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like to mud? Got stucK? pictures here..


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This is of my little bro's 95 4.3 v6 s10 with tractor tires.. puddle to the left he went through.. then he let his buddy drive it.. Guy was trying to go around the puddle, he wasn't going fast enough.. truck bottomed out and he panic and floored it; to late for that. this is the result.. we tried 08 durmax, 08 f150, and a few other trucks in 3 days trying to get it out.. can't tell in the pictures but it was up a slope. It took a rodeo in 4L pulling keeping constant tension with about 9 solid 10-15mph yanks from my f150 in 4L to get it out. Didn't help his front tire's was flat. He also blew his truck up during pull out. Well that was my best muddling adventure this year..







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and to think, a winch would have solved the problem


winch...... Now where's the fun in that? .. I think a winch would of pulled there truck to his truck and there are no tree's within 40ish feet of this truck. Land is extremely fragile.. this was in my buddies little valley on his land south of grove city.. the mud hole there is starting to be known as the bottomless mud hole. You can see the area around the truck... The duramax about got stuck trying to pull him out with a 20ft chain.. Pictures was taken on day 3...

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what you would have done is tied off one vehicle to another until you got to something solid, and winched from the vehicle closest to whatever is stuck. Where's the fun in abandoning your truck for 3 days? Also, chains aren't so good for pulling out stuck vehicles. They tend to just remove bumpers. A snap strap will stretch for a bit, and when it hits the point where it can't stretch any more it will snap back, giving you a small boost for pulling the vehicle out. Works better and is less destructive. Chains are only good for anchoring to something.
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Define "Tractor tires" Since you can get 31inch tractor tires and 56inch. That S10 looks like a baby mudder. Anyways, My friends and I are all into 4wheeling/big mud trucks and we go many times a year to mudding events or just go on trails. The trucks we have range from just 6inch lifts with 35's to 12inch plus lifts with 60inch tractor tires and bigger along with blown 572 engines. I'll have to post up some pics from this year along with videos. We tend to get pretty crazy/sketchy after some beer is drank of course ;)
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I WISH we all carried picture phones back when we went mudding!


Had a good friend buy a brand new mid 90's Dodge Dakota V8 Sport 4x4 ext cab, and took it HARD mudding that weekend. :(


I had a 78 Chevy longbed, with NO lift and 40's. Sawzall to the rescue.

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none of us brought phones.. these photos was 3 days later... we went mudding that night.. he got stuck and told me his friend was coming to get him... so I went to my girls house... 3 days later he called me telling me no-one could get him out.. so had an idea for that..after we got it out the rod started to knock,, so he junked it.. idiot, instead of doing a 350 swap
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v6 was a terrible mud truck. didn't have enough power at all


Well it made through the mud hole once... We had some bad trucks get stuck there... Yes he needed a 350 swap but that little s10 with tractor tires went through some shit.. Light little truck with gobes of traction. With most cases power isn't the issue for muddin... It's momentume that gets you through it

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