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Considering the switch from Time Warner to WOW.

DTM Brian

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Joe aka Nitrous gave me the hook-up many years ago and I've never looked back. Pulls down full speed as advertised on internet and the HD quality is spectacular even up to our 65" Plasma or even in the theater/projector.


I'll be upgrading to Ultra soon. Just a matter of getting in touch with them.

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Tell Time Warner you are going to switch and they might work with you.



This is exactly what I did. She gave me the same promotion for turbo as a new customer for 12 months save me almost $20.00 a month.


So for those who have turbo rr from road runner. You should be able to get it for less then $50.00 a month. ( I do not have their cable service which is why I am paying this much for the internet.)

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Had it for 4ish years. Good prices... I'll give them that but service is spotty and never fixed quickly and they charge for the modem etc, $9/month I believe. I switched from TW for the savings and haven't switched back even with the issues if that says anything.
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I've had internet issues for the past 8 months or so. Probably 6-8 techs came out. my modem shuts off randomly. Sometimes every 5 minutes. All the lights go out except the Power and DS light. Then comes back on within a few seconds. Sucks when you're playing online games. I've had them out numerous times and they have replaced everything and it still happens. I went to call them the other day and was on hold for 50 minutes. Gave up.


DVR is slower than shit though. I've pulled the power and waited and put it back in and it seems to be better. Shrug. Nothing is perfect.


I guess WOW had a bad fiber cut somewhere and are still working on repairing it. From what I've heard. That's why the wait is so long.

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I had a problem with my Wow Internet connection last week, called, and on hold for an hour before I gave up. Just something to think about.


Yeah, they've been having some serious issues the last month or so with their customer service system. They did some big upgrade to their billing system and it screwed everything up. So now whenever you have a problem you either have to just wait it out or redial 8-10 times before getting through then sit on hold for at least a half hour.


Didn't have any problems with their service until the last month or so where we've had 2 relatively big issues (1-2 days of awful pixelation/HD channels missing and about a half day of the awful pixelation and our internet being slowed to a crawl) but I'm hoping they get their shit figured out soon.


Right now probably isn't the best time to make a switch to WOW though.

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We switched 2 months ago from time Warner. No regrets. There adding a lot of new features so updates are constantly being pushed when I'm trying to watch tv when I get of work in the early am hours. But I just click on later and let someone else do it
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