping or was worth, would you get rid of it? There are so many options now for amputees to live a relatively normal life, it might be a very real option to help you.


Keep your head up.

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As much time as you've spent in this thread you could have helped your wife bake a cake she turned down because she didn't have enough help.


Seriously, keep the cake shop and invest all of your resources into it. I'm no business major, but I'd guess that simply staying afloat in Year 1 should be considered a success.


Never turn down another order. Ever. If you're doing that, then you're doing it wrong.


Don't give us this "my brain doesn't work the right way to make cakes." Do everything that your wife has to do that doesn't directly involve decorating a cake. Need the floor swept, honey? I'm on it. Need me to listen to some customer praddle on about how she'd like a cake that looks exactly like her deceased poodle Mr. Bogangles? I'm your man, babe.


When you need to hire someone, get creative with remuneration scenarios. Maybe something like this: "Look, this is a new company. I'll pay you x amount for every cake you make and I'll give you x percentage of the net profit of the company if you work for me for x amount of months and above." Plenty of people out there are looking for work. Hell, my mother-in-law loves to bake and would love a part-time gig. See how easy that was? You post about your business on CR and already you have people wondering about working for you.


In sum, keep the cake shop and if you need a cake delivery guy, give me a call - I have experience. Not lying. My first job involved working for Fourbakers in Bexley delivering wedding cakes.

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I am not allowed to work at the bakery besides protecting my investment. Even if I was a great decorator, unless I could turn that into making more than my allotted compensation I cant even be considered as "working" there. I do not get to choose when I return to work or school. One of my Dr.s has to sign off on my return anywhere or I risk losing any medical or financial benefits regarding my injury. They are in no hurry for me to return to any kind of situation where I could potentially cause further injury. I have been warned twice now and not in a so nice manner. My bank accounts have been subpoenaed each time I sell something and put the money in the bank. They have me by the short hairs.
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In sum, keep the cake shop and if you need a cake delivery guy, give me a call - I have experience. Not lying. My first job involved working for Fourbakers in Bexley delivering wedding cakes.


.....just pictured little Johnny's dad as he see's the birthday cake delivery guy rolling up to their house in gahanna in a pearl white S5 :gabe:

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Guy has a 66 chevy van painted like the mystery machine on craigslist. I would love to make that a delivery van. Who wouldnt want a bday cake or wedding cake delivered in the mystery machine? Plus I would just park it in front of the shop to draw attention from every kid and parent wanting to see a piece of their childhood. Couldnt get the guy to trade for nothing. I can see the ladies swoon when color me bad delivers their cake from a mystery machine. Edited by wnaplay
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I normally just lurk, but with all this talk about how great these cakes are I am interested in placing an order for 20 or so cupcakes for my employees. Didn't really see any pricing on the site pertaining to cupcakes though. PM me with some details. Would be happy to pick them up on a Tuesday or Wednesday to try and avoid stealing time from the cake baking/decorating.


IMO, I would stick with the cake business as well. If she is breaking even each month, and has 0 debt, she is doing better than many small businesses that are in their first year.

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